Official Doctor Doom Infinite Thread #INFINITEDOOM

those are pretty much the easiest plasma beam variations I can think of, and to squeeze out that extra bit of damage you can add an M into the adf MM part, so it would be fly, MM ADF MM ADF M ADF MM butter gun

Any pointers on hitting the correct falling L? A friend said I can just mash it after the plasma beam but that doesn’t seem to work like how it works outside the corner

Are you close enough to the ground? since you should be able to pretty much be able mash it out after plasma beam.

The update to the thread will come with the marvel patch

So no update ?

dont mash it out, learn the timing relative to your height off the ground because sometimes you wont be at the perfect height due to little changes in timing that might happen in a match. best advice I can give is if your at the lowest possible height to land it is to hit the j.L as soon as the plasma beam animation ends, hear the two hits of the plasma beam then the j.L right after, it should be a 123 kinda thing. hopefully you get what I mean by that

I think I know what you mean. I need clarification on one thing though.

The falling L that starts the infinite, it happens on the hitstop of the falling L ---- so that means that the height at which i do the falling L is the key, not the height of my plasma beam/butter gun right?

What i mean is if I hit them with the butter gun slightly higher than normal, i’m going to have to wait for doom to fall to the “hitstop height” before pressing L, as opposed to if I hit them lower with the butter gun, I"d have to press L at the same “hitstop height” which means pressing it faster?

Does that make sense?

How can you tell if your opponent is at the right height to connect a falling j.L after a Plasma Beam for Doom Infinites?
Trying to learn how to do Dr. Doom TAC infinites with Plasma Beam starters. Learning midscreen right now - I can do the down and side TACs, but I can’t figure out what I’m supposed to be doing to get the infinite started consistently.

For down, I’m just doing TAC hit > ADDF xx L Plasma Beam > falling j.L > infinite

For side, I’m doing TAC hit > Photon array > ADDF xx j.M (1 hit) xx fly > j.M M (2 hits) xx ADF j.M M (2 hits) xx ADDF xx j.M M (1 hit) xx Plasma beam > falling j.L > infinite.

The infinite loop I’m doing is j.L M M > H footdive ADF xx j.L M xx L plasma beam > falling j.L

I don’t even know what up starter to use midscreen, but right now I’m just trying to master even one of these directions so that I can practice the loop since I can’t get past about a rep and a half. The problem seems to be that I can never get the character to bounce on the plasma beam the right amount of times and I can’t tell what I’m supposed to be looking for. Sometimes I won’t have enough time for a falling j.L, other times it will whiff in the air and maybe 10% of the time I’ll get the crooked j.L to start the infinite like I’m supposed to.

Any tips on how to get this consistent? Currently practicing the loop on average/tall characters like Dr. Doom, Wesker and Dante (I hear the down starter is tricky on smaller characters so I’ll save that for when I have this figured out).

I get what your saying, yes you’re always going to pressing the L at the same height, but the key to making it as easy as possible on yourself is to get the soft knockdown of the plasma beam as low as possible. You can do an up tac and be very high off the ground and get the soft knockdown off of plasma beam then just fall until you are low enough but your more than likely going to have a hard time because unless to do the setup the exact same timing wise with every hit then the time your falling will be different every time, you have to try to get into that sweet spot where you can do the plasma beam into the L as low as possible, still doable the way you said but your main goal in every setup should be to get as much damage and to get as close to that sweet spot as possible, and once you get the hang of how all the moves effect the other character you can freestyle if you somehow mess up, or you can change the height to end in a tac ender like rocks xx sphere flame. Eventually you’ll miss an air dash or something and you’ll need to recover the best way that suits the situation

Do the down midscreen starter thats on the first page of this thread, always been the easiest for me since its almost the same as the side starter and the up starter. Ive never like the air dash straight into beam just because its never seemed reliable to me, too many things to mess up with the timing, plus damage wise its just not optimal. You want to get as much damage as possible before having to do the the hitstop L. