Parasoul Thread: Target Down

The other zoning character does more damage then her in the corner.

Numbers don’t matter; threshholds do. If it’s the difference between a touch of death and two or three combos to death, that’s a serious damn nerf.

And this one isn’t completely fucked when she’s put in the corner against a lock down assist.

Yo. Nut up. You can nerf damage but you can’t nerf awesomeness.

Isn’t it nice that you read what I wrote before complaining in all caps? Optimize some more. Using c.MK rather than s.MKx2, s.LK->s.HP to get the HP’s in early, and removing weak hits where possible before you reach minimum damage is pretty straightforward.

Combo damage is not the only thing characters have going for them, either. She’s one of the few that gets guaranteed wakeup games (off sniper shot) as well as having very good space control. But it’s week one. :^)

However, pushout is critical to getting consistent exec on the loop. You need the extra filler normals to push them further so Napalm Shot travels further before it hits the opponent, which in turn makes linking moves after Napalm Shot easier. I admit, there is no easy and hard in balance, just possible and not possible; nevertheless, (I don’t think anyone’s tested, but,) it may well be impossible to link LP off cr.LK s.HKHK L Napalm Shot on some characters to get that damage you’re talking about, which would be problematic.

Oh, I know. I like what Parasoul gets to do a whole, whole lot. There’s a reason I’m learning this character beyond aesthetics.

We don’t talk about dat stuff in animu games. That’s for SF. Just combos.

I was being sarcastic, not actually complaining. If it was unintended it needs to go. I don’t think most of us realized it was a glitch other than it not scaling based on ratios. We thought the set damage was intentional as it feels correct for the character.

I didn’t realize it didn’t scale based on ratio either, but that also makes sense due to what the problem was. (O.o)
You guys should be happy, then, haha - 450 was intended as the 1.00 damage, now you get way more out of zoning with higher ratios or in 3v3. We’ll see, maybe I’ll have to put it back. :^P

wait, more damage on my shots than what i’m getting already with a 2 character team! that would be sweet. xD … but yeah balance changes this early… even if it’s a glitch… meh I wouldn’t complain because for me it’s a free buff but…

I think I’d be pissed if another character got a buff like that within a year of release

my dream scenario would be 100% feature releases till 3 years down the line… then start with balance patches…

Oh wow. I didn’t realize tear explosions didn’t scale to team size.

That actually explains part of why fighting teams as Parasolo felt much harder than fighting singles, beyond the inherent advantages of multiple team members.

It’s not a buff or a nerf, it’s a fix. As is, zoning as solo is much less damage than it ‘should’ be, whereas comboing on a team is more damage than it ‘should’ be.

I didn’t realize it didn’t scale based on ratio either, but that also makes sense due to what the problem was. ()
You guys should be happy, then, haha - 450 was intended as the 1.00 damage, now you get way more out of zoning with higher ratios or in 3v3. We’ll see, maybe I’ll have to put it back. :^P

All according to keikaku.jpg

lol this is funny. i swear the forums are just people optimizing combos.

That’s almost all you can do with this training mode, though

Actually, you’re right Mike Z, I noticed that the explosions didn’t scale with ratio. But that example you gave was based around a corner combo. Right now her midscreen stuff (except maybe that Double corner carry combo) doesn’t scale all too well with the multiple hits and restand; and the shot loop can be done at most 1-2 times sans assist. Last I checked, Parasoul doesn’t seem like a character that can rush you down into the corner that often either.

I made a mid screen shot loop that works on everyone I think…

Also 6 explosion combo I think could have between 3 and 5 more explosions heh.

Also people keep saying parasoul is zoning when obviously thats not the case she is a hybrid zoner who works to move you into the corner where she gets dumb pressure.

Anyway if it’s changed at least people won’t bitch about 20 second long shot loops.

I have yet to find any notations for head stomp air combo shenanigans. I’m looking for one that can end in a possible restand.

Here’s my anywhere on screen BnB for now, it’s pretty modest compared to these fancy swag loops, but for anyone who cares…

Light Kick > Medium Kick > Crouching Heavy Punch (Launch) > Jump > Air Heavy Punch > Crouching Medium Kick (OTG) > Crouching Heavy Punch (Launch) > Air Light Kick > Air Medium Kick > Air Heavy Kick (5 Hits) > Light Kick > Medium Kick > Heavy Kick > Sniper Shot (17 Hits Milquetoast 4450 damage)

You can start with Air Heavy Punch if you want, does a little more damage too (18 hits Barely Legal 4775). You can end with whatever you want pretty much, including level 3. Eventually I’ll record it once I get my PVR set back up (probably this weekend), but by then it will probably be even more outdated. Trying to find a way to get past 5000 with a variation on this combo if anyone has any ideas.

match play?