Just to get it out, I actually got her to say “Take the shot, Juju” last night.
Meh your not really in a bad spot of you drop it. She’s pretty safe… I guess if they block the hp hp and you don’t cancel it, but you could late cancel it into something else like shot place or if you think they’ll punish into like sniper shot… You def have options! Also Its not really super hard, the link is pretty easy.
I’m having trouble linking after the LP shot. How strict is the timing on it?
i agree with fmr that you’re only hurting yourself by not learning the loop at this point in her game
i won’t lie i drop it myself just in training mode but i’d rather put in time learning this then learning easier stuff just because it’s easier
but it’s your choice
if you keep at it you’ll get it
It takes practice. But it’s really not that hard. You get into a rhythm and it comes out fairly easy. The only thing that’s marginally difficult is remembering what normals you’ve used before.
I’m not worried about missing the normals, they’re freaking chains. If i’m going to drop the combo it’s going to be at link between the shot and the normal.
and that’ll get punished hard online, especially if that’s the only place I will drop the combo…
I never said i wasn’t going to learn it. I will put some time into learning it soon. In a few days i’m going to move my xbox back to the CRT. but right now it’s on a laggy monitor, and if i learn it here It’ll mess up my timing and i’ll be hitting things too early. (it’s happened before)… For me it’s not pure timing and muscle memory. I learned that I use visual cues quite a bit when i first switched from a HDTV to a CRT and I realized I was pressing things early.
hmm i guess that could be confusing; when i say “you’re” it was in general not pointed at you specifically, plus you said earlier why you wouldn’t
it’s more to let people know i can’t do it 100% of the time but the more i do it the closer i get to that number, same could be applied to whoever is having doubts
it’s not that strict… I mean if you mash you should get it. (not recommended though) try doing the ground chain spacing out the normals as much as you can…
the link is about 2/3 that speed.
i was just curious what others were doing when they get a hit but aren’t in a situation for a napalm loop
The loop is pretty practical, I got up to like 5 reps during offline casuals today. The hardest part IMO is using S.LK to continue it. All the other buttons feel like 3 frame links.
the rhythm of that combo is gdlk.
my only problem with like 90% of the combos that people have is you get no oki
all these combos where they can just forward tech and get out of the corner, or they just recover and can immediately poke you
instead you could be ending with hard knockdown (sweep or sniper shot: note I think if you snipe them in the air they can tech when they land) and getting 1-2 tears out safely
yeah that’s where i usually drop it is when i go for 5lk
i just can’t see the timing for it to get it consistently yet
yeah, sorta realized that right as I finished recording
it’s easy enough to just take out the s.LK rep and do a launch combo ending in sweep/sniper shot instead
As long as you end your combo with J.HK, you get your ghetto oki/reset. From there you can branch into throw, DP to beat throw tech, airthrow to beat anti DP and J.LP>J.HP to counter throw tech. Or you could just keep it simple and go for high low mixups >.>
Before I thought I should wait a while before learning the napalm loop so I can just get comfy with the game, but not learning it feels like I’m not doing a main part of her character. So I labbed it and learned her restand combos and how to do at least 3 reps of the napalm loop.
It’s much better to be at everyone’s level of play instead of falling behind. My Parasoul was WAY behind at first so I kinda took the whole restand/boob loops and just crammed them into my move set. Since now it’s engraved to my muscle memory, I’ll prob try these online to see if I can react to hit confirms since training mode can’t let you set shit up.
s.mk, s.mk // s.mp, s.hp, s.hp xx lp tear, c.lk, s.mk (1 hit), s.hp, s.hp xx lp tear, s.lp, s.mp xx lk erget, dash, s.mp, s.hp, s.hp xx lk tear, s.lk, f.mp, c.hp do whatever, relaunch, do whatever, you still have c.lp
this is what I’m generally doing, go for standing reset then I kill on the followup, seems to be solid to me. Like I’ll end a loop and go for f.lp cr.mk and with shots exploding it’s really hard to see correctly. Could probably pick certain colors to make it a bit more ambiguous.