Well played peacock is a wall of projectiles, and cerebella with f. hp as an assist works really well with zoners… trust me.
Team SoulCock?
i think pea is the obvious answer so you should try her out
but i think double may be able to help you out too
i’m going to try and see how that turns out
Notation, please.
So is the Egret that comes out and shouts only used for stance cancelling?
Or does he serve some other sort of purpose?
whatever into c.hp j.mp-hp-hk V link (I just mash) mk mk hp hp 46mp 236PP dash forward c.hp j.lk-mk-hk land and mixup
I canceled the overhead kick with it so I can c.hp into the B&B.
Just found this little gem in the corner. If anyone can improve on it please do so (timing was killin me a bit but once you get it, you got it) :
Corner; j.HP, cr.LK, cr.MK, s.HK, cr.MK, cr.HP, sj, j.LK, j.MK (parachute float not Chun stomp), land, st.Hx2, Napalm Pillar HK, QCF+PP or QCF+KK
QCF+KK does 6073 Damage
QCF+PP does 6307 Damage
Edit:Oh wow sorry these are the Damage numbers in Triples (3 man team), not even sure if putting up damage is gonna matter much since everyone will be running all kinds of ratios, but nonetheless there they are.
If there’s any confusion for any reason, yes the character has to bounce off of the tier shot after you sj, j.LK, j.MK
[media=youtube]CMlfBHQBVLs[/media] I’m surprised I didn’t see this video up in this thread yet. I found it on facebook. :x
Ohh very nice vid… I’ll take some stuff from there
Wait, x360 version isn’t out… sorry dudes, let me get back to you guys tomorrow with the much needed info.
Man, that video was sick. I actually do a little bit of the stuff he did now, but I did learn some shit.
Get out.
So what are exactly the use of her tear shot? I saw in the video above that it seemed to lock the opponent in the corner, but I don’t think that’s all there is to them right?
Nah you can combo into them, I believe Mike Z even said tonight on WakeUpSRK that you can link into them, haven’t gotten that far yet though.
You can use them to set up counterhit setups, or extend combos. They explode when you hit them with certain normals, or when you do her charge down, up with either weak kick or medium kick.
Interesting to hear. I’m currently in the lab with Parasoul (actually trying to get her combos right). What combo do you guys do after a throw?
If you lk Soldier Call, you can do dash into any ground combo. Finish the ground combo with HK and its great for pushing an enemy into the corner. Pretty much always do her lk Soldier Call after a throw.
My fav:
Starts with you stuck in the corner (or if you throw someone into the corner).
Throw, lk Soldier Call, dash, st. lk, st. lk, st. mp, cr. HP x HK Pillar xx Motorcycle super (can use her level 3 instead, but not for full hits)
Thanks, I’ll try mastering your combo.
A few things I found out while messing around in training mode:
-You can do a combo starting with j.hp, j.hp. You just need to have a napalm shot explode between the two j.hp, it will give you enough time. Does awesome damages:
Napalm shot, j.hp, (napalm shot explode) j.hp, s.lk x2, s.mp, cr.hp, j.mp, j.hp, j.hk, s.mk x2, s.hp x2 xx MP napalm shot xx sniper shot, cr.hk. Does 6470 damages(Note: I’m using a 2 chars team). Seems to only work in corner and when you’re close to the guy midscreen.
-Sometimes cr.hp after j.hp, s.lk x2 s.mp will whiff because you’re too far away. I’d recommend dashing between j.hp, s.lkx2 to never miss the cr.hp.
-I was messing around with j.2mk in the corner and found out that you can call an assist during j.2mk, which is awesome to put pressure on.
I’ll continue messing around in the lab now.
I found a really interesting reset but due to the way the training mode works I’m not entirely sure its consistent (Since a human player will tech some combos, it seems).
J.HP (grounded enemy), cr.LK, cr.MK, cr. HP, j.LP, J.LK, J.HP, s.LKx2, s.MKx2, b+HPx2, Napalm Shot HP xx Dash xx Throw (Napalm Shot explodes as throw ends, comboing), (wait) QCF+PP ~> Another combo.
Timed properly, Silent Scope will ground them (They’ll go into their slow collapse animation) and you can continue to combo as though you had just hit with a naked Silent Scope. Only works in the corner, it seems, but midscreen you can do back throw -> Silent Scope -> DHC
Alright I got an awesome tidbit that will change your air game.
When Parasoul does a j. HP to an air’ed opponent, the result is a blue bounce (meaning techable knockdown). However, Parasoul is able to chain into her j. HP from either j. LP or j. LK. Since an air chain occurs, the result is now a pink bounce (untechable knockdown), get that st. lk ready for that OTG! If the opponent is in the air higher than you, use j. MP instead.
Hint: instead of waiting for the j. LK or j. LP to hit to press j. HP, just press j. HP right afterwards. If it hits, she swings down with her parasol. No hit, it leaves a pretty extended j. LP or j. LK out for stuffing.
Trying to get some better okizeme options going after a corner combo, but people’s wake-up rolls are pretty fast. Have you guys found any good setups for addressing this yet?