Parasoul Thread: Target Down

the loop is always some variation on chain into s.fp s.fp xx b,f+lp. then the tear hits and you link out of it with s.lp/ depending on which one you haven’t used for a combo yet. in the corner you can do as many loops as you have starters, midscreen you can generally only do one rep… in which case it is not much a loop.

my midscreen combo is s.fp s.fp xx b,f+lp, c.fp - air combo finisher into OTG/ or restand.

on OTG you should try and bring them down into a restand after that. on restand you can do another loop using different buttons, usually, and launch again, or go for a reset or something. you have to constantly make adjustments though, much more so than Marvel… your positioning is never as ideal and your shit isn’t easy mode enough to just run one combo all the time. you gotta drop the second hit of and s.fp sometimes, do different air series, sometimes you are bettr off just trying to reset, etc…

edit - wrote combo notiation wrong. sometimes if you do, since kicks don’t blow up tears, c.fp will blow it up and they won’t launch all the way up, getting stuck halfway instead.


I find myself not using j.HP as much since j.FK gives me more oki.

I love how she can cancel into tear from like everything lol

yeah that assist probably isn’t the best for stopping air attacks
hmm i wish i could see what was going on but
from what you’re saying i would jump back hp or mp or just chicken guard until they are grounded and call bella
what sucks is that she can whiff and hit cancel air attacks into dash o.O

well i think para has good buttons on the ground against val but i just try to be above her at all times i don’t want her over me or close so she can get tick throws

Just understood why I never managed to do the loop, I pretty much didn’t have the tempo down. Now I can do it all the time, spare the that I miss often.
For the AA discussion, I simply use my Filia updo HP assist, works wonder.
Now what’s a good midscreen bnb now that I’ve got my corner bnb?

uhhh so at this point what is the most ideal combo to do after say… throw or HK soldier or either overhead. those seem like logical universal starting points

for midscreen atm I use > > c.hp > > j.hp > > > > c.hp > > > > s.lp > s.mkx2 > s.hpx2 > lp shot > > > s.hpx2 > mp tear shot > qcf+pp > dash > c.hp > j.lp > > j.d+mk > j.hp/hk

Midscreen I just do a string to tear that doesn’t push me back too far(mess around with this), cr.hp air combo that restands land, string to whatever. You can do another launch string and restand, go for super, or get a little creative and try to reset. Mostly the goal is to try to carry them to the corner where not only is your pressure better but you can do way more combo wise.

Midscreen is harder to optimize because what restands on different characters is variable, and since linking after tears midscreen is even more character specific wanting to use meter for super becomes much more attractive even if it isn’t optimal.

I guess I’ll add my experiments with the loop. It’s possible to do four Napalm loops midscreen if you use > s.fp x2 > Napalm Shot. IPS will probably kick it after the third (depends on what you’ve done before the loop starts), so after the third > s.fpx2, I switch to s.lp > > s.fp x2 > Napalm M xx Sniper or Napalm H + Assist (I use Hornet Bomber). I think > might also allow full midscreen reps but I’m not sure.

While I’m on the subject, I originally started practicing the different loops because I have a hard time doing combos on Cerebella. I can’t get an air combo to be consistent with her. Does anyone have any tips for getting decent, consistent damage against 'Bella players?

Midscreen you can do s.fpx2 xx lp tear, xx lk erget, dash,, s.fpx2…


I’m surprised no one mentioned j. lk as an air-to-air, that move is her fastest air normal and if the opponent is doing anything slower, you’ll beat it. You can chain this into j.hp into any random combo you feel like doing also. A lot of matches I catch people with that and they press a button only to get hit.


corner carry is good, I’m worried about the frames on that though and how far you have to do the lp tear. I’ll play around with it.

I was looking at the hitbox and it seemed pretty meh, but I was playing around with it and getting a few free combos. I’ll try it more, I get scared to hit buttons that aren’t walls of red.

I mentioned it with my impressions after online play earlier in the thread. But these boards move so fast that everything just gets buried.

More thoughts about Parasoul and the system. Since one assists can be called per combo, I think Parasoul would most benefit from an assist she can call and cover. And after that setup her offense with Napalm toss to further lock them down. Then by the time she rushes in, the assist will be available again and she can use it in a combo after a hitconfirm. Also as someone noted before, the napalm explosions do 450 damage unscaled, so it would be best served to incorporate them later in a combo. I’ll have an example in a bit.

edit: Here are two combos, this time I made sure there were no blue techs… I wish the training mode was a little more fleshed out…


There is a better combo by having the orbs explode later (can even get to four) after the Motor super but it’s so inconsistent atm and I can’t perform it that many times either. Also the st.:hp: OTG is hard to time, so it’d be more practical to use cr.:mk:, st.:hp: instead.

Some good stuff in here. I never thought you could link after the tear shot or comboing a jumping normal after already landing on the ground. It looks and sounds hard to pull off.

Hmm not really all that hard >.>

It’s not that hard really. Get in the habit of holding your charge as much as you can. Some things to practice and build habit are:

After :qcb:+:k:, immediately go to :db:. Once you perform :qcb: you don’t need to stay at :b:, you can press :k: in the :db: position and still get Napalm tosses.

And make sure whenever you make it a habit to do :db: (charge) :df:. You retain your down charge much like Bison in SF4 so you can Napalm Pillar/Quake/Trigger if needed.

People may think that Parasoul being a charge character limits her in this game. But the fact that her charge times are so fast in this game makes her more than capable to hang with the rest of the cast and their non-charge based moves.

As for j.:hp:, (land), j.:mk:. It’s a gimmick, but it’s a fairly good one. Even though the main reaction is to pushblock the j.:hp:, once you have made them not want to push block it, it becomes an instant overhead because of fuzzy guard. Ways you could make them scared to push block is to empty jump low or grab.

edit: another variation

^i agree with everything you’re saying and if you look back in this thread i was skeptical about playing a charge char for the first time
but it it’s just like learning the timing for combos at first it was hard but then it becomes second nature

although i don’t think j.hp -/, j.hp is a gimmick it actually combos but i guess if you delay the timing if it’s blocked it becomes one

*oh what the…i’m so using that combo i love tear drops, time to lab it up does it work outside of the corner though?

to anyone having problems doing the loop, in practice mode, just practice it continually, like even if you mess up continue the loop, but only with lp. it doesn’t matter in practice mode because they can’t tech it anyways. just keep doing the motion and make sure you hit every part right. the link is the hardest part. if you hit the opponent every time but it doesn’t combo, then you’re hitting lp too late, so try to force it earlier. if your lp isn’t coming out, then you’re hitting it too early. just keep repeating the loop and once you have it down then try it with the other buttons

I usually finish an air series with an OTG. Causes problems if I start in the air, -> OTG then launch, I can’t OTG again…

What’s a restand? and how do I do it?

Restand is just hitting a juggled opponent in a way so that they land in standing hitstun. Usually done w/