Parasoul Thread: Target Down

Charge up a lot of MP Napalm shots to shoot her out of her air approaches. Charge up napalm pillar while calling Cerecopter assist (assuming you’re using this assist) to keep her at bay. Generaly fill the screen up with qcb+K tears and mix in MP napalm shots.

i don’t disagree but man using shots defensively is so hit and miss, and mainly miss in my experience(i sucks)
just because mp shots have to be pretty spot on not impossible or anything but if you miss ugh
and the drops go away if you’re touched although i do love push blocking them into them so satisfying

Too much swag.

Ok I’m too lazy to go through all the pages to check, whats the best mid-screen BnB so far? Hopefully it works on everyone (or almost everyone)…

For the corner I’m assuming the LP shot loop is still good or am I already outdated?

Since you can cancel her dash into her normals and keep momentum

LP xx MP xx FP(2) xx LP/MP Shot, dash cancel into standing LP xx MP…

works from mid-screen as long as you can get the napalm shot to connect, is universal (probably), and causes her start closer for her next loop so she doesn’t need to do it two times in a row.

You can’t do it in the corner, or if you can the timing is ridiculous-- the spacing is from where you would link her MP after a napalm shot.

You have to dash with PP since doing it manually would cause f+LP to come out instead.

Been trying 3 character team of Parasoul/Valentine/Cerebella. Should be pretty beast once i figure out how i want their assists.

That’s what I’m running albeit in a different order. Napalm Pillar/Mortuary Drop/Cerecopter is quite fantastic.

Liking Napalm Pillar/Mortuary Drop/Command Grab also because it conditions them to jump.

I wanted to use the command grab for that reason too and the invc startup on pillar is great. Still not to sure on Valentines
assist though.

I play Parasoul/Cerebella and use LP Shot/Diamond Drop.

Shot is nice since the tear stays on the screen if they get hit or blocked and it doesn’t go away even if Cerebella gets hit, so many times if they are hanging around close to the tear and not blocking you get a free combo. Diamond Drop is amazing for tick throws into great damage. dash up s.LK~LK call assist is pure gold and not many people expect to get command grabbed buy Parasoul, so they aren’t trying to jump out.

The timing is way different on each character. It might not even be worth learning.

I put the scrubby BnB I use in there, but it would really help if someone who actually knows what they’re doing stepped up.

I like that shot does stay active for so long but I had a few instances where it actually gave opponents an out when im comboing them because of the detonation delay.

Is there a particular reason that more Parasoul players don’t call Egret Dive in between the two parts of Argus Agony on block?

Noobs, I guess, and just not thinking about it. I’ve played Cerebella’s that never even tried to reflect my projectiles and stuff. Probably just not remembering it’s an option.

why do that when you can snipe it, trade, and get a full combo from nearly fullscreen

Well, or that. But most people just stand there and take it. I watched someone who’s high up on the leaderboard and he didn’t even do it, so I thought maybe there’s a better reason than…he’s simply not doing it.

Wait…really? Hadn’t thought of that. How tight is the window after the trade to recover and dash across the screen?

I have an issue with a combo and IPS.

j.HP, s.LK, s.MK, s.HP~HP xx LP Shot, s.LK, s.HP (tear explodes), s.LK

Now that i think about it, this shouldn’t really combo, but many times the IPS doesn’t activate and sometimes it does.

You can LK egret to reset at almost any time for a tick throw. It’s damn near instant recovery and hard to react to from what I’ve seen.

omg we got sub threads yay!
i actually wouldn’t mind handling one of the threads, i’d update it and what not even if i stopped playing her even though that won’t happen