Parasoul Thread: Target Down

What I want to know is, when I do drop the loop (which is alot), what should I do to keep my opponent locked down.

what exactly was that trick, didn; t really nderstand it.

Instead of doing or during a corner Sonic Boob loop, replace it with It pushes you back further so the L Napalm Shot hits later giving you more frame advantage making it easier to link your next light attack to continue the loop. It really does make the loop 500x easier.

OOW! I was wondering why I felt like the link was so sporadic, I did get that impression that the link was easier mid-screen as oppose to the corner but I didn’t know why. Good stuff

Counts on what you have out, even if you dropped the combo, as long as you have the napalm shot out blocked, you can pin them down with the explosion if you do a neutral jump hp, the hitbox is really huge. It also helps if you have an assist. Note that if they predict that you’re doing that they can airthrow you here, but it has to be a read. Most people will just sit there and block.

Also, once we have a better training mode or if some of us have partners that would be our training dummy, I want to see what real block strings are in this game. As of right now I am noticing that if you delay anything in a block string, you have a chance of getting reversal’d, and I think right now any string into her standing Hp, Hp is not a real block string. Which will be really dangerous if people start figuring that out, but also gives us a shot at finding places to do napalm pillar against other characters.

Don’t you do less damages though? I’d keep x2 then if that was the case. Also currently uploading a video with a combo with Parasoul’s combo after a command grab assist:
(command grab assist) qcb+lkx3,, j.hp, forward hp, (third tear explode), dash, s.mkx2, s.hpx2 xx lp shot, s.lpx2, s.mkx2, s.hpx2 xx lp shot, cr.lp, s.mkx2, s.hpx2 xx lp tear shot,, s.mkx2, s.hpx2 xx lp tear shot, s.lkx2, s.mkx2, s.hpx2 xx lp tear shot xx sniper shot. Does around 8247 damages and probably builds a full meter. Can be improved by replacing last tear shot with napalm pillar but I never manage to.
[media=youtube]ky4RRdtjMZY[/media] It’s the first combo starting at 0:00

I just want to mention how utterly joyous I get when I actually land the tear loop in the corner.

Puts the biggest stupidest fucking grin on my face.

This character was made for me.

I posted this a couple of pages ago.

It’s kind of dumb, we are just going in circles in this thread

Needs version with the Scanty and Kneesocks theme.

I’ve discussed about this earlier as well. Actually all characters can do the same thing. It’s actually being able to cancel dash during the startup frames of crouching. It’s just more useful for Parasoul and her charge moves.

Also, not sure if this has ben discussed, but this should be a restand combo on Cerebella at least.

cr.:hp:, (jump forward), j.:lp:, j.:lk:, j.:mp:, (land), j.:d:+:mk:, j.:mk:, :j.:hp:

Cerebella should restand after the j.:mk:. I may have messed up the air normals used, but atm I don’t have access to the game and came up with this late last night.

On Cerebella ATM I just do after the usual restand combo and it works.

Is it just me or that after j.lp-lk-mp if you cancel into j.down+mk she’ll land faster then usual? (For dash unders etc.) restand her yes but you can’t combo after.
You can do: cr.hp j.lp,,, to restand Cerebella.

Just tried, must be because Parasoul’s hitbox when doing j.2mk reach the ground sooner than when not doing it so yeah it does.
Looks like Yun’s dive kick haha.

**Alright I need people to post down the agreed upon bnb’s for these situations so I can get it posted in my strats/assists thread. **

Parasoul bnb’s

I know most all of this stuff will be character specific so make sure to put in notes for which characters said bnb will work on.

Grounded Mid Screen:

Grounded Near Corner:

Anti Air Mid Screen:

Anti Air Near Corner:

Air to Air Mid Screen:

Air to Air Near Corner:

Off regular throw or assist or other situations that make the IPS kick in faster:

yeah its getting annoying. nobody is actually reading the thread.

two things
#1 - Read the goddamn thread before you post

#2 - In response to a very common question “Wat bnb do I do gaiyz!?” - This is not a BnB type of game. The corner tear loop is probably as close as we’ll get to a combo that is going to work all the time vs everyone, and seeing how it doesn’t work all the time vs. everyone that should be some indication of how Mike Z put this game together.

Midscreen you need to know how many reps you can do vs a given character, know your character specific tricks, know the char specific restand air chains, know how your normals move you around and how that effects your combos… if you find a midscreen combo that works vs. everyone, it probably sucks


standing/crouching+what assist+meter use matters too

for instance vs. most characters i do a tear loop then launch then restand midscreen, this doesn’t work vs. a couple of crouching characters though so i have to do the launch first and blahblahblah.

I think we need to make a list of sequences that work on various characters in different states then piece together combos like that.

That’s fine. I’m gonna make another thread to help out with this any way so the effort can be concentrated in once place where it’s not thrown in the middle of a bunch of other character stuff.

This is why we need character subforums :stuck_out_tongue:

Next vid I will! If I make another one… XD

Skullgirls Fuzzy Guard

Partially agree. But there’s always a few combos that will work on nearly everyone. I feel those are usefull to compile because it gives people trying out a character some dmg ouput without investing loads of time into the optimized combos.