Old unnecessary thread

you have PM laugh! :wgrin:

nice, I didn’t know you were a top player :sweat:

I liked that stick your friend used, what parts is it made?

laugh, one day I aspire to be like you: a salesman and top player.

Or (x) and a top player (I don’t really want to be a salesman, so replace x with some sort of profession)

One of these days, I’ll order a Fanta so I can reminisce about my first days on SFIV at the UCD MUGA (they have Korean cabs, but switched out the parts for Japanese ones)

PM sent


I’d like to know how much is the shipping to Mexico and if there is more than one option for this.

Also I’m interested in both converters (one of each).

Can you PM back with the final prices for the shipping of 1 joytron converter and 1 inPin converter to Mexico?


Thanks a lot laugh! Now the painfull waiting game :yawn:


PM Sent about a converter

Btw, which are the payment options?

[XConverter 360]

Hi laugh,

I have PM’d you, i’d like to buy an XConverter 360, please let me know how to proceed.

Cheers :chat:


Recieved my xconverter 360 promptly from Korea to Minnesota, US. Pleased to purchase from you, laugh. I’m going to enjoy such things as Street Fighter IV and Mushihimesama Futari and any other shmups I get my hands on for the 360 with the converter for my HRAP1.

Thanks and cheers. How do I go about giving you a good feedback rating on srk?

Go to his profile page, click ‘View full profile for laugh,’ then ‘Submit Feedback for laugh.’ Use this thread’s URL as the deal thread URL.

Done and done, thanks.

Excellent thanks Ryan,
Ive just sent you payment (XConverter + EMS Shipping) i also replied to your PM :slight_smile:

hey laugh, just poppin my head in here to say what’s up. glad to see you’re still being gdlk. if you come to evo i’ll make sure to treat you to a drink. :tup:

my inpin still kickin after almost a year!

Excellent thanks!
I have to say that you’re service so far has been spot on :wink:

Interested in buying an Xconverter. Posting to get a fifth post so I can send you a pm, heh. :sweat:

i would like to buy a few of your SANWA buttons, sent you a PM

Definitely want one. Post count is not high enough for me to PM you. I’ll rectify this and PM you as soon as I can.

Edit: PM sent, but I don’t see it in my sent box. laugh, if you didn’t get it, please PM me. Thanks

question… i only have the 6 buttons on my ps2 stick… and i also have the start and select button… can i still acess the guide button?

can i use my wireless converter to hook up with this converter, IF i use the charge kit? that goes into the wirelss controler and usb??

Just popping in to say thanks to laugh for his great and fast service on my order last month. Shame to hear about the updated XConverter Plus after I had just ordered two of the old ones as the updated guide feature could have helped my upcoming project, but I’m more than happy with them right now anyways.