Why isn’t anyone talking about Parasoul? I’m rocking the new Palette #13 , it’s pretty slick. Her combo changes aren’t so bad, so far, I just have to learn to substitute s.MP for s.MK for most of my chains, so I have something to OTG with in the end. It’s boning up the flow of ALL MY COMBOS, since I’m used to the sound of s.MK~MK in every ground string, but I’ll get used to it.
What I’m really curious about is whether my combos are gonna work on Bella and Double, 'cause whiffing in those matchups wrecks me more often than I want to admit. I have to wait 'til later to try 'em, though.
Current combos:
(f.LP/c.LK) s.MK~MK s.HP~HP LPShot
s.LP s.MP [Tear] b.HK LKEgret
dash-s.LK~LK s.MP c.HP j.LK j.MK j.HP (otg)
c.MK (c.HP j.LP j.LK j.MP into shenanigans), else (s.HP~HP HPShot xx SilentScope)
(f.LP/c.LK) s.MK~MK s.HP~HP [MK Bomber] HKEgret
s.MK c.HP j.MP j.HP j.HK
s.LK~LK s.MK~MK s.HP~HP LPShot
s.LP s.MK~MK s.HK LKToss [Tear]
j.LK j.HP [Tear]
j.MK j.HP
s.MP s.HP~HP MPShot xx SilentScope xx Sequel
I have to say, the new combos feel weird, but… when I think to myself that we’re losing ToD’s, and that the new combos are shorter, it feels alright.
With this character, am I supposed to hit them before they otg with the back roundhouse? (for midscreen)?
Am I correct?
Yoooo this also works with pw raw tag and you can usually do it without having to otg. Kill combos weeeee
I remember hearing somewhere that painwheel’s tag in is techable, so I haven’t been counting setups into it till I can verify it.
February 6, 2013, 9:58pm
Yeah it definitely is which is why i dont use the easy tech combo i came up with which is lp shot,stlp,st.mp xx tag
Works midscreen and painwheel could get a full throw combo pre patch iirc… But techable is completely booboo
Also ive started experimenting with holding j.mk variations… Looks really nice and tricky.
Yeah it is techable. You can just mash tech and you’ll get out of it. Unfortunate, but it would certainly be worth the low risk if it’s a situation where you need to get parasoul out of there