Old unnecessary thread

@ laugh
you ve got a PM =)

Dropped you a PM last night, laugh.

Do you know if the XConverter 360 lags? I’m looking into one for the T6 release.

Got my parts and converters! Thanks, Laugh - that is some crazy fast shipping from overseas and everything looks good.

I don’t mean to be rude, but why don’t you read? You can go one post up and see this question addressed, and it’s throughout the thread as well.

Hi there laugh, i recently received the converters, i just want to say thanks for the great service and for your time asking my questions^^ i’m going to buy more of these converters for sure, thanks!.

How much for an inpin ship’d to 87420? o:

it’s that time again laugh! need a quote for 2 Myoungshin Fantas to 98002, thanks!

Hey Laugh,
quote on one InPin and one Xconverter to 94931?

PM sent requesting quote.

picked up the Xconverter 360 today. thanks, laugh! :china:

leaving feedback now.

ps2 -> xbox converter arrived today, works a treat with a ps2 saturn pad, many thanks :slight_smile:

If you have any more of those PS2/360 converters, I want one. How can I procure one for myself? I’ve wanted a converter for the longest time but could not find one.

Hey, can I get a quote on an inPin and Xconvertor 360 to 94122?

I’d like a quote for an Xconverter 360 to 89434 please!

i pmed you for a Xconverter 2 days ago. I will try again today i wanted a quote on how much to send to 30052

you are awesome ryan. just a reminder!

Yo laugh, I shot you a PM requesting a quote! :tup:

Also, not that anyone’s going to see this, but in case anyone’s curious about lag on the Xconverter 360s, check out my review of it! These things freaking ROCK! :rock:

about that 303, 305 and 306, does it have levered microswitches?

and how do I install those 203C?

do you ship to Brazil?

I got my converters today. It took 5 days. Shipped 9/9/09 received 9/14/09. I am very impressed. Buy from this man.

edit: Just played some SF4 and MvC2 using my HRAP and an Xconverter. This is the real deal folks.