I would say I’m worried about most, I mean, if you get the air grab reset, you might as well do the most damage possible.
restand to loop isn’t enough damage for you?
I can’t seem to get it to work on all characters, what are you doing specifically? I’m particularly concerned about landing this on Valentine, Filia and Parasoul, those are the characters I play against the most.
Midscreen the [combo] xx LP Shot, [light normal], s.MP xx LK Egret loop works. In the corner the standard loop works against those pretty easily. You do have to account for if they are crouching or not though, since i know that fucks up the loop for some characters.
with cerebella, i do: cr :lk: ~ cr :mk: ~ cr :hp: ~ j :mp: ~ j :hp: ~ j :hk: (restand) ~ cr :lk: ~ cr :mk: ~ st :hp: ~ cerecopter ~ st :hp: xx :mp: tear shot (dash) st :lk: ~ st :lk: ~ st :mk: ~ st :hp: ~ st :hp: xx :mp: tearshot xx sniper shot (dash) cr :lp: ~ cr :mp: ~ st :hp: ~ st :hp: xx napalm pillar xx egret bikes
does over 7000, and is pretty easy to do anywhere on screen, even in the corner where you can change things up a bit to to squeeze out a bit more damage.
there is also a lot of reset potential at three points:
a) during the assist call, where after your st. :lk: (which keeps them on the ground and not flying back), you can go for an ambigious high/low/throw immediately after the cere assist finishes. Know one has blocked this yet that I have played,
b) after the sniper shot, you can let the combo drop and call cere assist, which they will have to block on their wake up, giving you the ambiguous high/low/throw mixup during their block.
c) change the combo to cr :lk: ~ cr :mk: ~ cr :hp: ~ j :mp: ~ j :hp: ~ j :hk: (restand) ~ cr :lk: ~ cr :mk: ~ st :hp: ~ cerecopter ~ st :hp: xx :mp: tear shot (dash) st :lk: ~ st :lk: ~ st :mk: ~ cr :hp: ~ j.lk airthrow
really nasty and ambiguous airthrow reset, after the airthrow you can otg into restand and begin bull shit over again.
I am finding with cerecopter parasoul has ridiculous offence options. I can play a stupidly balanced game of rushdown/turtle style.
EDIT: on Double, use j. :lk: ~ j :mk: ~ j :hk: restand
That’s a pretty simple combo that you shouldn’t need a video for. Although I’m looking for something simple to start with myself so I might just post up a quick vid so you can see.
So what’s the basic BnB for Parasoul now?
It’s too hard because the hitboxes are all so different, which is very frusterating, on skinny characters, it tends to be some type of napalm tear loop, into exploding tear, egret roman cancel, launch and finish, or launch and sniper shot. For the other characters, it seems to be loop, to launch to restand to whatever.
The one I posted does 7000 damage, works on everyone except double but only requires a slight variation, has to reset/mix up opportunities and is easy to Do.
I am also a firm believer there is no reason not to use clown with nazi with cerecopter assist, but if thats not your bag it would work with any assist that keeps them in place, so filia’s cr. mk and painwheels cr. mp, for example.
How are you linking the dash s.LK after RC Soldier (egret call)? I even tried doing s.MP, RC Soldering s.LK in the corner and find it really hard to link. Sounds like a fun combo though.
It won’t work with just the s.MP to RC Soldier. It works because the s.MP triggers the LP Tear bomb to blow up, which gives enough time to dash up and link
Alright I’ll work on this then.
Keep in mind it doesn’t work on all characters its a cool combo, works on valentine, ms fortune, doesn’t work on a lot of the cast or the timing must be very tight. Better off learning napalm loop variations or restand combos if you ask me unless there’s something I’m missing.
I don’t know about that full combo, but I do know that LP, MP, HP,HP xx LP Napalm Shot, LP, MP xx RC Soldier, dash into a normal works on everyone. I haven’t tested in training mode, but I have used it against every character in a match. But maybe two jabs/shorts make the combo whiff on certain characters.
Also, j.HP > j.HK only uses the OTG on heavies. Against everyone else, you CAN do j.HP > j.HK into a restand combo, and still be able to OTG them.
Para has the best mixups in the game with the right assists. So easy to get a perfect if you get the first hit. Just constant resets into death, corner 2 mk, 1 hk tear toss as the next character comes in, jump hp+ lockdown assist… mixups… shes crazy
I’m ready to add a second player to my team. Which assists help you guys the most?
Double light butt assist is basically broken with this character
I think I’m gunna make a reset/general gameplay tutorial for her tonight because combo videos don’t teach anyone shit about how to body people with this character. Itl be mad low budget though because the yraining mode sucks
I use hk hornet bomber for wall carry and to generally keep fullscreen zoning up. I don’t think Parasoul is very meter dependent either so passing 2-3 cattelite supers to double is very very powerful.
It’s funny that all of double’s hornet bomber assists all provide something to this character that is amazing.
Same character patch needs to hit so I can run Para/Double/Double.
made it, its in the media thread/the para video thread. Forgot to say some stuff but you can see some good setups and listen to my lame ass talking lol