Those colors are Parasoul’s DLC colours, which are being offered as a pre-order incentive from one of the online outlets. They will show up on console as regular DLC.
The first color set is Megurine Luka, the second Vocaloid after Hatsune Miku. I’d rep this color every day forever, I’ve been looking for a color with knee-socks (besides Kneesocks, haha).
The second palette has to be Kula from King of Fighters. I’ll agree that color three is Jessica Rabbit, but color four has me stumped.
Also! I recall Mike Z. saying we get a few palettes for free when the patch finally rolls around.
Can Parasoul wake-up H Napalm Pillar into an assist call to make it safer vs a point character?
You can’t call for Assists while in hit or block stun, or while using special attacks. Most people will cancel Napalm Pillar into Motor Brigade to make it safe, but Pillar is occasionally unreliable as a reversal since you can’t mash it and you have to predict your opponent’s resets. It’s handy against obvious wakeup pressure, though.
Another option, if you have the Tension to spare, is to reversal a Silent Scope and either trade hits or Sequel into a Showstopper or Catellites or whatever.
I worded that poorly. What I meant to ask is, can you wake-up Napalm Pillar AND assist call at the same time, or is there some window when you can’t call an assist after wake-up? You know how you can do a special input + assist call and you get a special move + assist? That’s what I’m talking about.
I jumped into the lab to test this out, and it looks like there is indeed a brief window of time upon wake up where you can’t use your assists.
I tested it as Parasoul with MK Bomber assist, against Filia with Cerecopter assist. I had a friend hit Filia’s 2HK and call Cerecopter on my wake up. I inputted a reversal Napalm Pillar as 2_8MP+HK, which in neutral will call assist and perform Pillar at the same time, but against the meaty oki, only Pillar comes out.
Also! I seem to be wrong about waking up with a super. None of Parasoul’s Blockbusters have invulnerable startup… they don’t even get a super-flash.
Level 3 has invul start-up, iirc.
Okay, after some additional empirical testing, I get the following:
Reversal Blockbusters vs. oki Cerecopter:
Silent Scope (236PP) : No invulnerable startup. Doesn’t even super-flash.
Motor Brigade (236KK) : Invulnerable to the super-flash, summons 1 or 2 bikes before getting hit.
Inferno Brigade (214PP) : Eats Cerecopter alive
Thanks, view619! It’s a little embarrassing that I didn’t know this stuff. What’s odd, though, is that I’m still unsure of the proper reversal timing: I can pull a reversal Napalm Pillar, no problem, but I have to resort to mashing to get out the Blockbuster reversals. It’s weeeird.
Quick question on a combo starter guys: i have a parasoul/painwheel combo starter and i want to see if its possible to optimize it further… Looking for your guys help… The only thing that isnt takeoutable is the painwheel assist… Which is her 4 hit,, st.hpx2 xx mp shot +assist,j.hp, land,j.hp, land,,,st.hpx2 xx lp shot,st.lp,, xx recovery soldier, dash st.lkx2,,st.hpx2 xx mp shot xx sniper super… Into other stuff
Is there any way to make the combo hit harder before the super?
Does 5168 currently after the last tear otgs… is doable midscreen but i dont know if it works against crouchers as its still a training mode combo…
6LP/2LK 2MK HP HP 4_6MP [Painwheel 2MP]
j.HP (land)
j.MK j.HP
66 LK LK MK HP HP 4_6MP 236PP
Okay, I think I’ve translated your combo properly. Here’s what I think:
Firstly, it doesn’t look crouch-proof. LP Napalm Shot will whiff over crouching Valentine and Painwheel (I think), so if you plan to use Napalm loops, I’d advise using a launch-to-restand to start with so you have a standing opponent to Tear loop on.
Second, Parasoul has quite a few air-combo options, even midscreen, so you’re missing out on a bit of damage if you don’t use them. j.HP has a lot of hitstun, so you can squeeze in a medium into launcher or whatever.
Anyway, I went and squeezed in a few additional loops into your combo, and ended up with something like this (changes in bold):
6LP/2LK 2MK HP HP 4_6MP [Painwheel 2MP]
j.HP (land)
j.MK j.HP
6MP 2HP j.MP j.HP j.HK (restand)
66 LK LK MK MK HP HP 4_6MP 236PP
The (2HP) j.MP j.HP j.HK bit doesn’t work on Double and Cerebella, so it has to be replaced with (2HP) j.LK j.MK j.HP, but you get the idea.
Another note is that you haven’t used 2LP in this combo, yet, so you can squeeze in even more Napalm Shot tomfoolery, or use the 2LP in place of the LK so you can pick up after the 236PP.
