Parasoul Thread: Target Down

OK, so I optimized my combo some more with small changes. Instead of starting with j.HP > MKMK, I just start with s.LK > (MKMK or MK) so as to get rid of the IPS glitch that randomly prevents me from using another loop. I also used the Napalm Toss that Uri added in the j.LK > j.HP string. To keep my j.MK > j.HP after, I just made it into a j.LP > j.MK > j.HP. The trick is to delay the j.MK so as to have enough hang-time to j.HP. That’s bout it! Does a boat load of damage and I think even more damage than before while still retaining OTG.

I’m having problems linking L-NS into LP, any advice?

Edit, ok I have to delay it quite a bit.

Some interesting Parasoul tech I found out on Youtube:


lp tear seems to whiff vs crouching valentine/filia/painwheel/fortune, so I modified this a bit to work on them, you only lose 4-500 dmg at most

f.lp > > c.hp > > j.hp > > > s.hpx2 > lp tear > s.lp > > lp tear > > j.hp > > s.hpx2 > lp tear > f.lp > > s.hpx2 > lp tear > c.lp > > s.hpx2 > lp tear > > qcb+lk~mk > otg > s.mkx2 > > qcb+mk~mk~mk

So a couple weeks into the game, what is everyone using as their midscreen bnb on all characters? All I’ve been seeing is dropped restand combos.

I just got the game and I’m trying out a variation of my midscreen egret call combo. On double, it works when I use s.LP instead of c.LK. Also, the game is so beautiful! Holy crap, the animations are TOP notch. Just the sound effects and every screen shake and hitlag and and and the smooth animations! Man, it feels amazing! Exams are over, so, I can finally dive in SG.

It’s too hard to have a BnB for all characters because the characters all are too unique in size and hitbox and stuff which frankly is very frustrating. For instance the combos against Valentine and Ms Fortune will not work against Fillia and Parasoul, at least for me :frowning:

I am trying to at least start everything with something that would be a safe block string that would end in Napalm Shot.

[media=youtube]zJD_5Jxnck4[/media] Some Online Ranker Matches with Parasoul

so, x2, s.hp x2 lp NP
s.lp, x2, s.hp x2 lp NP
c.lp, x2, s.hp x2 mp NP
qcf PP blockbuster
c.hp, jump, j.lp, down,,, x2,
qcf KK blockbuster

something i thought about during studying. i’m not sure it works in any sense of the word. i would test it myself but for the life of me i can’t connect the s.lp after the first rep of the NP loop…

Coming up with a good bnb has been pretty frustrating due to the different hitboxes between different characters and positions.
The most consistent starters for a combo seem to be:

  1.,, c.HP
  2.,, s.hp x2, mp tear shot, sniper shot

First one uses c.hp early, which is probably not the best thing to be using if your opponent is blocking your combo. It could also whiff in certain situations. You could cancel it with lk egret call or tear shot if it is blocked though. Second one uses a super early.,, s.hp x2, lp tear shot, s. lp,, lk egret call, forward dash. LP tear shot will either not combo or miss completely on certain characters if they are crouching. Aside from that, it’s great. The stun duration following egret call is pretty long, giving you plenty of time to adjust your position for the rest of the combo.

Replacing with x2 would be great too, but of course, that is also pretty inconsistent.

Once you have done something to get most of the hitbox inconsistencies out of the way(like a launch+restand or a knockdown+otg) the rest of the combo is easy. Just keep looping tear shot until you run out of normals to loop with. Use egret call to reposition yourself when the opponent is knocked too far away. You could also drop the combo after a lp tear shot, s.lp,, lk egret call and go for a reset.

edit: another option is using s./c. lp x2/lk, s./c. mp/mk C.HK , egret cancel, dash up,, c.HP, etc…
Unlike going straight to C.HP, the won’t whiff. You can even use it from a combo starting from s.lp’s max range.

edit 2:nevermind the above combo can be teched out of. I hate this training mode so much…

right now I just use > > c.hp > > j.hp > > > s.hpx2 > lp tear > > s.hpx2 > lp tear > s.lp > > lk egret > dash > s.hpx2 > lp tear > > > s.hpx2 > lp tear > sniper shot (you can do mp tear > sniper shot if you want to follow up instead)

Interesting, how much damage does this do, don’t know why I never though of following j.HP with j.HK, I just assumed that wouldn’t work for some reason.

It’s the best followup, but it always uses an OTG on Double and Cerebella.

I think I’ve finally figured out a reasonable universal midscreen BnB using 1 tear loop, 1 relaunch and 1 restand. I’m using j.HP as a starter but it can work from s.LK as well, havent tested f+lp overhead starter but I’d imagine it’ll work with that too

j.HP, s.LK, s.MK, s.HP x2, LP tear, s.LK, f.MP, c.HP, j.LK, j.MK, j.HP, (otg) c.LK , s.MK, c.HP, j.MP, j.HP, j.HK (restand), s.LP, s.MK, s.HP x2, MP tear, Sniper Shot. 5250 damage. It works on all characters but Double. Ends in oki.

For Double you just need a slight variation which I’ll bold below.

j.HP, s.LK, s.MK, s.HP x2, LP tear, s.LK, f.MP, c.HP, j.LK, j.MK, j.HP, **(otg) delay c.LK **, s.MK, c.HP, j.LP, j.MK, j.HK (restand), s.LP, s.MK, s.HP x2, MP tear, Sniper Shot.

With Cerecopter you can get a really nasty reset. Do your bnb into HP ~ HP, calling cere between your Hp. While cere is is holding them in place, do
Afterwards you get a super ambigious high/low/throw mixup.

LK,LK > MP > HP,HP > LP Tear > LP > MP > RC Soldier > Dash > LK,LK > MK,MK > HP,HP > LP Shot > LP,LP > MP > RC Soldier > Dash > F+MP > cr.HP > j.MP > j.HP > j.HK > cr.LK > MP > HP,HP > LP Shot > cr.LP > MP > RC Soldier > Dash > F+LP > MK,MK > HK > LK Tear Toss > cr.MP > cr.HP > j.LP > j.LK > j.HP > Tear Explosion > j.MK > j.HP > cr.MK > HP,HP > Napalm Pillar/Shot > Sniper Shot is what I’ve been doing. You have to cut it off before the HK > Tear Toss because she gets OTG’d by j.HP > j.HK, so that ender doesn’t work. But you only lose about 1-2K.

I’m pretty sure that it works on everyone, but it’s possible it doesn’t work on Valentine because she’s so skinny.

How do y’all be linking after these tear shots? I’ve been trying this ever since someone did it to me 2 weeks ago and I can’t get anything to connect after it.

do lp shot, hit a button after it

Yes it’s a link. Like all links, the timing window is fairly small but definitely doable once you get the hang of it. Keep hacking away. You’ll get it eventually. When I first started it felt completely weird.

Would there happen to be a video of this combo?