credit to revergelabs for the image and videos*

Few know the terrors of the Skullgirl as intimately as Parasoul does: seven years ago her own mother became the Skullgirl that nearly destroyed the world. This tragic past has made her fiercely protective of both her country and her family, and these two priorities frequently come into conflict.
Parasoul is now the crown princess of the Canopy Kingdom and leader of its elite military squad, the Black Egrets. Wielding the living umbrella, Krieg, she fights with grace, poise and cunning to defend her family honor and destroy the Skull Heart so no one can repeat her mother’s terrible mistake.
Likes: Logic, Wine, Chess, Fencing, Training, Tennis, Diplomacy
Philosophy, Black Egret Troops, Secretly watching "Annie: Girl of the Stars,'Her sister Umbrella
Dislikes:Overly emotional people, Relying on others,
Those who speak ill of her family, Injustice, The Medici Mafia, The Skullgirl, Her sister’s antics
Character Trailer:
Command Normals:
Pistol Whip:
High, can combo afterwards. Very good overhead to mix people up with.
Low, use in conjunction with Pistol Whip for mixup.
Overhead. Ground-bounces if grounded.
Spiral Flare:
(air) :lk:
Only hits as a crossup.
(air) :d::mk:
Tear Shot:
- :f: -:p:
:lp:shoots a tear straight and explodes.
:mp: shoots a tear diagonally
:hp: shoots a tear straight(faster also) and plants it where it lands.
Tear Toss:
:qcb:- :k:
Strength determines where tear lands.
Move can also be done in air.
Napalm Pillar:
:d: - :u:- :k:
(Heavy Quake will launch opponent, Quakes can also set off tears.)
Soldier Call:
- :f: -:k:
[]Motorcycle Soldier: Grabs opponent and drags to the corner of the screen, can lead to combos.
[]Bodyguard: Eats projectiles, even full super projectiles, does not eat normals, or beams.
[*]RC Soldier: Used as an Rapid Cancel, can continue combos
Sniper Shot: LvL1
A move that locks on to the opponet, and hits where ever they are.
Combo-able into, and out of.
If you are hit out of the animation mid-hyper, you can go into another SniperShot/Combo.
Recovery is VERY long. (Only use as a guaranteed punish or in a combo)
Motorcycle Gang: LvL.1
A group of Egret soldiers come out on motorcycles, and then run over the opponent.
Can OTG.
Soldier Shot: LvL. 3
Several Egret soldiers come out, and Parasoul+Soldiers shoot the opponent.
Does not scale. Only known to be combo’d into.
Assists of Choice:
Napalm Pillar as Parasoul’s assist seems to be the best so far, due to some invincibility and puts the opponent in a knockdown state to start a combo of your own.
More to come…