He did mention that if two moves hit on the exact same frame then you can block either one of them, so possibly it’s a one frame window for the unblockable protection?
unblockable protection is somewhere around 15 frames I think, I don’t remember the exact number.
Some stuff to help the OP:
-Tear shot is charge back, forward+punch
-tear toss is QCB+k
-lv3 has fully invincible startup
Lol, I kept reading that one part in her trailer as “Leader of the Cute” instead of “Leader of the Elite.”
one piece of info that is relevant to this is the charge time in this game. if i remember correctly its like 34 frames or something which translates to just over half a second. (someone correct me if im wrong!)
Yeah, it was 32 or 34 frames, don’t remember now. Those are just for Parasoul, though. Don’t know if these charge times are universal.
Cerebella’s run charge time is the same and IIRC it was 35 frames for all of them so far. They might have changed that by now but I dunno
“One of the other things the game engine outright prevents is high-low unblockables. In other games, if you are touched simultaneously by a high attack and a low attack, you can’t block both and the opponent gets a free hit… and the subsequent combo. In Skullgirls, if you are touched by an attack that forces you to block high or low, you are protected from any other object hitting high or low for about 12 frames, or 1/5th of a second –this means any 100% “human unblockable” setup will only be a 50/50, since you still have to block the first hit properly.”
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How the fuck did you get a hold of my phone?
Idk what you’re talking about
Sent from your phone…while you werent looking
Parasoul sounds like the type of person who says what’s on her mind. Wish she had a line where she said “Gee, it sure is boring around here…”. Yeah, taken from that crappy Phillips CD-i system.
-Tha Hindu
In the latest Parasoul walkthrough on GameTrailers.com Mike mentioned some updates to her game play:
[]she has the highest super jump
[]tears will no longer fly off the screen
[]jumping HK extends air time while super jumping
[]standing HK wall bounces
What is the move she uses for crossup after a reset?
Is there any way I can watch the video from an iPhone? it won’t load off of the GameTrailers site and I won’t be able to use a computer for another 2 days…
I have the HD video file but im not sure if that helps or not. I can upload to YT but it wont be till later
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That’d be awesome dude thanks. Parasoul’s Napalm Tears have WAAAAY too much Venom in them for me not to be hype (in fact, all the GG throwbacks are what made me start to follow this game in the first place, that and how ridiculously gorgeous everything looks).
Mike Z’s review of Ms Fortune was a great watch, so I’d love to hear him break down Parasoul too…
I love the way her tears control the screen. That and her normals are just too good, especially in the air.
Anyone got some combos for this character (I’m going to do this for each thread btw)?
I dont thin…looks at avatar
:lovin:Rule 34 of the internet never ceases to amaze me.
jumping back+lk.