I want to run Parasoul solo. Love charge characters and she looks like she can hang on her own.
She. Is. A reigning. Monarch. How the hell can she have an accent in her own country? >_<
Maybe because I thought Canopy was a European inspired kingdom.
I apologize if its to hard to understand that I haven’t heard anyone else revealed to be from canopy speak with an American accent, and the Egrets voices are muffled so I can barely even make out what they are saying.
I didn’t assume every character in this game is from Canopy.
Because different English speaking countries can sound very different.
It isn’t English. It’s English translation of Canopian. And all characters are Canopians unless they weren’t born AND raised in some other country. But bios implying that they weren’t.
sniper shot loops: they work on ms. fortune!
More details please.
??? x s.HP, s.HP, MP shot, sniper, j.HK, s.LK, s.LK, s.MK, s.HP, s.HP, MP shot, sniper
you’ll know it when you see it
Please keep this thread limited to posts, questions, and strategies concerning Parasoul. General questions about things like release dates go in the Q&A thread.
Thing like asking about release dates go nowhere.
If Parasoul got multiple opponents in a BOGO, can **Silent Scope **hit both opponents in the scope or does it just lock on the point character?
Shit would be mad godlike if it hit multiple characters.****
Only locks on the point character.
Can’t tell you for sure if it’s a “piercing” bullet and hits two point+assist if they’re right on top of each other. I’m usually never right about extraordinary stuff like that =(
Yeah, I really hope it pierces like an actual sniper rifle.
Yeah, it can hit multiple characters. I saw it on a video where Parasoul hit two characters, killing one.
Please tell me if it was in a FNF, so I can easily look for it.
Ugh, I was frustrated with myself last night as I tried to find the video.
i like the sound of this
so watching her vid got me kind of wet
i have a question about the pillar, is it like viper’s hammer where she can release it at different locations or is it just up close as it was displayed in the video?
sorry if i missed it in the thread i skimmed over it and thought i didn’t see any mention of it
Up close as it was shown in the video.
Lordy if she could do that across the whole screen I’d constantly be playing the game with a hard on
That’s why I feel it will be a great assist. Being able to control a move like that in different locations as an assist will be hot.
To me she seems to be the more interesting character of the cast gameplay wise, I’ll get her teamed up with Filia and make team kneesocks.