Official Doctor Doom Infinite Thread #INFINITEDOOM

On a scale of 1-10 (10 being Desk level), how difficult are these execution wise?

They can be as low as a 2 or 3 for the basic infinite. The only hard part is getting the aerial L right before landing. The rest is just memorization.

So I’ve been fiddling with his infinite variations now and I’ve got to ask:

Why in the would anyone go for anything other than his “basic” infinite in the corner? Why leave more room for error?

Because you get more damage and meter per rep, it looks flashier, and it’s easier in a sense. If you can get the advanced corner infinite down you might only need 2 or 3 reps of that compared to 6 of the simple infinite in the corner. The hardest part of the infinite (for most) is landing during the hitstop frames of the L. So if you can consistently get the infinite but tend to drop the L between loops it’s probably a better idea to go for the flashier, more damaging variation.

which ones should I go about learning?

The actual loop in the first video is much better, as are it’s midscreen setups. The loop in the second video should only be used to corner carry, since it does less damage, aka you need to do more of it, aka you’re more likely to drop it.

These corner setups use old TAC technology, are relatively simple, damaging and there’s no “eyeballing”. Ignore the midscreen setup (it’s not bad, but it’s in the first video). But yes, I do use the gun to set it up, and some people consider that to be harder (lol, it’s the same, really)

Trying to learn Doom’s corner down TAC infinite.

Pretty much got the starter down, but as soon as I hit j.H > j.L > land > j.L the character flips out.

Am I doing it wrong, too soon or too late? Following the annotation for the midscreen down video.

If they fall out, it means you didn’t start the infinite properly. You need to hit the first j.l the exact time that you touch the ground. Try messing around with the timing for it

Hi i been trying to do the doom basic down tac infinite need help. So i do addf flight j.m j.m ad j.m j.m add j.m jm. j.h j.l land j.l ,j.l ,j.m ,j.m flight j.m j.m airdash. But no matter how many times i try doom will not airdash been trying for an hour but the airdash will not come out any help or advice

Hey guys, I’ve been learning the infinites posted here and while I don’t have a problem executing them, they’re a little TOO effective for my needs. I’m an X-23 player so ideally I’d like every infinite to give me at least four meters, and the ones in those videos will only give me 2-3 before killing an average health character in the corner. Are there any alternatives I can look at that maybe take longer to kill but are still match practical?

I cant seem to connect JM After L
am i pressing m to slow or something. the dummy just flips out

Only do -land, j.l, j.m, j.m, flight. And cancel into flight immediately after the second hit of the second j.m, if you do j.l, j.l. then doom drops too low and you can’t airdash that low to the ground. Also I suggest using the beam infinite after the relaunch, does more damage and is easier in my opinion, also you don’t have to worry about being too low to air dash. And just to clarify a bit more I mean do
"Starter, land, j.l, j.m, j.m, f+h, j.l, j.l, aduf, j.l, j.l, j.m, j.m(1 hit) xx flight, [j.m, j.m, adf] x3, j.h, j.m(1 hit), j.m(1 hit), qcf l, j.l, land, repeat

At CEO, Chris G used a mid screen side TAC starter that used air plasma shot, and then a flight MM combo… anyone have any idea what i’m talking about? LoL.

Here it is at 2:20 of this video

Also, at curleh mustache, F Champ was using a corner down TAC that started with Flight MMs, then two unfly M (1hit), M (1hit) into L plasma beam and then falling L. I’m unsure of the exact notation. Can anyone possibly help me with that? I feel as if this may be easier than the other options.

The champ TAC happens at 11:20 of this video

Ok so I can do all the starters in corner but what’s giving me trouble is the j.l j.m
I get the everything blaster fall down :l: rejump :l: but the :m: afterwards doesn’t connect what am I doing wrong.

Edit: Whoops figured that out.
Now I’m trying to do the rejump that norcal does where they blaster j:l: :m: (2 hit) :m: (2 hit) :f::h: j.l x 2 adu j.l x 2.
I know for that the second m has to be at their feet but champ is doing it without being that low.

I found a new way to start a midscreen down exchange. TAC down, almost immediate L photon shot, addf L, land, j.L. delay the photon shot until you see doom coming on screen instead of buffering before you see him, dash as soon as you can. Took me a minute to get the timing but it’s not that bad, now we have simple ways to do photon shot tacs in all directions

Question. Is the idea of a good infinite setup that the crooked j.L is the only possible point the jab can come out?

That sounds very character-specific due to the hitboxes, does it work on everybody? Looks really cool though.

not character specific, haven’t done super thorough testing on it but I know it works on all the average sized chars, smaller chars (even rocket raccoon, and it looks hilarious), and it works on dorm. only char I couldnt do it on was sentinel


alright i suck with the infinite all around, but when i do get it to register its because I used the L plasma beam instead of butter gun.

I’m trying to figure out starters in the corner that are at my level of execution and that should let me end with L plasma beam.

can someone verify if these work? I know for sure my side exchange one works correctly, and it LOOKs like my down exchange one should work correctly but i’ve never actually completed it.

Up exchange delay M M f+H L L ADUF L L M M(1 hit) L plasma beam fall M(1 hit) fly MM ADF MM ADF MM Butter gun, fall M(1 hit) M(1 hit) L plasma beam falling jL

Down exchange LLM(1 hit)M (1 hit) L plasma Beam, L f+H, L L ADUF L L M (1hit) fly MM ADF MM ADF MM Butter gun, fall M(1 hit) M(1 hit) L plasma beam falling jL

Side exchange ADDF fly, MM ADF MM ADF MM butter gun fall M(1 hit) M(1 hit) L plasma beam falling jL

unless of course u guys have some simpler corner variations that use theplasma beam. I’ve been trying to do most of the ones in this thread and searching all over youtube, but I find others to be much more difficult. At least this way I get some damage before I drop the infinite :frowning: