well i actually play that parasoul/double[not well though]
i use parasoul with double’s h.bomber and i don’t use any meter at all with para unless they have like little life and i can kill
and when i hit 3 meters i look to switch her and and have constant catellites i’m a fan of chips
but it doesn’t really give you solid damage either and neither does the car so you’d probably have to go into lvl3/5 if you want that good damage
but i’m far too fond of catellites to do that
Parasoul/Double (Hornet Bomber H)
(Corner) LK,LK > MP > cr.HP > j.LK > j.MK > j.HK(3/4) > cr.LP > MK,MK > cr.HP > j.LP > j.LK > j.MK > j.HP > cr.MK > cr.HP > j.MP > j.HP > j.HK(3/4) > LK,LK > MK,MK > HP,HP > Napalm Shot L > LP > MK,MK > HK > Napalm Explosion > MP > HP,HP > Double Assist > Soldier Call H > Napalm Toss L > Soldier Grabs > cr.LK > MK,MK > HP > Soldier Call L > F+MP > HP,HP > Napalm Pillar
Damage is unstable because of j.HK, but it does around 7K on a 3v3 setting.
1 meter solo Parasoul combo, 7159 damage (3v3)
c:lk:, c:mk:, c:hp:, j:mp:, j:hp:, j:hk:, c:lk:, c:mk:, c:hp:, j:lk:, j:mk:, j:hk:, s:lp:, s:mk:, s:hp: s:hp:, :lp: tear shot, link to s:lk:, s:mk:, s:hp: s:hp: xx silent scope, dash up (wait for tear to OTG) c:lp: c:hp:, j:lp: j:lk: j:hp:
It does around 7648 if you do it in the corner, because they will be near the first tear’s explosion.
I know I’m gonna come off as an entitled bitch but can we get all of the BnB combos for Parasoul in the first post and arrange them from easy mode all the way to hard/character/timing specific? This thread is a bit of a pain in the ass to comb through(and it looks like its just gonna get worse). Also is there some secret way to enable auto block?
DP that shit. You have the best anti air in the game, no one should ever be jumping on you if you got charge.
nini do you use her solo or with an assist?
Well she’s my anchor but she occasionally gets to have Mortuary drop assist
Her bnbs at this point are just variations on linking after napalm shot.
Starting her combos the most damage-efficient way is
LP/LK xx MP xx HP(2) xx LP Napalm Shot, LP/LK…
Don’t use MK since the individual hits do less damage than MP, which means that the combo doesn’t scale in your favor.
I’m not sure at how many hits before minimum damage scaling applies, but then you would modify the combo to something like
LP/LK(2) xx MK(2) xx HP(2) xx Napalm
I think her best starter for a combo might be
LP/LK xx MP xx FP(2) xx LK Egret Call to MP xx FP(2) xx Napalm
Since it would guarantee positioning from mid-screen (what causes the most push-back is the napalm explosion), not eat up an IPS loop from a light attack, and provide better damage since those are some of her strongest normals on the ground.
Her air combo at this point seems to be
cr.HP, jump, j.MP xx j.HP xx j.HK … which leads to a re-stand back into the napalm loop.
If you want to end with them airborne and more damage, end with HP Pillar xx Motor Brigade.
If you want to end with them in the crumple, then end with HP(2) xx Sniper.
Both supers make good points for DHCs.
If you want to practice something useful, practice linking st.LK after a close napalm shot to learn the timing to combo after the projectile.
I’m starting to think that’s the proper way to play her. Again, Parasoul’s combo’s do little damage by herself and DHCs in this game are ridiculous. BTW, Double’s Lvl5 chip game is ridiculously good, even on a 2 person team against 1 character.
It’s hard in this game to create a BnB and set it in stone. Especially with people on that restand-loop train, it’s hard to define a BnB.
Basically you have to start thinking for yourself and just experiment what you’re capable of by yourself. First start of with what is practical to land on an opponent. i.e. cr.:lk:. Then start branching off from there. You could then go to cr.:mk:, cr.:hp: then so forth or if you have meter, go from :f:+:hp: xx Sniper Scope. But say you have an assist, a better route would be cr.:lk:, cr.:mk:, :f:+:hp:~Assist. Just be creative.
