Official HDR "Dirty tricks" thread. What are your most devious, sneaky shenanigans?

This thread is for players who love Dirty Tricks.

One of my favourite things to do in HDR is score damage off of tricks, shenanigans, and stuff that opponents generally speaking, aren’t expecting and don’t see too often. I know there’s lots of info in character specific threads on this kind of stuff, but i haven’t found a thread that deals with them specifically in one place, so i decided to make one.

Post who your main is, and what some of your favourite dirty, cheap, downright devious shenanigans are. Whether they’re across the board and work on anyone, or are character specific, it doesn’t matter, as long as they’re SNEAKY.

OK, my main is Dictator, who has loads of sneaky tricks, and some of my favourite stuff to do to catch opponents off guard is:

Fake slide into throw on round start on overly defensive opponents.
Corner crossup with Psycho crusher into 2xst.LK, Cr.MK xx fierce crusher out from the corner.
Blocked headstomp, Mid-air crossup to bait a ground counter attack, then cross back, land close behind them, and grab them from the back while their attack is coming out facing the wrong direction.
Meaty crouching forward, crouching forward, xx scissor kicks on a waking up opponent. 4 Hit combo.
Crossup Skull diver, St.LK, Cr.MK, xx Fierce crusher.
Up+Back Empty devil’s reverse straight into super on landing.
Fake slide>Headstomp.
Early cross up headstomp.
VERY early headstomp on wakeup on a thrown into the corner opponent (stomps on their toes then lands immediately), instant combo (no recovery) into mashed st.LKx2 xx fierce Crusher/Scissors (very tough timing). Mashing LK is an option select, if the low stomp works correctly with no recovery you get a combo, if it doesn’t and you stomp but don’t land immediately you’re holding back charge mid-air and you fly away to safety at the other side of the stage.
Crossup slide on an opponent landing after teching a throw.
Late neutral jump MP from up close on a waking up Zangief to bait a wakeup SPD. Launch him out of his whiff animation then follow up with either safe jump back second j.MP or 2x Jump forward MP into Super juggle.
Instant overhead Diagonal Jumping MK to get a dizzy or a win. Nobody ever expects it. It’s 100% punishable, even on hit, but it’s a great trick to finish a round with.

That’s not all, i have tons more, but i’m not going to give away all my secrets. Anybody else got any sneaky stuff for their main character that they’re willing to share?


My signature blocked/hit Dive, walk-up 720. :nunchuck:

And any normal walk-up throw always makes me feel dirty.

I ain’t sayin’ shit! I need every trick I can get to win with Cammy, can’t let my secrets out. :slight_smile:

#1) :hp: Grab, cross under, st.:lp:, cr.:lk: XX :mp: HHS, :hp: Ochio
#2) :hp: Grab, cross under, cr.:hk:, cross up :hk:, cr.:lk:, cr:lk:, :mp: HHS
#3) :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab, Jump Forward :hk:, :hk: Grab (Against Dhalsim, Balrog, Dee Jay, Guile – but especially Dhalsim)

Ya, I’m shameless - but I don’t give a shit!

Roll into Bite. Its sooooooo irritating when you when you fall for it. (Speaking from experience on both sides of the bite.)

Good set up

blocksting: crossup lK, stand mP, c.Mk, c.Hp, jab roll into bite.
in the corner a blocked sweep at just the right range also positions you perfectly for a jab roll into bite.
from just a little less than full screen is when you can use strong ball into bite, but not too many people fall for that one…BUT, if you mix in a roll into electricity every once in a while that can be fun.

Here’s another one…slide as an antiair. This beats a TON of moves, but not all. So you can’t just be doing it all day long. (For example Hawks j.Hp kills it, but it beats his jump jab. Will also beat DeeJay’s “Godhand” j lp and Feis chickenwing.)

Anyway. It sets you up for a PERFECT safe jump crossup against a bunch of characters.

Okay, you win. I’ve never seen ANY of that stuff.

My personal favorite is a pretty simple one: using the super flash to mess up the other guy’s inputs.

Especially after scoring a knockdown, as the other guy gets up, stay close to them, and input a super in the last frames of their getting up animation. The super flash messes up their inputs, their reversal attempt misses, and they eat a super.

This just made my day.

FUCK! That explains it! Many times an opponent would do a super, I’d be ready to thrust kick but Cammy would just stand there and do a standing lk.

Mashing reversal super and the “American mixup” of st. strong, cr. roundhouse with DJ.

Awesome sauce! I guarantee that it ruined several other people’s day; namely the Dhalsim players. Haha! Suck it stretchy!

I should make up a table to see who all that will work on. He actually has 4 pixels more throw range than Dhalsim, and he lands within that 4 pixel window with the jump forward :hk:.

Fei Long’s throw tech crossup, especially against Chun Li(most consistent)
Low lk into overhead or tick throw and standing lk into throw.

A personal favorite with blanka is fierceball crossup after a corner bite into elec/

I use this a lot in the corner, I do fierce ball into the corner but instead of a meaty I do fierce ball > super to mess up their reversal. Especially useful if you only need the chip dmg to kill them and limit the chances of eating a reversal.

I also have to agree with jiggly about walk up throws, anyone who has played my while using a mic will know how happy doing those makes me. My record is a 3/4th screen walk up throw with slow ass walking blanka.

Well damn. If that’s the case Im a little surprised you don’t use T.Hawk or Gief.

My best trick is acting like I’m going to cross up, whiff it on purpose and then let them throw me.

Works everytime.

Far 360
Buffer one 360, walk up, 720.

with gief, whiff st.rh, 360

Dictator…cross-up headstomp.

Oh my gawd! How can anyone forget? All time personal favorite and the move most people hate me for is the “Sumo Splash (aka buttslam) of death-loop move”! Seems simple enough but there is a technique of when to do it and when not to. Usually when I do this I put on my hitbox-colored glasses and catch a lot of players (i.e. Guile and Ryu) off guard after a knockdown by carefully landing on them to disrupt their wakeup moves. I take full advantage of the invincible start up of this move and landing range. This move is so damn good (in term of ranges and method of escape or setups) it catches a lot of projectile players off guard. (Too bad it’s not like this in SF4!)

Not to mention it’s a great move when performing in front of a live or streaming audience. Sure to gain chuckles if you can do this move the entire round or even an entire match! Heh!

Not convinced? See link below.

Here’s a very good example and classic streaming video from one of our favorite Hondas in action:

Now that’s just plain dirty!

I think it’s funny how most posters in this thread are Honda players :slight_smile:

Anyways, my favorite “dirty” thing to do with Rog is the whiff uppercut into grab. So cheap, yet so effective.