We’d better start making a combo thread first and then head on to other threads.
I was just going to request this. I’d offer to run it but quite honestly, I’ve got a job, a girlfriend, and school to deal with. I just ask that whoever takes it on is consistent in updating it. The thing I really hate about these forums is that sometimes you have to sift through TONS of bullshit to get any results.
Is there some sort of trick to getting out the Napalm Shot loop out correctly? I started working on it today and I was pretty consistent with it for a while on Valentine, then I switched to trying it on Peacock and I couldn’t get it to work at all. Felt completely different
As has been said before, use cr.MP instead of s.MKMK. It makes the loop a million times easier.
Played abit of Parasoul today and really enjoyed her. Then again I enjoy all of the characters.
Loop is still kicking my ass as well. Finally got the xx shot > follow-up down, now I screw up the second HP every time lmao.
FYI Mike said that tears being unscaled damage will be patched out in the Glitch thread.
I asked before and didn’t get an answer, do you do less damages by replacing s.mkx2 with cr.mp? I’m too used to do s.mkx2 anyway but still asking.
I was trying to find what you guys were doing for midscreen throws but couldnt find much. the best thing I could find to start a combo was back throw > lk egret > st.lp st.mp cr.hp into restand into whatever. I like it because it doesn’t use up your OTG so you can get a proper combo.
=( really? I would considered this “glitch” related to balance and played out before patching it…
Please show us this post.
Can’t find the one where he says that it not scaling isn’t intentional, but this:
Found it:
What did you think I was trolling or something?
Thanks for looking it up FluffyM.
Winners don’t use drugs
Wow, no more unscaled tear drops. That is really going to hurt Parasoul. Now she won’t do ANY damage at all. Her damage output even with tear drops was low enough as it is.
Darn I actually thought it was intentional like Spencer’s 236H - L in umvc3.
Aw man I’m pretty much losing my damages for 2/3 of my team. Not only that but the fact that I’m using a 3 woman team is going to hurt me a lot. Man D:.
It does do less damage, but I think the consistency is worth the drop in damage.
cr.lk s.mkmk s.hkhk L Napalm Shot does 2133; cr.lk cr.mp s.hkhk L Napalm Shot does 1983
There are 6 explosions in this combo:
Even if all the explosions did MINIMUM damage (67 vs 450), from that entire thing you’re out 2,298 damage. In reality, since the first few aren’t at minimum, you’re losing something like 1,400. That’s about two regular hits. If it started with j.HP and skipped the initial light hits, you regain that amount.
tl;dr It’s not as much of a difference as you make it out to be, but feel free to rend your garments and wail to the heavens anyway.
I wouldn’t bet that was intentional, either. (^.^)
Why are you guys expecting massive damage out of a zoning character anyways?
Napalm Toss covered by George at the Air Show is all I need.