Is it as simple as it sounds? Here’s what I’m imagining…
If they’re in air hitstun, and they’re falling, once they hit the ground they’ll transition into ground hitstun automatically, and then you can just do a ground chain on them and lunch again and still have an OTG?
It does. You just have to do :qcb:+3x:hk:. then Detonate with Napalm Quake :)mk: version). I’m still trying to find a better midscreen but this does fine for now. Note, only 2 out of 3 explosions will hit and it’s much harder to link the Motor super, so the Sniper Scope super is better in this siutation. And so far, can’t find a way to link two supers mid screen.
I’m looking into using cr.:hk: xx Napalm Piller as OTG but not having any success making a decent combo out of it.
Personally, I’m still doubting the effectiveness of restand with j.:hk:, it honestly doesn’t seem like bnb material, especially with all the lights and mediums scaling the combo down.
Oh probably discussed already, but Parasoul can keep her down charge while dashing. Hold :db: or :df: and dash with :p::p: (press it during last frames of dash). It’s a timing thing so just practice it. Anyone should be able to get the rhythm in a minute or two.
edit: Ok last one of the night, I promise… >_o
DHC’s are so worth it in this game with that 80% damage reset and all.
So I was messing around with Parasoul and my masochistic tendencies kicked. I wanted to make a bnb that incorporated the Napalm Shot link, the Egret Call, and an otg…, (2 hits), s.hp (2 hits) xx lp napalm shot, link s.lp,, back (forbearance) xx egret call, dash, (2 hits), c.hp,, j.hp,,, s.hp (2 hits) xx hp napalm shot xx silent scope.
It’s a midscreen combo does about 4500 on 1.00 ratio (around 4100 w/o meter). The damage can definitely be increased. I know that the lp after the 1st Napalm Shot isn’t needed, the after Egret Call isn’t needed, and the can be omitted aswell. Plus, if you are able to otg with,, s.hp (2 hits), the opponent will restand. I’m sure the restand allows for extension but I decided to save that for another day.
Hey guys, looking for some information on anti-Parasoul tech, particularly against her Napalm Pillar assist. My friend plays Valentine/Parasoul and I have no idea how to keep up pressure on him when he blows me up with that. What can you do about that?
Yeah after actually trying it it’s not hard at all to connect the jump mk from the jump hp. Can’t wait to try it out on a real opponent. I was thinking about using napalm traps with Peacock grab assist, but it looks like doing cr. mk to launch and air combo does more damage anyway. It’s hard for me to tell since the text on my screen looks so small.
For how easy it is to generally combo in this game, Parasoul’s, j.hp, is still definitely a little tricky. I find that it’s most consistent when I hit as early as possible on the way up, slight pause then j.hp, then ASAP right after.
What are the best ways to accomplish nearby, untechable knockdowns with Parasoul? I’m thinking about integrating her tear tosses as combo enders to limit their wakeup options; if they try to stick something out, I block and they get the massive hit stun from the explosion and I get a free combo, or if they’re scared, free throw/mixup, etc.
Is it even worth it? This game punishes lights hits in combos. I usually just press, j.hp. It always links and I have a nice setup since they land first…
If it’s only for a little more damage, why risk it. It’s can’t be used as BnB combo.
That’s… Not really a good B&B (for me anyway)… It just has too many hits for you to screw up. I have my B&B for 10 hits 4300… But it’s pretty hard to screw up…
Here’s a midscreen combo I’ve been doing. For it to work you need to be in range on st.LK after the first L Napalm Shot (which is most of the time, from what I’ve noticed):
j.HP, cr.LK, cr.MK, st.HP, st.HP, L Napalm Shot, st.LK, fwd.MP, st.HP, st.HP, L Napalm Shot, st.LP, st.MP, st.HP (whiff), st.HP, M Napalm Shot XX Silent Scope Super, (dash up), cr.LK, st.MP, cr.HP, j.MP, j.HP, QCB LK, QCB MK
5180 damage (damage multiplier x1.00) midscreen which corner carries quite a bit, and leaves you in a good position because of the tears.
Obviously it’s not always practical to start from j.HP, but this combo works from her fwd.LP overhead, and at almost anything but tip range from her cr.LK.
well, i think a lot of are going for the loop because it’s not as hard as it first seems
however if you don’t want to touch it that’s fine
prideandfury just posted a video of a decent para combo that has no napalm shots at all
so you can go with that
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I’m thinking Parasoul NEEDS to be teamed up with someone, at least one character with a good assist that can help zone and continue combos (cough Double’s Hornet Bomber Assist cough). Her supers don’t do nearly as much damage as other characters (i.e. Valentine and Painwheel). So I’m thinking she should best be played as keep away/meter builder and capitalize on DHCs and building meter for the 2nd or anchor character.
Once you have a combo going, her super damage drops drastically to the 400-500 range. So I’d say it’d be best to setup Napalm explosions (which don’t scale) to maximize damage, create setups, and conserve meter. Right now though, I’m in the middle of character crisis for anchor. I really like Double’s assist, but I feel she’s a horrible anchor without assist. Was trying Valentine but her assists aren’t the greatest, same with Painwheel. I also want to avoid 3 character teams because I don’t feel having that many characters makes up for the difference in damage and life. I’m willing to bank that 2 character teams is the way to go.
Im using Parasoul/Cerebella with Diamond Drop assist. Fun stuff.
For my BnB combo, i use whatever~c.HP, j.MP, j.HP, j.HK, s.MP, s.HP~HP xx b~f+MP. That only works on lights though if you dont want to use your OTG (which this team needs because of DHC combos)
For heavy characters you can restand using: c.HP, j.LP, j.LK, j.MK, j.HK, s.LK~etc.
With this setup, after the MP shot, you can do sniper shot DHC into bella 360 super. The super will whiff, but it leaves you enough time to dash up and get a full ground combo with cerebella which ends up in the 7-8k range just for those 2 meters you spend. I like the DD assist since you can practically tick into it from any combo you get, like say after s.HP~HP; call the assist in the middle of the 2nd HP and its a very tight tick throw. People also run into the assist if you are zoning them out and they try to dash right in. You can combo off it also without using your OTG which is nice.