6LP/2LK 2MK HP HP 4_6MP [Painwheel 2MP]
j.HP (land)
j.MK j.HP
6MP 2HP j.MP j.HP j.HK (restand)
As a final note, it’s usually not advisable to end a Parasoul combo with Silent Scope unless you’re either picking up with an otg attack (which this combo has consumed all our options for) or planning a Sequel combo, since the damage on it is so crummy, so you can actually end the combo at the last Napalm Shot, or go for some reset shenanigans or whatever.
Thanks for the reply man, however here are some small general suggestions: if you ate going to post on srk… You should get used to posting in english notation… I know its a bitch but its what this site uses… When i post on dustloop i use numerical notation… When in rome… Its no use arguing it either, there are benefits to both notations as well as drawbacks… I just think thatif you insist on numerical notation here that people arent going to like it… Just like if i were to use qcf notation on DL everyone would be up in arms…
For instance qcf notation is my native notation, i can use numerical notation and read it… But i have to translate them in my head to english notation. It doesnt stop me from going to DL to find combos and strats for certain games though.
And the last thing i would say, though its just an opinion is that resets in this game at least sime of them arent shenanigans/tricks…when you list them that way it seems like you are making them out to be one off things that will only work once or until the opponent figures them out then will never work again… But most every reset i use with painwheel is a tru 50/50 until my opponent starts to reversal out of them and then they become 33/33/33 but with an extreme advantage for me in general.
For instance my most used reset with painwheel can also be used with parasoul:
St.lp > throw or
St.lp > deleayed chain into for pw or for parasoul… Its a complete 50/50 if the opponent doesnt attempt a reversal. Thats not shenanigans, its a reset mixup as it has multiple paths and no one defense can stop it.
Now a throw reset that has no mixup would definitely be shenanigans… Something like comboing into painwheels tag which is a techable hit throw… Thats shenanigans as there is no real mixup that i know of besides trying to bait the tech mash with a burst bait (if they are mashing tech or super during an anticipated reset they will inadvertently burst instead if you purposefully caused ips to trigger)
But yeah, anywho thanks for the combo tips im going to go into t-mode and start grinding them and see how i like them but they definitely look good, thansk man, i appreciate it
-edit, also i like how in your second combo you use the cr.lp towards the end of the combo… It allows that low/throw 50/50 i was talking about as parasoul doesnt really have it off of her st.lp since its so much slower recovering than the cr.lp…
So, good stuff, just wish lk egret werent in it before the cr.lp as it means that i cant use it on a successful throw reset… But thats kinda meh anyways since i can just cancel into super and go into full combo off of that and then have egret ready should i need to do another throw reset… LOL
I apologize if I sounded like I was disrespecting resets; resets are my favorite things, ever, and I personally throw them around like candy. I know how powerful they are when intelligently mixed up! As for using SRK notation, I apologize for that, as well, I’ll start posing in the accepted way next time.
Anyhow, if you don’t like using Egret Call in the combo, that can be edited out pretty easily. You can replace the st.LP st.MP (Tear) Egret Call with, say, another launcher into air-combo, such as (cr.HP) j.LP j.MK j.HK (restand), or you could move the Egret Call loop earlier in the combo to allow the Egret’s timer to reset before the, uh, reset. I’ll play around with the combo placement when I get home, since typing combos on a phone is a royal pain, but I can’t actually test anything for a couple days while I’m on vacation.
As an aside, what’s the accepted notation for charge attacks? Would it be b(charge)fLP, or can I abbreviate that as b_fLP? Also Parasoul’s jumping command normals, I was never sure how American notation handles those.
Here’s something sick I just found recently
During the normal double tear rejump loops in the corner do two jump hks to bait the burst, block, alpha counter into double assist (it punishes)
Could you elaborate on the command a bit more? I’ve been looking for some burst bait stuff.
What you said sounds something like:
… s.HP s.HP LP Shot
s.LP s.MK~MK LP Shot [burst x2]
j.HK (land)
Or something? It sounds like it resets on the second j.HK (right before landing?), but I’m still iffy on what you mean by “normal double tear rejump”.
Haha no worries man.
The general way to notate charge aatacks in english notation is to simply call it by the move name… Ie
Lk egret, mk egret, hk egret… Mp shot, etc…
Guile notation would be lp boom… Or just boom/sonic boom if strength doesnt matter Haha.
Also in english notation its generally accepted to go by the characters forum names… Like calling hk egret “bike” and lk egret “cancelman”
And to use abbreviations wherever possible like in peacock forums shadow of impending doom is SID, georges day out is GDO etc though calling lk,mk,bomb… Works as well… English notation uses alot of slang.
