Is this a joke? The online is godlike, you can PLAY and figure shit out from there if you don’t do it offline.
Fighting games reward being creative and thinking outside the box. People use to have only arcade cabs to play on and figure shit out with and had to pay each turn, you have more than that already and it cost a 1 time fee of $15. Stop it.
Training mode is much easier, and much more controlled. I can’t account for how my opponent will play. If my opponent doesn’t hit buttons, how will I know what frametraps and what doesn’t?
Of course, I could ask someone to mash buttons for me. But that just gets boring for them, and then, there’s a question of if they’re mashing flawlessly enough for tighter frametraps to show as working.
Additionally, I’m the kind of person who needs to build exec for things that aren’t combos. I need to practice blockstrings to make sure I don’t have to think about them too hard when I choose to do them, and also so I better understand what blockstring does what. I can’t do that in a match. I’d literally need to ask someone to downback for twenty minutes. Not doing that.
Hey guys, I got two awesome combos that I’m gonna put up at midnight (cause of bandwidth refill) for Parasoul that I think you all will really like! Hope y’all will check it out on the videos section! It’ll give ya some cool ideas.
EDIT: Yeah I’m tired of waiting…so, I put it up! Check it in the Parasoul video section!
I’m with Basquiat in the sense that I’m not ready to do anything crazy fancy so I screwed around for a while and drummed up a pretty decent basic midscreen BnB. One tear loop, one OTG, one restand.
You can also tack on a c.LK (tear explodes) xx Sniper Shot at the end for some bonus damage at the cost of oki. Seems like there’s more juicy in there. Maybe someone better than me can find a place to squeak out some more.
What do you guys suggest then. Pillar xx Bikes does 5400. Can also end in c.HP, j.LP, j.FP, j.LK tear drop x 2 for oki and 4900. No idea what you can get after bikes in the corner with this combo. I would have to play with it some more.
Seems like even that fairly simple combo I posted needs a lot of tinkering though to be a “BnB.” Finally got around to testing it on more characters and the J.MP after the relaunch is whiffing on Cerebella and Filia. Painwheel and Cerebella are also out of range of the launch after the first tear but replacing s.MP with f.MP seems to remedy that. Only really tested half the cast so far. I don’t even want to try Double right now because that’s just gonna be a huge mess.
i like having parasoul second. you can use a character with good mobility like filia or valentine, and then dhc at any point you need to safely. More importantly, it can score you a pretty sweet mixup since they are forced to block and you can get a string off of it. Not sure what happens if push blocked could null it out. but it starts her pressure game really well
Just recorded a 100% combo with Parasoul thanks to inspiration from Jetm and Ross’s double napalm explosions. Would be awesome if you guys could take a look :D. It’s in the videos section for Parasoul.