Does her j.HP have some kind of special property? I’m too new to FGs to put it into correct terms. I’ll just describe it.
If you jump in with j.HP to start your combo they will be able to tech as soon as they land from the 2nd j.HP after the launcher. This only seems to happen if j.HP is ever used twice in a combo.
Yeah, you’re right. Using it twice allows them to recover quicker. It’s typically better in my experience to start with j.HK, but j.HP has a great amount of priority and causes a hard knockdown when used air to air.
i think when it hits someone in a standing state it just puts you in extreme frame advantage and on block, you’re still at enough of an advantage to dash forward and grab.
There was some loop, but I can’t remember it exactly (I think its all about Cerecopter). I know that Air-to-air j.HP, cr.LK, cr.MK, b+HK, b+HK xx f+MP works fine.
I don’t know if they were recording it, but KenMastersX is the guy I was playing (he came in second in the SkullGirls tourny at Texas Showdown). He might have used the combo during that match. Can’t remember what the loop was because I tried my best not to let him get me in it during out casual matches (all of our really close matches were the ones where I did my best not to let him do it, haha.)
Yeah I played a lot of matches against Stone in casuals (because he sits down and only a couple people at the venue could beat him so he never gets up). Parasoul is my first time playing a charge character so I was having a little trouble getting used to the charge cancels. I got to see a lot of her tricks by watching Stone play, especially with that Cerecopter assist.
I don’t know though. I feel like j.HP does work as long as the first one comes BEFORE they are put into float state, you can’t use it twice in a combo as an air-to-air because they’ll recover from the second hard knockdown. Just like you can’t use cr. HP twice without a reset, they’ll just tech out of the second half way through the launch. I’ll have to test it tomorrow. Most of the match, KenMastersX and I were exchanging j.HP’s for our combos and I was using a lot more j.HK’s than he was.
It’s pretty funny when you both j.HP at the same time and trade. One of my friends was curious as to why it doesn’t just have the infinite detection to break the loop instead of giving the moves those properties. Maybe she would just deal entirely way too much damage before the burst becomes available with those loops.
Yeah. Most loops are breakable if you know what to do, though. Painwheel has 2-3 different flight loops, you can grab out of one, tech out of another, and the last one… I can’t remember what I did to get out of it. The game is that she gets another cycle if you guess wrong which loop she’s doing.
Thanks for posting this. I still think on counter hit it causes a regular knock down. I swear I was getting combos off of some of those air-to-air J.HPs.
Played her for like 30 minutes in the trial version(go to the tutorials to play as her in trial version), and I gotta say she got lots of crazy mix-ups. Besides using Spiral Flare, her jumping :mk: does instant overheads on standing opponents and while coming down you still have a lot of options to pick from.
Also, her combos are insane. I got to like 23 hits without using any Blockbusters. I’m pretty sure I could get some more hits in too.
This is a combo I’ve been using for the past…hour lol (it’s weird, the game is so young, but it doesn’t feel like it is!):
j.HP, cr.LK, cr.MK, cr.HP, j.LP/LK (depends on the character, for example LP is easier on Peacock, but LK seems easier on Ms. Fortune), j.HP, j.HK, st.LK, st.LK, st.MP, st.HP, st.HP, Napalm Pillar H, Sniper Shot Super.
I’m sure it’s no where near optimized, but it’s a nice place to start.
Sounds pretty nice, except there’s something bugging me.
How do you charge Napalm Pillar H while doing standing attacks? NP H is a 28 charge motion. Otherwise thanks :D.