I’ll try and figure out the notation, but I don’t think I’ll be using too many abbreviations; they confuse me!
Anyhow, for your combo:
s.fLP/c.LK c.MK s.HP~HP MPShot [Painwheel c.MP]
j.HP [burst] (land)
j.MK j.HP
s.fMP c.HP j.MP j.HP j.HK (restand)
c.LK s.MK~MK s.HP~HP LPShot
s.LP s.MP [burst]
(dash) c.MK c.HP j.LK j.MK j.HP (restand)
s.LK~LK s.MK~MK s.HP~HP LPShot
c.LP s.MK~MK s.HP~HP MPShot xx SilentScope
Okay, so this variant does away with any Egret Calls so you can save it for the reset, and actually ends up sticking in another section, haha. Again, I can’t test this at the moment, but it looks good and has a good chance to corner-carry. The (c.HP) j.LK j.MK j.HP restand is a bit difficult for me, especially with online lag, so it might serve you better to skip that whole bolded line and just dash-s.LK after the Tear explodes.
Another note, for real optimization enthusiasts, is that I didn’t use c.MP at any point in the combo. If your timing is sharper than mine, you can link c.MP after the j.LK j.MK j.HP restand, and save the LK for an OTG after Silent Scope… or you can just OTG with c.MP, I suppose.
And, PS, I get back to the States in two days! I can’t wait to play again; I challenge all of you guys.
*… *except you European fellows, you guys still break my game (and you Xbox guys… have Xbox’s).
VERY nice, dude, thanks a bunch. I dont know if im going to stick with that bnb though, ive found in my games that opponents are pushblocking the firs or second hit of my starter string which makes it useless… Or i simply dont have a pw assist available cause i use j.hp+assist as a starter so much… Also unfortunately, sigh… The j.hp,,j.hp extension misses on crouchers… Thats 3 different weaknesses as far as im concerned. I like to keep my starters as thought free as possible cause less thought = moar cheap… I like cheap.
Lol, haha, but its all good, i do go for the pw extension as much as possible and when i do, i think i will be using your combo provided it works, which it looks like it will… Not having cancelman in it, while also having a close cr.lp… Is quite juicy for my playstyle.
Oh yeah and a couple more things, when you notate parasouls f+ lp overhead, there isnt any need to put s in front to designate standing.
Now you dont have to use this notation that i use, but when doing english notation what i generally do is designate crouching attacks with cr. close attacks with cl. Standing attacks with st.
Havent had many problems at all with that format, so maybe you will like it as well, maybe not.
Also, i havent found any real reason to capitilize in my combos… As far as necessity is concerned. Though, of course capitilization looks more “professional” and polished, these being forums, personally i care much more about the information that is conveyed than the format its in
Cheers bro and nice write up in that zoning thread.
Well, I’m probably going to capitalize buttons regardless, since I like the way it looks. As for using st. cr. cl. over s. anc c., only Street Fighter and Guilty Gear have near/far variance in normal attacks, as far as I know, so I’ll just save the extra letter 'til I end up in the SF forums, haha. But thanks for the forward bit–would that make it f.LP, or just fLP? The f.LP one looks more consistent, so I’ll probably stick with that.
As for people push-blocking your combos, the way I use Cerecopter (which works more-or-less the same way) is as a trapping assist. Try dashing or jumping Parasoul forward and throwing out Cruel Lily assist (c.MP) the moment you confirm contact with your opponent. If it’s a hit, great, go combo. If it’s blocked, you have a four-hit window during the assist where they can’t push-block you, and you can go for high/low/throw/crossover mixup.
Oh, and for the zoning write-up… I simply HAD to write it. In SFIV, I played Abel / Gief / Makoto against all those damnable Akumas, and in Blazblue, I rep Tager, even in Calamity Trigger when Nu-13 was total bullshit against *everyone, *let alone a rumbling titan style grappler. I relate, dood.
The corner tear loop i was talking about is…light normal ,medium normal, hphp, tear shot , light normal, mk, tear shot, jump normal, repeat.
So that setup is doing two jump hks as the jump normal in the loop on purpose to bait the burst, and then alpha countering after you block the burst. There aren’t that many ways to actually PUNISH a burst on block (they recover too fast) but I believe this setup actually is one because I did it multiple times in a set I was playing and he never managed to block it. Alpha counter is underused overall it’s damn good in this game
And mk bomber is better for ever Haracter besides peacock because you can basically always confirm off it up close. HK pushes.too far