I posted it in the videi jin thread. I found it in a vid and linked it.
i dont think yun / yangs palms are the same. yang’s mp palm doesnt knock down, yun, both mp / hp knock down. they look like they have different hitbox/properties or something too. they dont look similar to me.
That video had Yun’s Palm beat Dudley’s SRK… which is ass.
hahahaha looks like you guys found a clip of me somehow…:s
I was playing again last night, and I did also manage to land EX kick into Lunge grounded, so maybe its weird timing/character dependant. Sorry for the Mis info.
About Daigo ending GJ with a mixup, is true.
I have been doing something similar at the end, but I just don’t know what the best damage is DURING the GJ mode.
This is my variation of the GJ combo (maybe crap damage…dunno yet) with the Daigo Ender.
cr.mp, cr.mp, st.mp xx lp shoulder xx GJ.
(During GJ Mode)
st.hk, LP lunge, fwd.mk x3, st.mp, fwd.mk, HP Palm, LP lunge, st.mp, fwd.mk x2, fwd.hp, lp lunge, c.st.mk HJC Dive Kick (Reset)
The High Jump at the end, into Dive kick resets the opponent. Because you land before the opponent, it is hard for the opponent to see which side u are on.
MK dive will land you in the front, while HK dive will land you behind.
I always land and do a meaty cr.mp, if it hits, then confirm into cr.mp, st.mp.
Or do mixups with command throws etc.
Good stuff, Genxa.
Yun bnb: cr.mp, cr.mp, st.mp xx dp hk(correct me if im wrong or right Genxa)
Also Genxa, would shoulder also work after ex kicks?? Sry I wasn’t sure if that was explained or not?
Is it a neutral super jump, or forward super jump? And do you think that combo will connect at midscreen? Like if the lunge doesn’t carry to the corner?
^ im pretty sure just by looking at it, the palm is in the corner, you cant hop kick, st.mp into palm mid screen…
for the most part, the rh,lunge, hop x 3 most likely your opponent will be either cornered or not to far from being cornered which then you would adjust your combo either doing another lunge to get him to the corner or maybe far fierce lunge and go from there.
nice stuff Genxa, think OP should update the first posts with the BnBs found already.
Joe Lau has a decent Yun.
Have you guys tried kara-palms?
Great stuff Genxa!!! You are our new hero. Like InfernoOmni asked, have you tried kara palm’s yet? Would be very sweet if they are in.
Updated OP with a few more things. I want to get more into the normals and combos and chains and links.
I’m assuming cr.MP, cr.MP is a 2 frame link.
InfernoOmni you might want to mention that Genxa was the one who told us about that GJ combo. Just give him some credit.
Hey guys
I’m not too sure if kara palm exist (havnt played the past few days), but I really dont see it being using in GJ combos.
Reason being is, after you palm in GJ, it pushes you back about 1/3 screen, so the only thing I have been able to connect it LP lunge.
During the end of GJ, its a Neutral HJ, then Dive kick.
Im sure the combo still works mid screen, because at the where I use LP lunge, it leaves you very “deep” into the opponent (no homo), hence st.hk should still come out.
The thing is, GJ carrys so far, you are almost always bound to end up in the corner.
I tried starting from my own corner, and almost carried to the other corner (had to adjust the combo a bit, due to opponents floating height).
Also, after EX up kicks you should be able to EX shoulder. I will test these out today, in a few hours times.
Any questions before I head in to the game center please let me know.
2 things I forgot to mention about Yun is, his EX Command Throw give him insane range.
It is possible to do cr.mp, cr.mp (on block), then tick EX command throw.
2nd is that his fwd.hp also has an active hitbox behind him, like in 3S.
I have managed to nip an opponent jumping high over me, and make them eat it from behind (no homo).
If opponent flies into the corner after that, you can lp Lunge.
Also, this friday Sydney is having its first AE Tourny (Xmas Eve BASH!).
So hopefully there will be more vids etc.
I’m not the only Yun player though. If anyone remembers, Humanbomb was the Aussie player who qualified for EVO this year, and he also has a very strong Yun.
OzHadou • View topic - [Syd GGS]Australian First SSF4 AE Tourney - 24 Dec 2010
Looks like Makoto avoided the first hit and stood up into the second hit. Is it only the LK version where this happens?
Last night I saw Daigo do crouch mp x3, stand mp upkicks against Sagat. It was after a level 3 focus, if that matters.
so we cant combo into ultra yet?
are yuns jabs and shorts chainable or do they have to be linked?
What happened to (corner) ex rush punch > ultra 1?