Old unnecessary thread

and finally…

Got my in pin converters today and they rock! My SFA stick with the old PCB in it works on PS3 now. THanks a ton!

For canadian buyers, did you get your orders thru UPS or Canada post. Just want to know which one I should look out for :sweat:

Canada Post. I picked AirMail and it got here quick and well packaged in bubble stuff, all in a nice small box.

Cool, thanks. I picked Airmail too… I camp the canada post guy everyday from my window hahahah.

How much will it be for
1x JLF-TP-8Y-SK (Dark Hai)
8x OBSF-30 Sanwa buttons
to 90007?

Thank you!

Ordered on April 2nd, arrived today April 15th…to canada would of been sooner but good friday/easter holiday slowed it down! Thank You Laugh!!

Picked Airmail.

Shipment (inPin and buttons) was shipped April 6th.

Shipment was received April 15th.

inPin works perfectly fine and buttons should be fine since they were in bubble wrap.

Thanks a bunch, laugh.

Laugh just got my converter!!

Great Packaging and fast shipment


hi again

laugh you have
Seimitsu PS-14-DN 24mm Pushbutton ??

1x JLF-TP-8Y-SK (Dark Hai) will fit in a SE stick just fine right? By that I mean simple drop-in replacement correct?

Kinda…You notice Laugh’s JLF doesn’t come with mounting plate, but you can use the SE mounting plate. Only problem is that the SE mounting plate screws and Laugh’s JLF don’t fit. Laugh’s JLF holes are just alittle bigger then the SE screw. So you either have to go out and get new screws or do what I did and unscrews these screws and use em. http://mystagedlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/light-switch.jpg :sweat:

Lizardlick’s JLF comes with a mounting plate right? Are theirs literally drop-in replacement?

Inpin converter shipped 4/9 received 4/16 and it works GREAT! Buttons were also in perfect condition.

Yes the Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT-SK, said so on their site.

Got the inPin today. Thanks laugh, you are the best.

How much would it be for.

1 x Sanwa JLF
6 x Sanwa OBSF-30
2 x Sanwa OBSM-30 button plugs
To: London, England

Got my stuff yesterday and I already soldered it in. I got a tourney Saturday and I think it might come in handy.


Hey laugh!

I’m interested in ordering a inPin converter (need to start using my HRAP instead of the useless ps3 controller).

Could you give me a price proposal through PM? i’m in the same boat as the other people, not made 5 posts (although i have in the past, sucks forgetting your password. :wink: )

Dear god… Literally one week from payment to receive. From overseas. Madness. Mucho props sir!