Old unnecessary thread

Wow. They hold you to that 5 post minimum before you can send a private message, even if you receive one.

… lol… I seem to be having the same problem… I was prepared to go and post 5 comments at various parts of the forums… but I see everyone is PMing Laugh so I think that would be the best course of action… lol…

… okay so… yeah… umm… hey Laugh… could you send me a PM with all of the information I would need to purchase 2 X Converter 360s…? … like payment methods and what not…

… if I might also add… could you give me the grand total…? … including the shipping and things…?

… thanks man…

All I got to say is WOW !
Checked the mail today and saw my package :smiley:
I was so surprised. It was shipped this Monday, and I got it today (Friday)
4 days ?! Amazing !
Laugh also answered all my questions and helped me out a lot.
Thanks a lot Laugh ! I will leave you feedback right now.
I will order more parts in the near future :wink:

Hi Laugh, I have a question
you can change the rubber of Taeyoung to Crown 305?

I have a fanta Taeyoung, but I’d like a Crown with more tension

? okay? Laugh… I must apologize? but there has been a change in plans? I just need to confirm a few things and add to the order…

… if I have heard correctly from one of your previous customers? they informed me that the shipping total will always remain the same so if I am going to get a converter? I may as well get as many as I need on the first shipment? is this true…?

… because after telling my friends this? everyone has decided they will chip in and get one for themselves? that comes to about SIX X Converter 360s? @_@ ?

? that would be the only change? now the PayPal? I am sure I can handle that amongst my friends? I do not have PayPal? but one of my friends do? so they intend to buy all 6 Via HIS PayPal? then we?ll just pay him back? it looks like we may be doing it that way? however? if that does not work out? what are my other options to send you the money??

P.S. ? I?m kind of new to the PayPal thing? so? to be sure? is that SRK screen name thing? just your screen name for PayPal??

… o.O; … oh wow… -_-’’ … I feel kinda dumb now… lol…

… thanks a lot, man… i’ll get it worked out ASAP…

just posting to let you know I got my parts the other day. another pleasant transaction, as usual. thanks man, I’ll prolly be ordering some Crown buttons again, soon.

Got it back! Thanks! I finally got it to work with a different combo of controllers.

Hey laugh, can you give me a quote on how much it would cost to send the Taeyoung fanta stick and inpin adaptor to ireland? Payment via paypal right? Thanks

Can I get a shipping quote?

Hi, I’m wondering what it would cost to ship an inpin converter and 2 button plugs to Sweden.

Any difference in shipping costs if it’s only the converter?


do u accept moneybookers as payment?

Hi. How much does shipping (the cheapest method please) an XConverter 360 to Porto Alegre, Brazil cost? Can you please send me the payment info? You accept payment via PayPal, right?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hmmm? I didn’t…

I did and I just sent the payment. :slight_smile:


… alright laugh… I apologize for the wait… but we have finally made up our mind… and I now have the final results…

… the final purchase will be 4 X-Converter 360s… through the payment method of PayPal.

… we will be sending you the payment via PayPal this Sunday: November 22nd…

… but first… we will require the grand total from you in order to send the correct amount.

… thanks man.

… haha…! … alright finally…! @_@ … I have sent the PayPal information… and we went for the 1 week thing… we’re in no real rush… I haven’t gotten my XBox yet…

Oh dear, my post count isn’t enough to pm laugh for orders.
I am interested getting 1 InPin converters and 1 XConverter 360. Can get back to me laugh ^^;

Thanks for the pm laugh, another query on it.

Hey laugh, just wondering if you got my payment for the InPin I wanted.

is that you on that vid against kindevu at JP vs KR, nov 25th?