Was the sniper shot against grounded or airbourne? If its grounded then you can probably combo anyway because crumple. If it was airbourne that sounds really cool. Was it like a corner only thing if it was airbourne?
No it was on ground. He launched, air combo’d, ground combo’d into tear into sniper.
And then the tear shot OTG’d and he could combo again, and this was anywhere on screen.
Allright! Now time to lay down some RRRRRRRRUUUULLLLEEESSSS!
Played a bunch of Parasoul/Cerebella last night at WNF.
Some random stuff I can remember that I don’t think is on this thread:
-s.b+hk is an overhead (think ken), comes out sorta slow, but ground bounces
-Holding j.MK is float, she opens her umbrella and falls slower
- j.d+mk is a chun-li stomp, there’s supposed to be a loop with [j.d+mk, j.lk] and infinite detection starts after 3 reps of it, I only managed to get the loop started once and ended up stopping for after the 3rd rep so I didn’t get to see how the infinite detection works =/
-j.HK multi hits, and it felt like it stopped the horizontal momentum of your jump, so it kinda makes you jump arc weird (in a good way), I caught a few crossups with it, and it starts combos obviously
-She stops to call the soldiers for the motorcycle super, so while she’s calling they start coming out, if you hit her while she’s making the call it cuts off the soldiers. I did a few trades where I got hit by a jump in and only like 1 or 3 motorcycles come out. Also, It’s covered on a youtube clip, but the motorcycles can get hit and destroyed.
Only combos I really could come up with were simple ground darkstalkers-ey chains into c.hp, j.mk, j.hk. I could do lp tear shot, hp tear shot to detonate,sniper shot from full screen. Wasn’t paying attention to damage or anything but it combos haha.
Speaking of the tear shots, they feel like they give mad hit/block stun, maybe it’s cause I’m hitting with a normal, and then the tear explodes, but damn they’re so good for block strings. You absolutely do not need to strictly zone with her =)
I did a air throw reset in a corner and thought I was godlike but I don’t really remember how I did it, it was pretty straightforward though.
I messed with jab tear shot as an assist, but that quake move makes a lot more sense.
So who is the pink haired alt that Rithli used vs Master Chibi an homage to?
OMG! Cancel soldier says “Excuse me princess.” So godlike!
Megurine Luka
When I heard that shit, I went nuts.
^ I was gonna rag on you for gloatin’ , but I’d probably do the same.
Rewatching the last FNF @ 3:28 executes 3 tear tosses and one of them flys off screen. Mike said in a video that tear toss tears would stick at the edge of the screen and not go off screen.
Did that get changed or are they playing an old build?
Maybe he meant corners.
When he showed it in the video it worked away from the corner. It was the viewable screen edge.
extra little baby notes:
-not last night but last wnf (the build that added fortune’s voice and changed her head stuff) seemed to change that j.mk float to simply pressing j.MK, you don’t need to hold it. [S]be careful not to end a sweet air combo by opening your umbrella and just chilling, cause you can’t chain/cancel the float.[/S]
-that stuff about motorcycle super producing less bikes if you get hit during it applies to DHCs as well, obviously we’ll have to play with what you DHC into and when, but cancelling mad early gives you like 1 or 2 bikes lol. who knows, maybe having less motorcycles come out will lend itself to some crazy ass combo.
edit like a whole month later: omg i’m bad at this. you can totally cancel the float. in fact the restand everyone’s been trying is j.lp, j.mk, j.hk (land) s.lk, s.lk… =X
tear toss (qcb+k) will now keep throwing tears if you keep pressing K, you can change it up too, qcb+hk to throw one far, then press mk to shoot one mid screen, then lk and put one right in front of you. same in the air of course.
people with bad execution rejoice!
shot’s the same (except HP has more recovery I was told)
panic panic panic
how do you figure, sportsfan?
LOL I never read these threads, but they do stick at the edge of the screen. It’s not quite the EXACT edge because there’s overscan to deal with and camera zooming so it may be behind them a bit, but it doesn’t just disappear and never explode.
Nah, just playing a fool, sorry.
Is “sportsfan” a swear? =]
nah a way to say “u trollin?” that i jacked from a really old episode of family guy
at least i thinks that what it was, you get the point >_>
I just noticed that she doesn’t have a European accent, I am greatly disappointed.