The synergy is amazing.
You have two safe DHCs until the order resets itself, and even then you no matter what the order you have that silly dhc setup into bellas grab from either sniper shot or cat heads, and at any time your point character has two extremely useful assists that work well with that character, particularly Nazi with the Double/copter.
Its exactly like severin’s team, only i prefer clown first because you can turtle a whole bunch due to the assists you have backing her up (i find i can learn a lot about my opponent early on this way), due decent damage in small amounts, and once you have 2 meters, its a free safe dhc as long as you are smart about it.
I switch it up. With Cerecopter you can use it to cover your fireball game and if they get put in blockstun it’s simple to dash in and mix them up or dash away for more fireballs. I’m the same with Parasoul’s combos; my main trouble is that Val/Filia and I would guess some other characters make my short bnb whiff while crouching.
14k variation on that one from overhead, I’ll see if I can record this soon. Works on everybody but bella/double, double super not possible on parasoul
: (
I will allow this, only because i didn’t usually add j.lp x x after that tear explosion in the air. So i did sort of steal it from you hahaha
Yea zoning is legit strategy as well, imo parasouls keepaway is better than peacock.
im currently trying this team out, what assists are you using?
to anyone else, is there any vid of good “defensive” parasouls? ive checked out atacos para and she seems good but is another one of those “own if i get first hit, get owned if my opponent gets first hit” characters. trying to find some ideal ways to zone with her besides the obvious hp shots done from fullscreen.
the only other thing im looking for is a hitconfirm where no parts are duckable that leaves parasoul at an advantage, or even. closest things ive found are,,st.hp (2) xx LP tear shot… unfortunately some characters duck the tear drop on crouch block making it useless.
the other one is the same starter then cancel into lk egret, of course that leaves me with bad options after grabs and whatnot, plus isnt always available.
are there any things that are better? do i have to use an assist?
Her zoning is matchup specific. These are my thoughts on it so far.
-Against Cerebella you need to put out motorbikes when they’re ready to run in, then use that to hit them with shots either in the air or on the ground and if it doesn’t whiff you can get another shot for free usually, then repeat with the bike.
-Against Painwheel you can almost use napalm shots exclusively as long as you read jumps correctly.
-Valentine you have to be careful of random supers or fatal bypasses, so putting them in block with the bike or a plain napalm toss or an assist is best to make the first and second napalm shots safe.
-Filia is a bit of a pain since she can duck horizontal shots, and slide through motorbikes then cancel to hairball to punish if she’s close enough, I think gregor samson also goes through shots, I tend to use napalm shots to discourage IAD approaches, then the bike to either force block or the slide, I don’t usually get a punish on the slide but it should be possible maybe with super.
-Against other parasouls, whoever has a tear placed has the advantage, so using bikes to put them in block or force a jump works, as does using napalm toss then waiting till it explodes naturally
-Against peacock the momentum can shift a lot. Her garbage day discourages shots, but motorbike forces her to stop throwing stuff. Item drop and tears basically fulfill the same purpose so it’s a race to put the other person in blockstun, then press the advantage until they get enough space to do something, backing off, then racing to put them in blockstun again.
As for the hitconfirm, would f+LP f+MP c.HP egret cancel work?
good stuff aof, thanks for that. im thinking that i may have to change my assist to hk bomber in order to use defensive para… lk bomber while awesome for painwheel and offensive para, doesnt really give parasoul what she needs which is TIME. time to throw out some tears time to setup a tear shot time to setup a bike etc.
thats probably my biggest problem with projectile based zoning in this game, its all a bit like dr.strange were its great if he has time to setup his BS, but without that time, hes basically is useless as a zoner/teleport mixup character.
i want to start using triple and double tears in my neutral game, but im having a hard go to find ways to implement them that i think would actualy work, whereas with peacock i basically have an “infinite garbage loop” most good projectile zoning is loop based only it doesnt combo… its all patterns. umvc3 morrigan being the prototypical character… its all one big pattern being slightly adjusted… i think parasoul probably has something like this, we just need to find it. think like gg venom.
im not looking for some zoning that can be done indefinitely just enough to try and intelligently setup a high/low/throw mixup via lockdown assist. i truly think that is the way she is designed to play, but god if it aint hard to figure out… im also thinking that maybe perhaps bike on hit shouldnt be used to ALWAYS try and go for combo but instead to setup a bunch of tear drops…
anyways you’ve given me some things to think about, that hitconfirm looks spot on, but i dot like the F+lp as an all day starter since it will generally only be used in strings after cancel man or when the opponent is in blockstun from a lockdown.
hmmm… i go watch some venom vids to try and get some ideas, he and parasoul are very close and he didnt even have assists to help him setup his BS.
-edit… LOL…only had to watch one vid to get some ideas:
now its off to training mode to see if anything looks promising, then take it online to see whether the theory fighter is doable.
Napalm pillar/ Cr.Mp for painwheel/ MK hornet bomber
I find MK hornet bomber way easier to follow up with painwheel, And the Cr.Mp leaves people in blockstun for free mixups
Like the 1st match here.
I have been thinking of using this team for a little bit to counter pick some other teams.
What kind of punishes can parasoul get at varying distances on the screen against a blocked Agony? I don’t play many peacocks, so haven’t had many opportunities to try shit out.
And now for another round of “Guess the References!” Get all four correct and win a free trip to the Canopy Kingdom and Membership into the Black Egrets.*
(BTW, these are the new colors coming in the PC version, available for pre-order now.)
*Warning: Membership in the Black Egrets may involve maiming, bludgeoning and brutalizing of your own body, being operated on in the middle of a church, being squashed by a Steamroller, and repeatedly diving out in front of your Princess to take multiple projectiles for her.
medium hornet bomber is like 20 times better for parasoul than hk because you can dash and follow it up every single time whereas heavy pushes them too far away.
and lol ive started doing this dumb easy corner shit with double assist now (combo into heavy punch, call double assist, heavy punch, lk tear shot x3, lp overhead, combo)
you can get like 30 unscaled tear shots in a combo
and i dunno if you guys saw me playing at ect but if you didnt you should all learn her reset vortex of
combo into launcher, lp lk mp
air throw
frametrap jump jab fierce (in corner if they block this, as they land you have a high low between call double assist + jump headstomp and low short)
I wonder if those colors will show up on the console versions.
As for references, for the first color, I can’t help but think Utena from Revolutionary Girl Utena. I know that isn’t the reference, but I can’t get it out of my head.