Her standing HP chains into itself. After you hit HP once, immediately hold 2, but Parasoul won’t crouch because she is still in the HP animation. Hit HP again, and she’ll do the second part of the move without crouching, then you can hit 8 and go for a Napalm Pillar. It’s not too hard, but it took me a bit of practice because this is my first charge character ever :S
Some stuff to get you started:
c.MK > f+HP, QCF+PP (only way to combo a normal to sniper super, can’t normally combo after)
Any ground string > s.HPx2, bf+MP xx QCF+PP, jump up forward, explosion hits, j.HK on the way down, s.LK x2 > any ground string (combo into sniper and continue after using OTG)
Any ground string > c.HP xx sj, j.MP > j.HP > j.HK, s.LK x2 > any ground string (launch then land opponent on feet using OTG)
Any ground string > c.HP xx sj, j.LP > j.MK > j.HK, s.LK x2 > any ground string (launch then land opponent on feet without OTG)
Pretty interesting to hear that. Thanks.
Thanks for those, I’ll start practicing those combos (and try to find my own lol).
Another thing is that she can get a nice corner combo going using Napalm Pillar to Motor Brigade.
[INDENT=1]j.HP (land) cr.LK cr.MK cr.HP j.MP j.FP (land) st.K st.K st.MK st.MK st.FP st.FP HK Napalm Pillar xx QCB+KKK, and then st.LP st.MP cr.HP j.LP j.LK j.MK j.FP[/INDENT]
Being able to relaunch after the Motor Brigade is pretty cool.
I have trouble getting the j.HK after the j.HP. Videos made it look so easy.
For a pretty basic combo, I really like j.HP>c.LK>c.MK>c.HP>j.LP>j.LK>j.HP>st.LKx2>st.MKx2>st.HKxxQCF+PP.
She’s my first charge character ever, so I haven’t really been able to knock out some tears mid combo or anything, but I’m working on it.
Should Parasoul also be this fun! I’mma have a bit of trouble narrowing down some characters to play even with this smallish roster.
What is the purpose of jumping MK?
You can hold it down to float down and jumping HK will kind of float you down and forward. These are especially nice against Peacocks that are trying to play keep away.
I made a little guide on how Parasoul works and I’ll post it here in a few.
I need some bnb air combos for her.
Here’s a little combo I came up with. Fairly easy, although it is most likely impractical. I have no idea if there is fuzzy guard in this game. If there is, then j.:mk: will most likely prove to be a ridiculously good way to open up people.
j.:hp:, (land), j.:mk:, j.:hp:, (land), cr.:hp:, (jump cancel forward), j.:mp:, j.:hp:, (land), cr.:mk:, st.:hk: xx :qcf:+:p::p: (4937 damage 1 char ratio)
Similary you can end with :qcb:+:p::p: (level 3) and get up to 7000+ damage if you get most/all hits. Timing is kind of hard, and this is really only worth it mid-screen.
Looking for staple combo after a throw midscreen, both back and front. Something that will work on small chars too.
Just a day 1 basic mixup, not sure how useful it will be in the long run but after using her launcher jump and throw an instant j.lp/lk and then j. back+lk gives you a nice cross up.
I haven’t finished extending this but in corner
Cr.lk,mk,hk xx qcb+lk, cr.mk,cr.hp ~ j.hp (delay so it puts them back into standing state) then I was trying for cr.mk cr.hp xx d, + hp but haven’t had time to find a combo after. I’ll make a vid when I figure it out.
Godlike j.1LK crossup move? drool
this got me wet
and here i thought i was going to hate the charging
Good news, fuzzy guard is in this game, and j.:hp: can set up for an instant overhead j.:mk:.
Who should I pair with her for the lamest, most abusive keepaway team possible?
Peacock I guess.