[corner, peacock, uses otg] Napalm Shot (HP) LP-LP MK-MK Napalm Shot (MP) tag
[corner, peacock and double] b+HK qcb+LK LP-LP MK-MK HK tag
[midscreenish, double, uses otg] b+HK Egret (HK) any otg normal tag, if it reaches corner, you should be able to combo before they hit the ground
I think there should be more, I just haven’t found them quite yet.
Can anyone explain the mechanic behind tear toss placement? My guess is it’s something to do with holding the button down, but I can’t seem to get it consistently.
Its very weird, it is what emuchu says it is, but the timing can be tricky especially if you want to like set a lk tear right in front of you instead of on the ground… I experimented with tear holds when the game first came out
Im still pretty meh on the whole thing… But im sure that someone somehow someday will find a good use for tear holds in like a combo or something.
After playing with it, it is also limited horizontally by the screen, so at midscreen, if you want to get the MK version to go to the ground after a b+HK for example, you need to move the screen by hitting the opponent.
sup guys, I just wanted to ask if someone could hook me up with a simple parasoul combo ending in a super, midscreen. Just messing with the characters in training room and decided that i wanted to learn some combos. Much appreciated.
I have, like, a whole thread on Parasoul comboing, if you want to look at that. Also, the patch supposedly drops tomorrow for PS3, so you might want to wait on learning any fancy combos, for now. If you’re waiting for Xbox to drop, though, I’ll drop you a simple one. This is what I started playing Parasoul with, before I learned Napalm Loops and fancy restands, and works on the entire cast most of the time:
Now, the important learning part of this combo is getting used to dashing just as you hit the ground after the j.HP, to make sure the s.LP hits deep. It’s not too important for this combo, but it’ll be something you do for most of her more complex ones.
Here’s one with a simple Napalm Loop. Napalm Loops have much stricter timing in the corner, but Midscreen, the link is easy-peasy and well worth learning.
It’s not exactly optimized or anything, but all this should still be valid post-patch, too. Go check out my thread for some more complex stuff, but remember that everything is changing in the update.
Why isn’t anyone talking about Parasoul? I’m rocking the new Palette #13, it’s pretty slick. Her combo changes aren’t so bad, so far, I just have to learn to substitute s.MP for s.MK for most of my chains, so I have something to OTG with in the end. It’s boning up the flow of ALL MY COMBOS, since I’m used to the sound of s.MK~MK in every ground string, but I’ll get used to it.
What I’m really curious about is whether my combos are gonna work on Bella and Double, 'cause whiffing in those matchups wrecks me more often than I want to admit. I have to wait 'til later to try 'em, though.
Maybe they’re still in, but as of now, my best Para > Bella Sequel corner combo barely breaks 12,000–just marginally more profitable than my Bella corner combo.
Definetly feeling that scaling to tear explosions, can’t TOD with two bars anymore. But one reset with two bars is death, so no biggie. Been using the scope more early in my combos lately to get in big damage before a reset.
Also DHCing more frequently into cat heads since I can get easy big damage offing barrel lops still.
I’m interested in the combos you guys are using against Cerebella / Double. The most reliable aerial loop is j.MP j.HP j.HK, which doesn’t work on those two. Fiddling around, I can get an instant j.LP j.MK j.HP to restand Double, but I can’t do a damn thing to Cerebella. It’s driving me insane!
Since Parasoul was my second character that I picked up, it was pretty challenging at first. With her being a charge character and all.
I would start just getting comfortable with her specials and what not.
Look at some other people, learn some B&Bs, and what not.
When I learn a character, it usually plays out like this:
B&Bs -> Resets -> Neutral game -> ??? -> Profit.
B&Bs and resets take some practice, and neutral game tends to develop the more you play, and get comfortable with matchups.
When you start with Parasoul, get comfortable with always charging a move anytime you’re doing anything basically. Unless you’re expecting a bait/throw, charge a napalm pillar. In a combo, always be charging a napalm shot, etc.
After that you can start learning your combos.
Once those are down, start exploring her command normals. She has TONS, and they are all very useful, and a lot of them play into resets.