Old unnecessary thread

Hey laugh, i pmed you with my paypal information, but you never sent a request for payment.

Converter recieved yesterday…thanks laugh!!!

Received the Xconverter 360 today. Thanks laugh!! Feedback coming soon.

Annyong :slight_smile:

Annyong Haseyo!

Hey Laugh, I’m really interested in buying some Korean sticks, but I have acouple of questions I’d like to ask you.

If you have the time, and you arn’t too busy, I wouldn’t mind giving you a call to quicken things.

Good luck @ SBO, if it isn’t over yet! :lovin:

(BTW, missing Korea, much love, Jinro Soujoo FTW!)

PMing an actual order to you, Laugh! :bgrin:

pm sent

Laugh i sent you a pm for the inpin converter. I will pay asap. thanks

pm sent.

Got my X360 in the other day. Plays great.

Thanks laugh.

payment sent


I posted a visitor message on your profile. Drop me a msg or an email when you get a chance. Thanks.


someone posted about the ps2 -> xbox pad converters on the shmup forum, sounds like exactly what i’ve been after for ages so I just signed up to try and buy one, the trading rules mention you need to be signed up for 6 months and make 50 posts before using the trading forum, is this for buying as well or just for selling? anyway if it’s not against the rules i’d like to buy one, LMK!

Thanks :slight_smile:

I bought something from Laugh just recently and he was very professional and mailed it to me in a timely manner.


That’s great, thanks, i’ll send a pm :slight_smile:

edit - i can’t send pm’s because i’m new. how do things work around here? can you pm me the payment details/price with shipping to the UK?


hey laugh its time for sum mo stick stuff…lol

well i was wondering if the saluabi 4k is my only choice as far as korean sticks go. i was wanting to get something a little more solid this time around but keep the korean parts. i saw the wooden look alike but im not sure if that is very durable. thanks in advance

Heya Laugh,

Was thinking of buying an InPin PS2 -> PS3 converter. By any chance do you know if they work with the PS3 Slim?

PM sent! :slight_smile:

PM sent.

PM sent xD

Hi Laugh,

I got my shipment today, damn that was fast, three day shipping for international. Thanks