Parasoul Thread: Target Down

Yeah generally as people are getting into this game they’re going to want something that’s meaningful after they hit somebody without having to go through the insides of character specific threads and posts from 8 different people and what not. Which I’m trying to streamline that in a thread now.

Fulaani, I know you play my characters (Pain/Val/Soul) so lemme know if you got stuff all around for those 3.

I’m having trouble doing the napalm loop on Peacock (in the corner obviously).
Anyone else having trouble on her? I do just fine on the others (didn’t try on painwheel).
And yes she’s standing obviously.

These were my findings for restand. (They’re copypasted from posting on Dustloop, so the formatting may be all wonky. I replaced numpad notation with crouching/standing notation, but I don’t use it much, so I may have typo’d in changing over some stuff.)

Basically, there are three aircombos you can use in your midscreen combo that will let you restand with j.HK. They are as follows:

For better or worse, the aircombos you use (and the order you use them in) is character specific. For most characters, you want to do something like this:

Whether you do j.LP j.MK j.HK or j.LK j.MK j.HK depends on how floaty the character is; for example, Parasoul NEEDS j.LK j.MK j.HK, while Filia can really go either way.

The exceptions to that formula are Cerebella and Double. For Double, the aircombos should be j.LP j.MK j.HK and j.LK j.MK j.HK; j.MP j.HP J.HK flatout doesn’t work on Double. (She falls too fast for j.HK to catch her before she hits the ground.) Additionally, s.MK only links after j.MP j.HP j.HK and not the other two aircombos, so you need to use s.LK or s.LP after j.HK when comboing Double. Third, Double’s aircombo timing is flatout weird. It’s notably different than the other characters’ timings, because of her fall speed. For Double, your combo looks more like this:

For Cerebella, the aircombos are the same as Double, but the timing is more normal, and the aircombos will screw up if you’re too close to her when you launch her. Do MKMK after your starter, and also after whatever you use to pick up the J.HK. So for Cerebella, it’s more like

Two notes.

-First, THESE DEFINITELY AREN’T OPTIMAL VARIANTS. This is just an explanation on j.HK restand combo theory, and some example combos in which it works.
-Second, but related to the first; I think you could get all 3 aircombos in against a character with a really favorable hitbox and gravity, but I’m not positive. If someone can figure out how to do it consistently, that’d be godlike.

I really wanted to play those characters but I JUST started with parasoul. I’ll post my BnBs for painwheel in her thread.

I found something that might be of use. if you do hp hp xx mp shot xx qcf+pp midscreen, you can combo painwheels hard tag off of it and get a full combo (though the hard tag used up an OTG). I reckon of its possible with painwheel it’s possible with others who can combo off of their tags.

  • not really an edit* someone JUST told me this was already known. haha.

also, in the corner if you end with lp shot xx qcf+pp and DHC into painwheels qcf+pp de shot will explode JUST as painwheel is done allowing her to get a full combo afterwards.

Been wondering, why is it that sometimes, when comboing into Juju out of a standing s.:hk:, the combo counter somehow resets and give me “2 hits” instead of adding to whatever combo I was doing? Almost as if the s.:hk: and sniper shot suddenly became part of a different combo.

can someone tell me if this combo I came up with is any good and if it conflicts with groundbounce or ISP? It’s just a theory combo and I just started using her so I haven’t been able to do it all just yet (my execution isn’t so great)

cr.LK, cr.MK, cr.HP,, j.HP (restand) Somewhat difficult timing on peacock to get the restand
s.LP, s.MK, s.MK, cr.HP,, j.HK
c.LP, cr.MP, cr.HP
j.LP, j.HP, j.HK (groundbounce used)
s.LK, s.MK, s.MK, s.HP, s.HP (charge down right at the first s.HP)

So there’s a stickied thread compiling bnb’s for every character. Right now parasoul doesn’t have any representation. can someone get in there and write out the basics- mid screens, anti airs, corner combos.

Coast to coast!

May be Double only… sick as fuck.

What are most peoples standard comfirms in real matches?

I tend to blockstring with s.LK~LK, s.MK, s.HP~HP xx b~f+LP, so more often than not if one of those ends up hitting, i confirm into:
s.LK, s.HP (tear explode), s.LK, s.MK, c.HP (air combo) (s.LP), s.MP, s.HP~HP xx LP shot/assist tick throw

Damn, that was pretty fucking cool.

Welp, I guess I missed something. And after that fancy writeup, too.


If that coast to coast combo can be optimized a bit by saving one of the tear loops and doing a restand instead we can probably corner carry to standing reset to kill starting anywhere on screen.

sick dude

Def possible. I still had open actually i never ended up needing it. Plus double is easy to restand,mk delay hp always restands.

So Ive been using parasoul since release but I am actually having some trouble finding a good bnb midscreen that does at least 4k without meter or some setup anyone know or use a bnb like the one I am requesting???

I love this thread.

The basic combo I do is (either stand them with a restand first orrrr if they don’t need to be restood just do it),,st.hpx2 xx lp shot,,f+mp, cr.fp, jump lk,mk,rh, st.lp, st.lp, mk,st.hp x2 xx light shot,,, f+hp xx sniper
I think without a preceding restand that does around 4500? And depending on what youve done you can combo after that or dhc or whatever

We love your sick combos.

yeah I think there are 4-5 sequences that restand on her.

I have a midscreen bnb in the video that I posted on this page(here). It’s the second combo. Sorry for the crappy quality but I’m sure it does 5k+. It starts up with an overhead and it ends in a super but of course you can just replace that with a napalm pillar or watever. I made some adjustments to make it work on Cerebella(after overhead xx napalm bomb, instead of cr. mk, i used cr. lk.) I feel that the combo could be longer which I will try to make in my next vid. I’ll try to make a midscreen bnb(s) that’ll work on all chars. Hopefully it turns out well. Expect it later this week cause I got school.

holy shit. learning now