Old unnecessary thread

I’ll take an xconverter and an inpin. Can you pm me the price and payment info shipped to 90805?

I’ll take a Myoungshin Fanta stick and a Taeyoung Fanta stick both green, I’ll send you a PM, would you happen to know what they use in Korean T6 cabinets?

The only thing that bothers me about this converter is that you have to connect a second controller to it. I realize why- Microsoft was greedy enough to force manufacturers to purchase a license just to make Xbox 360 joypads!- but I still hate having all that extra clutter lying around. Has anyone ever thought about taking the security chip from a licensed controller and shrinking it down to the size of a USB thumb drive? It seems like that would be really convenient for a converter like this.

arugulaz, if you’re talking about the xconverter, you can take out the x360 controller once the converter successfully connects.

Interesting! But you’ve got to use a wired controller, eh?

While on the topic, will a wireless controller connected with a play and charge cable work to authenticate?

No. The controller only uses the usb cable to charge, the controller still syncs wirelessly.

Sup Ryan, how’s it going?

At last I’m ready to order. Will send a PM.




Payment sent! yay! :smiley:

Hey Laugh I sent the payment but read the PM I sent you, it contains my shipping address. I forgot to include it in the Paypal description, sorry.

Hello laugh, sent you a PM about ordering an xconverter 360… sounds like you’ve got quite a business set up here!~

Oh wow, Laugh i’d like to order an xconverter 360 as well.
Sending a PM.

laugh, just sent you a pm…

Have PM by me! :slight_smile:

Hey laugh, just sent a pm about X converter 360’s.


have anyone tried this stick?

Ok Laugh! I will wait for it! Thanks!

Sorry for not looking through all the pages of this thread if I am out of line, but do the Xbox converters work perfectly?

Hey laugh, payment sent…hope to get the item soon…