Parasoul Thread: Target Down

Video deleted. GGs Viacom.

-Tha Hindu

I knew it would be. Anyone can PM me for the HD/SD file.

Leave it unlisted.

What do you mean?

Keep the video private so only those with the link can view it.

Do I have to re-upload it?

Sent from your phone

Not sure…

And what was sent from my phone?

Upload it back to youtube and just label the video something like MOV 13579203. Don’t post anything else in the title or description. That is one measure to prevent Viacom from finding the video. Try to upload it in 240p, I hear that YT will keep the 60fps in a video if it’s uploaded in 240p.

-Tha Hindu

New YT link

Taken down again. Seems like it’s not even being posted in the first place. Youtube has a system in place where it will prevent you from uploading videos from authors that are protected and such by comparing parts in the video with videos in their database. Just upload the video to mediafire and post the link.

-Tha Hindu

Eh, reminds me of the stupid Cinavia or w/e on PS3. It’s uploading on Mediafire but it’ll take awhile.

Megaupload HD link since MediaFire was taking years and messing up.

After finally get to play this character I can totally attest to what my friends (various animators) that worked on this game have told me.

She is very much a Chibi character. Her normals are pretty crazy, the orb placement are great for defense and offense, and well she’s dumb hot.

But she does take work in using properly. Many of the other characters you can sort of just jump into, but Parasoul needs some one on one time to be understood. I like that.

HEY-HEY-HEY! What was that? Moto-egret said something in the latest FNF! Did anyone hear what line it was?
And another two - did they got voices too already? Can someone from NYCC enlighten me please?

Yeah, I hear the Motor Egret soldier say “Got it” when he either came on screen or grabbed the opponent (I believe it was the grab). Exciting to say the least, now we know they are more than just some body guards next to her. Its a minor change, but it does speak volumes.

In a nutshell, I like it. The more I see her in action and come together, the more I want to main her. EGRETS ASSEMBLE!

Alright so first off Parasoul is GODLIKE

Second off, I see that there are no inputs for Tear Shot and Tear Toss.

Tear shot is a back - forward charge and the way that it moves relates to what button you press. Jab Tear Shot shoots it straight forward slowly. It will go off the screen if it doesn’t come in contact with anything, as with all the Tear Shots. Strong Tear Shot makes her shoot it diagonally down where it bounces off the floor and makes its’ way upward. Fierce Tear Shot is the same as Jab, except much faster. After coming in contact with the other character (hit or block), the tear stays planted on the screen wherever it hit, and explodes I’ll say about…2 or 3 seconds later. If you get hit, tears disappear.

Tear Toss is QCB+K I believe. This is an attack that simply tosses a tear to a point on the screen whose arc is determined by what strength kick button you press. This attack can be used in the air and plants tears on the floor, which makes it much different than Tear Shot.

Sniper Shot is sick, especially with motorcycle soldier.

MK+MP to get Kneesocks colors HNNG

I had a good amount of time with the game at SB, but i didn’t play Parasoul.
I’m kinda familiar with one combo, but i don’t know her normals well enough to post it.

I’ve gotta say that her combos felt kind of like the chain combos in Darkstalkers.

Also her crouching sweep is so so good.

There was some combo, which looked like a basic launch, into land combo, into (im assuming fierce-fierce) into tearshot then sniper.
And then after the sniper animation the tear would explode leading into extending the combo further. Was really cool.

They guy basically did that into her level 3, which using 4 meter seems ridiculous, but it was really cool and looked like it had some great applications.

At first, I thought her Tear Toss being QCB was stupid… until I realized that it makes shit easier to do my charge attacks afterwards.
I love you Mike Z.

Solo-Parasoul all day, baby.

That sounds dirty as hell