These were my findings for restand. (They’re copypasted from posting on Dustloop, so the formatting may be all wonky. I replaced numpad notation with crouching/standing notation, but I don’t use it much, so I may have typo’d in changing over some stuff.)
Basically, there are three aircombos you can use in your midscreen combo that will let you restand with j.HK. They are as follows:
For better or worse, the aircombos you use (and the order you use them in) is character specific. For most characters, you want to do something like this:
Whether you do j.LP j.MK j.HK or j.LK j.MK j.HK depends on how floaty the character is; for example, Parasoul NEEDS j.LK j.MK j.HK, while Filia can really go either way.
The exceptions to that formula are Cerebella and Double. For Double, the aircombos should be j.LP j.MK j.HK and j.LK j.MK j.HK; j.MP j.HP J.HK flatout doesn’t work on Double. (She falls too fast for j.HK to catch her before she hits the ground.) Additionally, s.MK only links after j.MP j.HP j.HK and not the other two aircombos, so you need to use s.LK or s.LP after j.HK when comboing Double. Third, Double’s aircombo timing is flatout weird. It’s notably different than the other characters’ timings, because of her fall speed. For Double, your combo looks more like this:
For Cerebella, the aircombos are the same as Double, but the timing is more normal, and the aircombos will screw up if you’re too close to her when you launch her. Do MKMK after your starter, and also after whatever you use to pick up the J.HK. So for Cerebella, it’s more like
Two notes.
-First, THESE DEFINITELY AREN’T OPTIMAL VARIANTS. This is just an explanation on j.HK restand combo theory, and some example combos in which it works.
-Second, but related to the first; I think you could get all 3 aircombos in against a character with a really favorable hitbox and gravity, but I’m not positive. If someone can figure out how to do it consistently, that’d be godlike.