Parasoul Thread: Target Down

j.HP, s.LK, s.MK, s.HP x2, LP tear, s.LK, f.MP, c.HP, j.LK, j.MK, j.HP, (otg) c.LK , s.MK, c.HP, j.MP, j.HP, j.HK (restand), s.LP, s.MK, s.HP x2, MP tear, Sniper Shot. 5250 damage. It works on all characters but Double. Ends in oki.

j.HP, s.LK, s.MK, s.HP x2, LP tear, s.LK, f.MP, c.HP, j.LK, j.MK, j.HP, **(otg) delay c.LK **, s.MK, c.HP, j.LP, j.MK, j.HK (restand), s.LP, s.MK, s.HP x2, MP tear, Sniper Shot.[/quote]

Why not save the OTG for after the sniper shot? Get better damage/reset options that way. Also can’t they tech after the j.HP?

j.HP is untechable if you chain into it

I’ve been playing around with b.throw xx hk egret, dash the direction of the motorcyle x N. if you time everything correctly you can get a corner to corner carry into a combo into restand into tear loop, uses up your otg, but who cares? Doesn’t work if your opponent is already in the corner, but you want to f.throw there anyways because you can keep your otg and do more damage anyways.

So the hk egret will connect before the opponent can tech? I may have to try that.

Has anyone experimented with launch to air throw reset? With so many launch loops available to her, you can catch opponents off guard with an occasional air throw instead of a restand or knockdown. The air throw uses up an otg, but you could always reset again to keep the salt coming.

Sorry, I don’t have any recording equipment. The only “tough” part of the combo is the link after the tear, everything else is pretty straightforward

Maybe you can get tear loop -> restand -> sniper -> OTG -> restand into whatever. I’m not sure. I haven’t really had time to dig into the game lately. Honestly, my goal was just to make a reasonably simple BnB that worked universally midscreen and did decent damage since I didn’t see anything like it posted so it would’t surprise me if it’s very far from optimized.

Ahh I see :slight_smile: I was messing around with it last night, and what you thought of works really well (I had to adjust slightly for certain characters), and after the restand you have a lot of options to mix things up with either going into the launch then otg situation, or go restand, loop, mp tear xx sniper otg ~ loops.

It all depended on my meter situation.

I wanted to have the super in the middle because I want to be ending in loop so I can call my cere assist between the hp’s in one of the loops which allows for either extended combo or SUPER nasty reset.

So what’s the intermediate BnB I can learn for Parasoul? Not trying to sound lazy, but I don’t even know if it’s in the last 10 pages. I saw the advanced flashy one and I’m trying to get close to landing it, but it isn’t easy and I think learning the character would be easier if I worked my way up. Thanks in advance.

For me, intermediate combos would entail combining more launches, loops, and restands. The result is many long combos look advanced but they are in fact easier than they seem at first. For instance, some basic combo elements:

1)lk,mkmk, c.hp



lp,mkmk,hk, sniper shot

You can combine these to get this fairly easy but long combo:
lk,mkmk, c.hp (jump),, (land),,c.hp (jump),j.hp, (land) lp,mkmk,hk xx sniper shot

that combo has plenty of room for expansion. It hasn’t used an otg or any tear loops (ex: lp,mp,hphp,lp tear shot (link) lk,mp,hphp, lp tear shot… etc). For me, tear loops are still inconsistent (especially online). Due to the extra challenge of linking lp tear shot to lp or lk, I would reserve the tear loop for more advanced training. However, I would suggest practicing it in small steps and then adding the loop as an extra element in a long combo.

Thanks! I actually have the tear shot links down pretty well, but stuff like Urichinan’s combos drive me crazy when it isn’t Painwheel. xD

rad. hope to find you on the psn. I still have plenty to learn.

Sorry If this was asked many times before but what is the generic Combos you parasoul players use?

And that Tear loop, what are the move set for that?


I’ve been doing this a lot because of the unscaled damage off of the air throw. To keep things fresh, I’m using three other variations than just launch, jump, into airthrow.

  1. After launching, do jumping jab, short, mp, land, and then jump into airthrow.
  2. Launch into delayed jump mp, fierce, rh. If you time it correctly, it won’t combo. This is what you use after they have gotten into the habit of mashing air tech after a launcher to reset them into a new combo.
  3. Launch into silent scope or a delayed napalm pillar. This works best in the corner, but you can cancel the pillar into the ingrot rush super. This option sucks… but if you have maxed out your air combos and need some chip damage for a kill or if you have a safe dhc, you can go for it.

For reset option #2, where does the reset happen? I’m assuming it happens on the late If so, is there a chance the opponent will catch you with an air throw of his own?

I’m not sure on the frame data of throws, it is a possibility that they can just air throw you for waiting until they are unstunned from the launcher. My goal is to have an option that punishes people for mashing the air tech. I was working on it in training mode last night, so I haven’t run it through all of the tests yet. I’m about to go meet up with some friends to play it tonight, I’ll get back to you with the details afterwards.

Ninja edit; If the opponent mashes the throw break, or an attack, or they try to throw you, you will win every time. The only way they can get out of this is if they guess block or you are playing against a Filia and they air hairball super.

It’s been really dead here lately.

Pro tip guys, Valentine’s crouching medium kick (Kakushi Caliper) works wonders as an assist for Parasoul. It hits low, so Parasoul can create some really tricky “hardtoblockables” and it can also cross-up. It hits twice, so on block, it’s a decent lock down assist, the pressure with it is astonishing if you know what you are doing.

Hittin the lab with Parasoul today…think I’ve found my 2nd character.

lol SICK para burst bait i found today

restand them with a jump hk in the corner, do blah blah tear shot, link jab, medium kick, tear, jump HK (they’ll burst it) punish with cr mk


i was using that last night, only problem is that the hk has enough hits where they can react to the burst fast enough and it will catch you.

i’ve been starting to explore paths in my combo that purposefully set off the IPS to bait bursts.

for example, with parasoul I will do restand into tear loop, the tear loop with two standing lks. i call cerecopter between the two st. hp in the loop, dash forward, then do another st lks (the dash forward prevents and then quickly going into a chain prevents them from being blown back by the assist) then do two standing light kicks again.

That usually sets off IPS, and since its two hits, its enough for anyone to confirm the burst. the copter does a good job of keeping them locked down, so if they don’t burst, they have to eat an ambiguous high/low/throw mix up.

its been really successful so far, i pretty much always benefit since I can continue pressure even if they don’t burst.

Is there something I’m missing or can Parasoul just not do that much damage after her air grab (without an assist or meter). I’m really can’t seem to break 3000, I was trying something gimmicky in the corner, like tossing a tear before the hit the ground, so when I OTG I can restand them, but I can’t seem to make anything work. What are you doing after an air grab?

People need to stop worrying about damage and start figuring out how to do redonkulous damage off of barely blockable resets

Combo, restand, stuff into hphp double L assist (or other lock assist) highlowthrow mixup for example