Don’t bother. Every human you try it against will know perfectly well that being anywhere near a HDR akuma with full meter is a bad idea, especially letting him jump at you, and will probably have seen it loads of times from all the other millions of akumas online that abuse the same bugged broken tactic. More online akuma players are the last thing the game needs.
As guile, one of my bread and butter moves is following a jab sonic boom and tick throwing as they block. After doing this once or twice they’ll get the idea that they can throw a reversal in between the blockstun ending and my throw beginning. Once they figure that out I instead throw out a jab sonic boom, follow it, and jump over them for the crossup.
I posted this in the Dictator thread already, but i’ll repeat it here, cos it’s relevant. It’s a “Fake headstomp” shenanigan with M.Bison.
From the right range (very close), on a cornered waking up opponent you can do a :u: devil’s reverse that looks identical to a headstomp, but whiffs and lands right beside the opponent, allowing you to throw them into the corner again for another fake stomp/real stomp mixup.
I like to fart when I’m playing DGV and Aqua Snake. If you think that it doesn’t work online - you’re right. It doesn’t. I just like to fart. MAXIMUM farts. Those are farts that are rich in sulfur. I like eggs. I don’t believe that whole cholesterol thing.
If anyone wants me to post of video of this strat, let me know.
This actually sounds like a very potent tactic. DGV and Aqua Snake are both difficult opponents for me. Maybe I should try it in-person at the next tournament…
LOL! For real, those empty jump in FAB’s pisses me right off too! Jeez!
With Ryu, I really like throwing out random st. mp’s during my fireball spamming not only to tease the opponent, but its a nice AA as well. Ever so often, i change up the st. strong with numerous cr. forwards, and for some reason many people think it’s safe to jump in n den BAM!!! LATE FIERCE DP TO THE FACE!!! Takes off a nice chunk of health
Holy shit. I always figured these were just bootleg moments where it just works in your favor, I never thought any one PLANNED these. Thats some SERIOUS dirty shit Thelo D:
I mean seriously, that is just worse than aids. That is literally the ONE thing in this game that makes me slap my self silly. Especially against scrub Akumas… You know he’s gonna pull out a demon from half screen since for some reason they are THAT dense, so I tap up forward or something in anticipation; my input coincides with the super flash, I look like BIG FOOL.
Probably my fave with Chun is neckbreaker bullshit. Do a few neckbreakers, if they block go for a throw. If it knocks down and you suspect they will block the next one, cross them up and then do a neck breaker. Throw if blocked.