It was hilarious watching you do the sumo splash loop to clueless players last weekend. We were all in the room waiting for some rage quits, but they never occured surprisingly.
This boils my blood like nothing else, that and blanka short ball into a bite and blnkas hops that make u block the wrong way, the good thing about being a victim of these tactics is that they make you a better player by being able to recognise patterns and setups and quickening ur reaction speed. Its all good
This boils my blood like nothing else, that and blanka short ball into a bite and blnkas hops that make u block the wrong way, the good thing about being a victim of these tactics is that they make you a better player by being able to recognise patterns and setups and quickening ur reaction speed. Its all good
Multiple j mk crossups with dj works against everyone:rofl: After scoring knockdown walking forward and as soon as opponents stand up animation ends tripping with cr mk to score is fun [media=youtube]vcAmUNDcmSQ[/media], sliding under guile’s fb from close range usually works because most guile players concentrate on what footsie to throw out after their sb that they don’t think they might get hit during it.
With sagat walking back/forward or switching between crouching and standing multiple times while whiffing st lp or cr lk is great for baiting jumps or if I’m mid range against any fb’er it’s also good to punish with a j rh combo. Short tk into walkup throw or dp is sagat’s standard trick as is hopping over fb’s with tk.
Dic’s “overhead” (immediate j mk from close range) catches players who anticipate being poked with st mk/hk or cr mk especially at the start of a round.
… Amen brother… Amen.
That, Blanka’s fake roll into bite, Blanka’s hop crossup, sim’s Noogie > LK slide > FP throw, and my own beloved Fake slide into throw with Dic are the only things that make me want to smash my controller up in frustration whenever i get caught by them.
Sooo annoying…:annoy:
A lot of people take for granted how fast the startup is on Rog’s super. Combine that with it’s initial burst of speed and I can reversal out of many blocked normals into unblockable super (like shoto sweep). Also Rog super through fireballs at close range is super awesome if you have the reaction time necessary to do it.
I pick Chun-Li.
With Blanka: After a bite, walk up when they are in landing animation, stop a moment, walk up, bite again.
Nappynightmare - tiger tiger lag switch dirtiest tactic ever
For gief my favs
Standing HK whiff into SPD
Hop over sweep into SPD
Empty Jump into FAB
Ha ha. I get that a lot when I’m playing someone with a cross up like Ken or Fei. My favorite right now is PS xx Demon’s Souls.
Nothing in the game makes me wanna slam my fists on my joystick than this.
Man, it’s SO EASY with Rog to grab out of a crossup. Guys like Ryu, Ken, Deejay are the easiest to grab when they try a crossup.
sometimes when i use boxer, i like to poke into dash upper and grab them while they’re still in blockstun. only works on guile, though.
Second slide with dj after the first is blocked seems to work on a lot of people.
With Blanka, I do my patented early jump over fireballs, land into electric. Jump happy opponents will jump towards me thinking…“YES!, he has no charge, now I can go in for the kill!” but halfway through their jump arc they realize they’ve been baited and instead say…“OH SHIT! I’m about to get fried!”
This works great vs Sim players too because it makes them think twice about sticking those limbs out.
yes keep his thread alive! post all of your dirty tricks. i’ll just sit here and read them haha.
Aww yes. Only too often sweet prince. When the frick are you gonna frickin’ get back so we can get some frickin’ games in?
What the frick?
Reversal LK up-kicks when someone tries to do any meaty. It hops over them and I usually throw from there.