Good Jorb! Random semi interesting note, is one of the normals in this game that has a pretty high final minimum scale value (250) so its good to fit lots of them into combos if you can. I really like your set for how you do it too. It seems like you can sacrifice tear explosions in the corner loop for more st.hks, at least on some of the cast. This may be more invaluable when tear explosions have their damage nerfed.
I just found an 11K corner combo (1.00 Multiplier) starting from st.LK for 1 Bar, I’ll try and post a video for it later.
(: Thanks! I honestly dunno the number values in the game too much cause I only own the demo, but, that is awesome to know. I love her s.HK cause of how damn cool it looks! Good to know it also is strong when scaled LOL. Oh that reminds me, I accidentally stumbled upon an ambiguous cross-under for her against Ms.Fortune in the corner.
During the part in the combo when I use Egret Charge > f.MP xx qcbHK > f.LP > MKMK > HK xx qcbLK…after you toss the qcbLK, you can dash ahead once Fortune gets hit by the tear explosion and setup an ambiguous cross-under with c.MK.
What happens is that depending on how far and early you dash, you will either hit them regularly at the front, hit them regularly as a cross-under at their other side, OR you’ll hit them at their other side except Parasoul is still at the front while funnily facing the other direction as well. She basically hits Fortune with her ass, while they are both turned away and it can combo as well from the dash.
So, the opponent will be like “WTF she’s facing the other way AND it combos?” You’ll also have a tear placed right underneath Fortune that is about to explode. The fun part is adding the b.HK to screw with them some more.
I’ll add a picture very soon, hold on.
Heeeeeere we go!
How ya’ like it?
WHAAAAAAT! That was HOT!!!
Too much swag. Very festive.
Stuff like this makes me so jealous because I’m still doing what is day zero stuff to most of you guys.
Just posted the ambiguous cross-under if you guys don’t mind checking out in the videos section!
EDIT: Just remembered, in the 100% combo I did, I think there’s a bug that either allows me to use LP as a chain starter three times or triggers the IPS. I dunno what causes it since it seems entirely random, but, it allowed me to fit in an extra loop.
Can you post the transcript for that? Mostly interested in which tear tosses you use.
LK,LK > MK,MK > HP,HP > Napalm Shot L > LP > MP > Explosion > MP > cr.HP > j.MP > j.HP > j.HK > MK,MK > HP,HP > Napalm Shot L > cr.LP > MK,MK > HK > Naplalm Toss M > Explosion > Dash > j.LK > j.HP > Napalm Toss L > Explosion > LP > MP > Napalm Toss L > Explosion > cr.LK > MK,MK > HK > Napalm Toss M > Explosion > j.LP > j.MP > Napalm Toss L > Explosion > j.MK > j.HP > cr.MK > HK > Napalm Toss L > Explosion > F+LP > MK,MK > HK > Napalm Toss M > Explosion > F+MP > cr.HP > Napalm Toss L > Explosion > LK,LK > MK,MK > HP > Explosion > cr.MP > HP,HP > Napalm Pillar > Sniper Shot
This aint by me either I apologize, umm…click on the title and head over to the uploaders page if you want to ask some questions.
Swagnificent. Super jelly.
What is Para’s optimal midscreen BnB? Is it the shot loop? Because I can’t get reps of that midscreen. Is there a trick?
I haven’t tried the shot loop against everyone, but, I’d assume Egret Call could work on everyone. s.LK > s.MK > HPHP xx L Napalm Shot > c.LK > c.MK > c.HP(tear explodes) xx Egret Call > dash…etc. This is a good time where owning the game would help :(.
midscreen if they are standing or get hit by shots crouching (and aren’t double) you should do either,,st.hpx2 xx shot, st.lp, xx egret call (dash) blah blalh blah oorrrrr,,st.hpx2 xx shot, st.p, xx shot (dash) blah blah blah blah blahhhhhhh this is bit harder to time but you get more shots and more explosions.
You can get a dash in between the shots and continue the combo? Cripes… I can only barely hit the thing reliably as is. Additional inputs sounds rough.
Interesting, can you help me fill in the blanks with what should go in after the dash… etc. I mean, obviously OTG something, but what would you recommend?
Oh! I was thinking the coast to coast combo I did on Ms.Fortune. After the dash, they should be propped up in the air, on fire, and you could follow up with a s.MK > HPHP xx L Napalm Shot. Or you can follow up with s.MK/f.MP > c.HP > air combo to ground combo > etc.
I’m guessing it depends what you follow up with because of the weight of the characters making them come down faster/slower. In that case, Ross’s first string up there^^^ should be the easiest and most universal.
That reminds me, I recorded a video of an ambiguous cross-under for Para and I don’t really know if it actually hits on the other side of Fortune or if it works on other people. Does anyone mind trying it out?
Oh, I completely forgot to mention that the 11K combo uses no OTG’s, so depending on the assist, you can followup it up with some juggles using Tear’s and Napalm Trigger.
For instance:
cr.MP > HP > Double (Hornet Bomber H) Assist > HP > Egret Charge H > Napalm Toss Lx3 > Napalm Trigger L > Explosionx3 > Napalm Pillar > Sniper Shot should be a 1 bar ToD.
Oh snap that’s true! I’m gonna try the combo and tinker with it now
EDIT: Sweet, I just had to add the Napalm Toss after j.LK > j.HP and it helped a lot for my combo! BWAHAH, now I have no need for the IPS glitch to add in that extra chain!
Oh I misread the crouching heavy punch as a crouching heavy kick. That’s why I assumed you would otg. Thanks for clearing things up