Official Rack-N-Cue @SFSU Thread

The fierce button is broken on the player 1 side of CvS2.
And ya know…Sagat revolves around that button…:rolleyes:

yes please fix the fierce button

get TTT

The buttons are a little shaky on both sides of the CVS2 machine. Fierce is crap on the left side, everything is sticky on the right side. Not horribly sticky, but it’s kinda like the buttons don’t stick up from the counter as much as the left side. Just fix the fierce on the left side so the Sagat players are happy. I need more people to play when I go up there, so a working machine would be nice. I’ll be up on Tuesday, noonish.

The buttons are fixed, your majesty. Also tackled the gnome problem on the Puzzle fighter. we’ll see if that’s the end of that.

Ok kiddies,

Because I want SFSU (college) students involved. Saturday, November 22nd (the week b4 thanksgiving, will be the next RNC Tournament!

It seems I have Initial D and SC2 on board. Possibly puzzle fighter. Haven’t heard about DDR or any other games (CVS2, MVC GGXX). If you want them in I need an organizer to handle rules, pot split and brackets for each game. (I will not use that game without an organizer!) Gotta know by the end of this week or else they will not happen.

Gotta give at least 2 weeks notice.

Someone be an organizer for CvS2.

I’m too shy. :o

i guess i’ll organize. someone help me tho.


Hey ourburos, I am sure any of the other people running the brackets for the other games would be willing to help out. I hope the turnout for this tourney is more like the first one than the second.

Ouroborus, if you plan to run the CVS2 part of the tourney, I need that format & pot split info by monday morning. Same for Rushdown if you want SC2 to happen.

Check your PM boxes, guys.

Someone volunteer to organize ggxx!! Do it Jeff!!

that’s a bad day to hold a tournament. there’s a big one going down in berkeley that same day.

Honestly I’d rather go to Berkeley, but than again…I think this was announced before the Berkeley one. How about moving this tourney to a Friday afternoon?

Sorry, no can do. Initial D and Puzzle fighter are already on board for saturday and I’m already hosting a Moneyball on friday.

I haven’t officially posted anything other than Initial D and Puzzle fighter because I got people to run them. I’m fine with just holdin those two if everyone’s going to berkeley.

Besides, We’re going to be FREE PLAY w/$5 per game fee. I understand that Berkeley is $5 fee and pay-to-play

first of all, are the controller and buttons fixed on the cabinets?

i dont know is it a good idea to hold it at the same day as UCB. is there anyway to postpone it to a different day?

despite having freeplay, you have to admit that UCB has a MUCH better cabinet, much, much better controls and last but not least, better competition.

Sorry, My schedule is too tight. Its all or nothing. So if you’re not going to do CVS2, that’s fine. I still got puzzle fighter & Initial D

Um, CvS2 again. Light Kick on player 2 side seems to busted again. Who keeps breaking the machine? :frowning:

Why not replace all buttons?

I’m on it, and yes, replacing all the buttons has crossed my mind.

1P HP and HK are both screwed up. HP is just broken and HK doesn’t come out when you press it sometimes.