When making optimal combos you want to try to reserve the most damaging yet safe hit confirm in the beginning, then after that, you want to try to fit in as many harder hits in the beginning of the combo to maximize your damage. And for Parasoul at least, you want to have Napalm explosions toward the end of the combo, basically have things that don’t scale with damage towards to end of the combo.
To me at least, coming up with Combos especially with IPS in effect is my favorite time with this game.
Something very odd about the way hurtboxes were made in this game. I can land the tear link loop corner combo on Filia easily but when I tried practising on Double, the s.lp randomly doesn’t connect. Can somebody confirm or have I gone mad?
I don’t think her combos should end in Napalm Shot. If you use Naplam pillar, you can combo into anything alot easier and it does more damage. I’ve been using napalm shot but It’s not that reliable to cancel into super. From my experience, anyways.
crouching painwheel is super annoying. She crouches lp tear shots so they don’t combo and she also crouches silent scope(this is stupid). Meaning to combo her midscreen you pretty much have to a launch to restand at the start of the combo if you want to get anything significant.
I’m thinking assists might help vs. her.
Parasoul Resets anyone? I saw one in a tourney where they discontinued a j.sp, (it comboed with launcher), landed, dashed to the other direction and did a reset.
Very nice if I say so myself.
So one of the combo problems Parasoul has midscreen is her inability to get more reps in of her Napalm shot loop. However, I figured out today (probably figured out by others) that you can more reps in if you take advantage of the extended hit stun of an exploded tear shot and an assist. With the custom assist options you can pretty much get your team to extend Parasouls loop from midscreen.
I basically do something like juggle into restand, s.Short x2, s.Forward x2, s.Fierce x 2 xx Jab Napalm Shot, s.Jab, s.Strong (exlpodes tear), call Painwheel c.Strong assist, dash in, c.Jab/Short, s.Strong, s.Fierce x 2 xx Jab Napalm Shot, etc…
As long as you keep track of your combo to not trigger IPS then you can extend the combo significantly. It’s possible with 2 assists you could corner carry and lead it oki games or resets.
Oops wrong thread sorry.
Nice; you can basically do the same thing with short egret! s.shortx2, s.forwardx2, s.fiercex2 xx jab tear, s.jab, s.strong xx short egret call, dash, s.strong…
You can get 4 tears from anywhere:
c.lp, s.mp, s.hpx2 xx lp tear, s.lk, s.hpx2 xx lp tear, s.lp, s.mp xx lk egret (sp?), dash, s.mk, s.hpx2 xx lp tear, c.lk, s.mk, s.hpx2 xx mp tear xx silent scope, dash (tear explodes) c.hp, j.mp, j.hp, j.hk…
then reset I guess? instant j.mk, j.hp; or instant j.d+mk, b+lk
Yeah lk egret call stuff after tear explode is nice! Though mid screen you can omit the lp and just do st.mp xx lk egret! But it’s a bit harder. Lol parasoul combos are so tight
against painwheel, I just burn meter for early sniper shot in order to stand her up if I hit her with crouching, saves a lot of hassle
also, your cr.MP trick has boosted my consistency with the loop by like, 500%, good shit.
also, interesting combo from dustloop, can anybody test damage on it?
Meterless at Corner: j.HP > LK > MK > HPHP xx L Napalm Shot > c.LP > c.HP > Tear Explosion > LP > MP > HPHP xx L Napalm Shot > LK > MKMK > HK xx M Napalm Toss > Tear Explosion > Dash then jump > j.LK > j.HP > Tear Explosion > Land then jump again > j.MK > (tiny delay)j.HP > Land > c.LK > MKMK > HK xx L Napalm Toss > (tiny delay)c.MK > c.HP > j.MP > (delay)j.HP > TEAR EXPLOSIIIIION > f.LP > MKMK > HK
Skullgirls - Parasoul Combos and Mixups