Parasoul Thread: Target Down

I can’t say I’m having much fun doing (dropping) links online.

I’m not feeling much any difference playing online vs. training mode unless the ping is over 100

I played socal to seattle and was consistently hitting 4 loops in corner.

early in the loop you can create a little space by doing reps as lp lp mp xx lp shot, this can lead to easier linkage of or even let you link mediums. I don’t know practicality or damage value yet but cutting a loop short to make another loop consistent seems okay to me.


Messing around with this

loop = mk mk(or hp hp xx lp shot

lk lk loop, lp lp loop, lp lp loop, cr.lp loop, loop, lk lk mk mk hp hp, call cerebella assist xx lk napalm toss x3,

at the end of the all 3 napalm tosses will explode doing 1350 unscaled damage and putting the other character in a good amount of hitstun which lets you link a new chain( I guess). I’m not sure how long stagger lasts if you mash out though, it doesn’t look that much shorter. But even if it cuts it to two tears that’s still a lot of bonus damage.

If there is another assist that staggers you should be able to do this early in a combo then do it again at the end and simply finish with hp hp xx napalm pillar, cr.hp hp hk and reset them to standing.

Another huge benefit to this is that stagger forces stand and crouching blows up loops, so this fixes that problem without making you blow your restand early or making you sacrifice damage/meter to go for a non standard restand.

Been in the training room for 3 hours straight trying to do the loop, I can’t even get a single rep.
Dang either it’s hard or I suck.

If you have a laggy tv, forget it lol

I can get up to the first super and I’ve been trying the combo for like 10 minutes now. I’ll probably have it figured out by the end of today.

Nah, TV is perfectly fine, I just can’t link anything past the first lp shot unless if I mash and I’m lucky.

corner: throw xx napalm pillar > > c.hp > > j.hp > > 4 reps of tear loop > napalm pillar > qcf+kk > > c.hp > j.lp > > j.dmk > > (~8000)

vs. double

cr.hp, j.lp, lk, mk hp(or hk) = restand
cr.hp,, mk hk = restand(mentioned this one before works on parasoul too)

overall double feels really easy to restand

jump loop vs. double

[] j.hp j.hp, j.lp hp, j. mk hp = 3419 damage and a good amount of swag

useful/easy kara’s = moves you back(this can make corner loops easier as you can make the tears hit later giving you more advantage because you get the kara properties even on hit) = moves you forward(working on it)

Parasoul seems to be the only character who can’t ever crouch st.lp

vs. Parasoul silent scope, hp hp xx silent scope combos, but you can’t loop it.

Dumb question, which normal are you guys using as go to anti air?

So I went lost 50-7 against a Solo -Valentine with my Parasoul Cerebella team. I’m not expecting to be good at this game yet but it seems Valentine runs circles around Parasoul. She’s got he double jump and air dash and HP,dash,HP to cross me up. What more her jumping HP actually seems to beat out Parasoul’s. does Parasoul have any moves that can shut her down?

oh that j.hp restand works on parasoul too but you have to do it crazy slow. works on cerebella too if you omit the

her j.lp and hp have disjointed hitboxes has a really good hitbox above her head but isn’t disjointed

ground wise only cr.hp has a really good aa hitbox, but obviously in a game with air blocking it loses a little value.

i don’t like the solo chars right now they make you bleed
what’s your bella assist?
i would only use j.hp if i was above her or around the same height, if you’re lower then i’d try
i haven’t really tried it out but there maybe trip guard or maybe just lowering your hitbox so she misses would work

*i’m too slow lol

So for the life of me, I can’t seem to get the Napalm Loop to stick. Anyone got anything to help?

don’t try to do the followups to whatever normal you are linking after the shot. Just practice doing the normals so you can get timing.

You can also use etc. to space yourself out a little bit farther so that you can get an extra frame of advantage.

If you’ve ever done corner sonic boom combos with guile/deejay in any game it’s the same sort of thing.

I have no problem typically with any loops with a bit of practice. But I must have tried for half an hour last night trying to get the loop and no dice. I do have a bit of a laggy tv and am no stranger to hard links. It was mentioned it feels like a 3 frame but it seems harder than that for some reason. I always get a delay after the shot and the timing afterwards seems really strict. Any normals that work best? Cr.lp and seem easiest but I still am very inconsistent.

Never tried anything like this. My experience with charge characters revolves around Chun Li and Blanka and I usually play them very defensively (especially in 3S).

Heck, I’m running SoulCock simply because I want to keep away and fill the screen with shit. Napalm Pillar works wonders with Peacock, getting it to hit is a guaranteed super.

timing changes depending on your spacing and what character you are playing against. makes it kinda hard for sure. you have to practice it vs the whole cast… the same timing that works for Cerebella does not work for Painwheel, for instance. Painwheel is really tiny so your shot hits late, changing the timing of the followup if the tear even combo’d from your s.hp s.hp … and then usually you are pushed too far out to do much afterwards. so you gotta always be ready to make adjustments. it might be better to just confirm to launch, do an air combo, OTG, then do a combo to re-stand into a reset. re-stand into reset seems really good to me right now.

for anti-air I was using c.fp, works really good even if they get popped up too high for a real combo after. hk napalm pillar was working pretty well too. air-to-air you have to watch where they are and then press the appropriate button… I was using all kinds of starters. sometimes just straight to j.fp, sometimes j.lp, sometimes buffered into and had a few moments that felt very Guilty Gear to me, with a j.lp series, land, jump, j.fp to finish the blockstring so they landed into a mixup… so nice. if you air-to-air with j.lp you can carry them back down to the ground very easily for a combo follow up. from the looks of it, if you knock down with j.fp without launching first the knockdown is always techable.

other stuff… if you are solo best way to throw tears out seems to be air tears. it’ll put a carpet of them out for you that’ll control the space in front of Parasoul very nicely. groudn tears with b, f+p aren’t bad either, but qcb+K tears don’t seem overly useful to me right now. they all end up in useless spots aside from lk tear. b,f+mp controls space really well. I like how it’ll hit them, stopping any air advance, and also leave a tear there to blow up awhile later.

I was using b,f+lp to end all my blockstrings, not sure if it puts me at advantage or not but it definitely seems safe. on hit sometimes I would let the combo drop, dash in, and then try for a hit confirm or jump towards and air throw them. air throws are nowhere near as good in this game as they are in MvC3 … you gotta employ it pre-emptively, range is small, startup seems slow.

^^^ exactly, the loop is character specific in its timing, it seems pretty easy versus filia, hard as hell against cerebella, but maybe i was just off earlier today.

what MIDSCEEN bnbs does para have? im not really into practicing corner only combos till i have my midscreen combos down.


I hvae Bella on Cerecopter. What I was running into is that since valentine has double jump and a dash she never had to commit to the jump in attack which means If I call out an assist she can double jump back and hit them with a face full of scalpels. I could get hits with it if I crossed him up on wakeup and called her. I know I need combos because my opponent was regularly getting 40+ hit combos and every time i got touched I lost 40-80% health. But I’d like to know the base approach I should be using to even get a hit and then work on my combos from there.

soooooooooooooooooo what exactly is the loop then? does it work anywhere on the screen?

id like to stop doing my day one shit at this point lol