Official HDR "Dirty tricks" thread. What are your most devious, sneaky shenanigans?

I hate that. A lot.

13 frames is not a very long time (human experience wise). I think he means that he whiffs the jab making the opponent hesitate because usually people wait for a tick before they counter a throw, and then he throws him in his hesitation (by this time 13 frames couldve passed easy).

Something i don’t do myself but happens constantly to me.

Dhalsim’s landing frames after a jump is so deceiving.

He lands while he looks like he is in midair i keep getting thrown while i’m waiting for him to land.

Are you talking about whiff Drill into throw? Yeah, I get caught by that all the time. :sweat: Which is why I love using it a lot myself when I’m playing as Dhalsim. :rofl:

Fulaani’s right: 13 frames ain’t shit. It’s about the same amount of time as blocking a Jab or Short. I see lots of vids of players whiffing normals to get a waking up player to block in anticipation and then throwing them while they’re just sitting there. Timing the throw is tricky, if you do it too soon you will just get a normal, but it’s not that difficult to do. In fact, it works great.

Then post these videos please. High level matches only.

Who the hell cares about high level matches, all that matters is that the guy who posted that thought it was a dirty trick and if it works for him fine. There nothing in the system that would prevent him from doing this like you implied, 13 frames go by fast.

Tsuji whiffs meaty cr Forward into throw.

Nuki whiffs meaty st Jab into throw. This one is so fast, I’m not even sure 13 frames have gone by. Kinda looks like a glitch.

IDK who the players are in this match, but [media=youtube]9YD_P93IDqM&feature=related&#t=3m48s"[/media]. Classic. Dude was probably tutored by/stole it from Haru Tejyo. = J

No like just :u::hk: and whatever.

The landing animation and distance to the ground is deceptive as all hell.

Wow thanks for this. I’ll have to try more wiffing normals into throws.

Dhalsim’s mk drill crosses up if you use it after a knockdown, I love when I pull it off. When I saw the killing arts of yoga I thought that it was some kind of difficult high level technique or something, but its quite easy to pull off.

mk slide under a jump in, crossup hk slide under a throw tech floating animation

yoga flame corner trap, for some reason people jump after getting hit with a yoga flame the second or third time, so for after the second or third time I hit an opponent on the block, I use the upflame that was the only thing that got buffed as far as dhalsim goes.

With Gief fighting characters with weak anti-air, I <3 knockdown, crossover body splash, crossover body splash, crossover body splash std LK into SPD

My bro’s biggest gimmick is Ken stand HK meaty (blocked or hit), then LP dragon

IDK if anybody else does it, but whiffing sonic booms with guile on wakeup so that it barely misses and goes through a downed opponent who can’t rely on a wakeup reversal just before they get up is great. You can follow the boom in and then throw them as they’re wondering whether they should be blocking on wakeup or not. That 13 frame window is less time than it takes most ordinary humans to realise that they’ve been conned and get a reversal out.

Also, i haven’t seen anybody posting any ryu fake fireball shenanigans so far. They’re super risky, but so fun when they happen for you. I never really use ryu seriously, but some of my fave stuff to do with him when i’m messing around is to train a cornered opponent to fear a fireball lockdown and block too much, then when i get a knockdown from it, do a fake fireball timed to look like it’s a meaty on their wakeup, and just walk up and throw while they’re still blocking and reset the corner trap.

My all time fave with him though is Jumping roundhouse, crouching forward xx fake fireball, walk up throw. I LOVE landing this. I’ll take a risk on doing it sometimes if i have a good life lead and am comboing for the win. It’s so annoying for the opponent to know he had a chance to reversal out but still ended up getting KO’d because he didn’t spot the throw.

LOL ever since I+ve seen a DJ do the whiff max out thing Ive added that to my gameplan. Its so stupid but it works, love it.

With Blanka after a corner knockdown I like fierce ball into super with the timing that the popup hit hits on the way down when they actually get up. If they block you dont get the normal pushback and you can tickthrow after the super lol.

I only started doing this recently with bison, i don’t know why but i never caught on to it before but it’s a fun mixup. When you have an opponent cornered and knocked down, like after a throw into the corner or whatever, headstomp them on wakeup a couple of times. A lot of the time they’ll block, because a headstomp is dangerous and hi priority, and safe against most of the cast. Once you see that their default action is to block in this situation, use an Up+Forward “empty” devil’s reverse instead in the same situatiuon, ie: devil’s reverse, but don’t activate the second part of the move,just use the floaty jump part. If you DR from a close distance, it looks just like a headstomp, and is the same speed, trajectory etc, but you just land instead, and their reaction on wakeup will still be to block. You can land right beside them while they’re blocking and throw them back into the corner to reset the loop.

I’ve scored 2 straight throws off this a few times before people figure out what’s going on, and you can then switch back to mixing in real headstomps to keep them on their toes.

i think the best dirty trick is to down load porn while playing lol jk but seriously lag is probably the dirtiest move everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Hmmm, I think conditioning your opponent to expect a whiff upper throw from Balrog, and then instead doing a glitch super is pretty dirty.

Against scrubs online or people unfamiliar with HDR I like to pick Ken and then walk up to Ryu players who like to psychic DP and use my invincible strong DP. It just looks like I’m cheating, lol. Their DP goes directly into my sprite but they’re the one who gets hit.

I’ve never really found a way to do anything abuseable with it, but I’ve always thought it was neat that you can walk forward a few frames with charge characters before competing the command for the special and still have it come out. You can actually move closer to your opponent slowly with Guile doing this in a fireball fight if you’re really good at it.

With Balrog I like to throw out a Fierce dash punch every so often. After conditioning the opponent to expect so many jab and short punches they tend to forget that the move can go all the way across the screen. They really do just stand there and get hit in the fuckin face sometimes.

corner cross under with boxer is legit

oh yeah unipon gief whiffs roundhouse to 360 or 720 sometimes.

With Dee Jay, I’ve gotten into a habit of throwing cr. jabs before a fireball. I started doing this as a defensive measure (against Blankas and Hondas and Boxers), but kept the habit during other fights. The reason I mention it, is because I create a rhythm. jabjabjab–fireball. jabjabjab–fireball. I stick to this rhythm while I’m at a safe distance, and I make sure I get my opponent in tune with it. Then, once I’m at an unsafe distance, I’ll do a quick jabjabjab–…then nothing (or sometimes a whiffed cr. fierce for a fake). It is amazing how often an opponent will jump, or boxer headbutt expecting a fireball at that precise moment, landing them on an upkick. Another thing I’ll do once I’ve established that rhythm, is cancel parts of it out. If I do a couple of jabjabjab–fireballs in a row, and then I throw out a crouching jab, my opponent often is trained into thinking that, since two more jabs are coming, he has a brief moment of safety, as though it’s all one “move” that I must go through. So even a simple jab–fireball can catch them off-guard, or if I’m feeling really ballsy, jabjab–jump in.

One little neat trick I’ve gotten in training mode with Akuma is an air hadouken (or j. mp) cancel to SGS. If done right, you should get a quick jab while grounded and immediately go straight into SGS with no time for the opponent to react to. I have yet to take it online but I’ll see how it plays out again humans.