Parasoul Thread: Target Down

what do you mean by you can fit in as many tear shots as you have light attacks? doesn’t everyone have 2? doesn’t parasoul only have 2? lp and lk? That doesn’t explain how severin’s combo started with lp 3x and lk 2x

Or how the video you posted had 4 shots.

s.LP c.LP s.Lk c.LK

Basically as long as you don’t initiate a chain with something you’ve used before you won’t trigger the infinite protection system. So if you can restand them at the end of a combo with Parasoul you can add at least 4 Tear Shots assuming you didn’t use the light attacks already.

Try back throw>Napalm Pillar>otg>relaunch>restand>napalm loop(1 rep)> super. That should do some pretty good midscreen damage

Messes up my spacing still if I get the backdash causing my combo to mess up. delaying my dash is working better for me.

Combining concepts(tested vs. another parasoul)

midscreen lk mk mk hp hp xx lp shot lk cr.hp j. mk hk(or hp hk whichever is personally easier) land lk lk mk mk hp hp xx lk shot(they should restand somewhere in here)

this does about 65% wall carry so if you carry them to the corner you can go into a normal corner loop and still have st.lp and available and even do mediums if you are a bit outside of the corner. if it doesn’t reach you can continue to link but I don’t know whats optimized yet. I’m running on caffeine atm so my brain keeps locking up when I go for the followup haha.

woah, this is nice

How are you doing mp mp at the end?

mk mk, sorry typo

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh so much information

lol <3


Another two super combo, tried to fit as many heavy hits in. Has double tear drops, napalm pillar and of course Double’s :hk:Hornet Bomber assist (it’s too gdlk).

Also, thanks for that back throw tech with Napalm Pillar. Keep it rolling in guys.

edit: notation just for you guys >_o

j.:hp:, (land), j.:mk:, j.:hp:, (land), cr.:hp:, (jump cancel), j.:mp:, j.:hp:, (land), :b:+:hk:~Hornet Bomber Assist) xx :b: (hold):f:+:hp:, :b: (hold):f:+:lp:, st.:hp:, st.:hp: xx :d:(hold):u:+:hk: xx :qcf:+:k::k:, st.:hk: xx :qcf:+:p::p:

oh god that combo just SOUNDS delicious lol


They can tech just before the overhead.

Ah shite, you’re right. Alright, forget what I said then. Gotdamn training mode. Well, now I feel dumb as hell. But doesn’t change the fact that the game is great.

what you did is completely unreasonable and now i quit games forever

The sonic boob loop is kinda hard… No way I’m pulling it off online ATM lol

yeah there is no way I’m going to try that online either hah

What are you guys doing instead of the napalm loops?

That’s sick, I just did part of the shot loop. I’m afraid to practice it much cuz i’m on a TV with input lag right now… And I’m afraid it’ll be hard to fix if i learn the wrong visual cues to get the timing right. so I’m not gonna practice till I move my xbox back down to my CRT. but that’s SICK.

combo wise? I just ground series -> air series -> ground series again,

There is no reason to do things that aren’t shot loops. Or launches in attempts to get shot loops. Your just screwing yourself if you don’t learn it.

I’m pretty sure he’s just asking for an alternative until he learns it…

For me, I gave the reason why i’m not learning it. I’m going to do it eventually (soon) but also, If i get a slow/laggy match online I’m not gonna attempt the loop. I’m gonna drop it and get murdered for dropping it