Old Genei Jin for the Win!: Yun Moveset, Strategies, and Combos

been playing a lot of yun lately since cammy REALLY got botched. yuns hella fun to play. if anyone wants me to try to find something out i can try to get vids and pics etc since i’ve been going to the arcade to play ae everyday. (soon to be broke homeless due to dollar per play lol). and i’m pretty sure you can command throw > launcher > either ultra. u1 i think you might have to be in the corner. i’m gonna go find out tomorrow

May have something to do with Sagat’s retarded hurtbox. That’s nice to know though.

From the looks of it they appear to be chainable. Looks similar to Fei Long/Sakura/Cammy’s chains. Only links I’ve seen so far are those from cr.MP.

By launcher do you mean Dragon Kicks? Which version?

  • Can you confirm if cr.MP x3, s.MP works on any other characters besides Sagat?
  • Which ground normals can be SJC’d?
  • Possible trade combos with Dragon Kicks into Ultra/Specials?
  • Best non-special anti-air?
  • Best combo punish for a character that isn’t close enough for close normals?

That’s all I can think of for the moment.

thats cool, cause Yang has to link all his jabs and shorts iirc

Hey guys just came back from a phat session.
except for target combos, his shorts and jabs need to be linked.
eg. cr.lk, cr.lp, f.st.lp, f.st.mp xx watever.

He doesnt really have any great anti air normals. Sometimes cr.mp hits people, but definately wont beat a jumping attack comfortably.
What I have been doing though, is if the jump in is really high, just fwd.HP and force them to crossover.
This is really great for characters without a crossover attack. eg. Boxer dudley
Or at least a weak crossover. eg. Cammy

So far I think only his cl.st.mk can be HJC out of.
Havnt seen any good trades with his Upkicks, cause all my trades are usually when im in the air, and by the time I land, its too late to follow up.

For a good combo punish at a range other than point blank, f.st.mp is actually quite good range.
So I usually opt for f.st.mp xx lp shoulder (so I am close and can mixup), or xx into Lunge for knockdown.
Other than that, just cr.mk xx MP lunge is all I can think of atm.

I didnt test the cr.mp x3 combo, cause it seems like it just has to do with retarded hurtboxes.

Also, Command throw into st.mk (launch) isnt consistant with Yun, and I think its character dependant.
Unlike Yang, who has it much more consistantly, because I think his command throw puts him closer to opponent.

I usually just go for the bigger damage after command throw.

Someone was taking vids today, so you might see some more of my matches up. (Although I played quite bad today, and was fucking around with Yang a lot today).

Keep you guys posted.

not dp. cl.mk = launcher. you can sjc out of that. i havent done any punishes bigger than mp mp dp :confused: haha

ah thats interesting. i was only doing the command throws against the computer. only time i landed command throw in a match was dive kick, mp, palm feint, then ex command grab (did ex on accident), but it worked well! hey genxa what matchups are you using u2 for?

damn thats annoying that his his shorts and jabs need to belinked

to be honest, Im not like U2 very much.

It starts up too slow. Only matchups I use it for are fireball characters.
I use it to punish Ryu blocked cr.mk xx fireball (in between the cr.mk and fireball, there is a gap if they are max ranged)

I find it really odd that U2 does more damage than U1, because U1 is supposed to be the hard hitting one.

A lot of my matches I stick to U1.
Better comboability, and quite a nice anti air.

Found something interesting today with U2 though.
I block Dictators wakeup EX Psycho, and immediately did U2 the other way (after he goes thru you)
It hit, but I’m not sure if opponent was blocking.

It’s called auto correct, and I’m pretty sure it will always work. My character DJ can do this to catch his psycho crushers with Ultra.

So is cl. s.Forward the only normal he can SJC out of? Was wondering if it’s possible to SJC Ultra with Yun and Yang.

It’s not a SJC, it’s just a normal jump, Yun doesn’t have a super jump.

Yes, s.MK is his only jump-cancelable move. Just a unique jump-cancel property like Makoto’s fukiage.

your sure Yun doesn’t have a super jump?

Good to know. So Yun’s combo’s aren’t too noob friendly.

Interesting. How about air-to-air attacks? Neutral jump roundhouse seems to be pretty solid. Also, can Yun cross-up with any of his aerials?


Makes sense. And it won’t trade if the jump is deep since Yun will have invincibility frames on his start-up (I believe).

Cool beans.

Thanks for all the info so far, Genxa. See if maybe you can find out any interesting option selects!

His movelist doesn’t have an entry for super jump.

Movelists: Yun Yang Ibuki Viper (for the latter two, super jump is listed in the second section, a down arrow and then a bunch of text)

In the blog entries it was listed as a jump cancel (they call sjc high jump cancel.) The difference is that jump cancel doesn’t have any startup frames, so you can’t cancel the startup into ultra or a special - assuming the jump cancel works the same as Makoto’s.

But you can still whiff dive kick and then ultra, I think.

According to the blog, Yang can also jump cancel the s.MK in his lk mk hk target combo.

I’m not referring to auto correct.
Anyone here knows what that is.

What im saying is… U2 punishes blocked EX Psycho.

I havnt actually tried it, but I thought about it on my drive home, and in theory it should work.
This is an OS for backdashes in general.

Safe jump in with his Air TC (jump lp,fwd.hp)

If opponent blocks/gets hit, then air TC comes out, and leads to combo.
If opponent backdashes, then your j.lp whiffs, you land, and do fwd.hp to catch backdash.

We’re saying the same thing… so does the U2 have to be reversal timing?

his links? doing shorts and jabs in succession into a f.mp isnt hard. the timings different from something like ryus jab jab low forward but its still simple.

lol… you guys really arent saying the same thing.

anyways genxa it hit for full hits? was it during the psycho or after its recovery? cuz ive had a few instances where i tried to U2 and i only got the 1st hit due to them being in the air or something and i only got the 1 hit and thats it.

also to whoever was saying maybe you can launch dive (whiff) ultra like yang. i tried against sim, launch lk dive ultra 1 but my lk dive hit him anyways. Command throw launcher is character dependent, against sim you get far mk instead of launcher.

depending on the start up on cl mk and how much advantage Yun has on CMD throw… maybe you can walk up a pixel and do cl st mk.

Punishing a move on block is not the same as auto-correct. Auto-correct is like DPing a cross-up. Blocking, then putting in the input is not an auto-correct. It’s just a punish.