OFFICIAL World of Warcraft Thread

There’s my build.

I put the points into overpower since I look at it as a chance to do massive amounts of instant damage.

Since I crit often, I put points into deep wounds. I use rend whenever I charge anyway, so it’s just like extra damage.

I did improved charge just to get more rage. I usually do improved battle shout, demoralizing shout, hamstring, and rend so the extra rage from the charge helps me do all of that stuff pretty much from the jump.

Bloodcraze is a fucking waste. Don’t put points into it.

I did the 5 points of critical mastery since I do the “stance dance” often.

The rest of it is pretty explanatory.

Another thing, am I the only person who thinks that Bloodthirst, compared to Mortal Strike is complete fucking ass? Mortal Strike overall is a MUCH better end tree talent comparatively.

I got grand marshal this morning on Mannoroth, as well did my pvp buddy darkhammer. :smiley:

your talents are a clusterfuck of suck, no offense but you’re probably new to the game.

at level 31 you should be

this will basically make you kill things in 15 seconds flat, 3 points in Imp gouge will help in PvP

at this point in your level, you could hop over to malice or go straight for adren rush, really doesnt matter, Adrenaline Rush will give you an extra edge in pvp which you might need since this is basically a grinding build, but malice will overall be superior to grinding.

you final grinding build should look roughly like this

once you hit 60 spec which way you play and what kind of weapon you have equipped. what i gave you is basically a grinding guide, you’re going to do steady strong dps that daggers wont give you. this build is not for pvp except vs melee, this is a straight up mob murdering grind build.

did you buy all the pvp gear and not the weapon? get the gear since its getting an upgrade… its probably gonna help you in expansion more than judgement will

I bought everything I just dont wear it, I’m 31/8/12 with 5 piece nightslayer and im in a top end raiding guild that clears aq every week so I can basically pick and choose from whatever gear I want.

yes I am teh n00b, but I play pvp, I really can’t see how you can go without sub talents

btw can you tell me how to make easy $$4 in less than an hour? I wasted all my $$ on a twisted sabre and it turned out to be main hand only:wasted: …I can’t afford the 5 gold to invest on my talents nor a decent dagger :frowning:

Anyhow if I ever get the 5g to invest on my talents and get lvl 60 I’ll have

Since we’re talking builds can I ask a question? Right now my warlock is lvl 36 and his current build is When I get to lvl 60 I think I’m going to spec SM/Ruin like most other warlocks. Are there greater benifits from MD/Ruin or maybe another build I’m not thinking of?

Overall, MS completely outdamages Bloodthirst, but that isn’t entirely the point.

Bloodthirst’s damage is 45% of your attack power. So if your AP is exactly 1000, the base damage is 450, reduced by armor or increased by crit. That applies REGARDLESS of weapon… or even if you’re barehanded (disarm won’t save you from Bloodthirst). It gives DW Fury warrs a little touch of burst damage independant of their weapon type.

One could also argue that while MS > BT, Fury has better talent synergy than Arms, even with 2H weapons. Sure, Arms seems better, but as the gear scales up, thanks to effects like Flurry and Enrage, many believe that 2H Fury actually outperforms Arms.

WoW’s official Warrior forums have more info on all this.

Opps I thought I linked the correct build. The build I had doesnt include ghostly strike I never had it nor will ever use it. Imp saps is okay but I rather have 2 points in rapid consealment and place 1 point in improved CS. Now the build I had used did not include improved SnD cause that is a waste. Instead I would put the points in murder …

This is the real link to the build…

This is the acutal build I used for a very long long time. I didn’t realize it was the same build as red impacts when i posted the link before. Didn’t get to change it cause I was at work.

Anyways, I switched my rogue build for a more grinding friendly build for the 50-60 run. My old build started to make grinding a bit slower, I had to gouge all the time and even though i get to kill fast, it’s not fast enough.

As for my warrior, I think I’ll go with two handded axes, i’ll post my projected build a little later.

Adam Warlock: What’s your name over in your server? I might hang out there once in ahwhile. Your server has enough people and we don’t get kicked if we’re inactive for 2 seconds.

edit: thanks for the feed back on the build info.

i dont kick anyone! look! turdburger and emotion! 10 days not played, not kicked see =|

Heh, yeah I play really casually. My main is only lvl 36 and I’ve been playing for like 5 months. Sorry about that.

Hey, I was wondering if anyone is interested in trading wow accounts.

I have a 60 gnome mage on Ner’zhul and a 40 pally.
Both have rides and some gold, the mage has a couple of epics, and very decent blues. Hes a master sergeant.

I’d be interested in any non-mage, non-pally type of character on a pvp server.

pm me k thnx :smiley:

I just hit Lvl40 on Andorhal with my Mage! WOO! GOT MY MOUNT TOO!!! =)!

Sitting on 56 with my feral druid on Thunderhorn…did LBRS thou. Must get higher lvls!!!

Yeah. MS has one of the best debuffs in the game that can’t be taken off short of divine protection/shield. But in the end, it’s just a play style. MS is ass for DW, so typically if you like 2hers, you go ms. DW is just a fun build 'cause you have more versatility against certain classes (mages, rogues, and hunters come to mind).

PvE wise, BT is good 'cause it’s a lot less aggro than MS. So you can hit for just as hard (if you have over 900 ap unbuffed) for less aggro, which is ideal for aggro-picky fights like ony.

MD/Ruin is a good build for 60. Right now though, you are kinda gimping yourself. Mainly cause you should be well on your way to Dark Pact by now. That spell makes grinding out those last levels super easy. Free mana between fights. You basically just spam dark pact between fights and you’re golden.

About your current build, I would drop Demonic Embrace and Improved drain soul. Demonic embrace is good, but works better the more stamina gear you have. Trust me Demonic Embrace is just as good after Dark Pact as it is before. IMproved Drain Soul is Obsolete if you are going for Dark Pact. I still think you should go for Dark Pact and then Demonic Embrace

I laugh at warriors who try to dual wield and duel me…
MS + 2Hander is the way to go.

Nevermind, guild name on Andorhal is now THE VINDICATES… Everyone get up and shake your boooty<3… Andorhal, PVP, Horde, let’s go =)

I’m 40, someone catch up ;_;

How do you get your guild’s name changed?

You quit, get a new charter and think about the money you wasted on the tabard and how you’re going to have to buy another one =(…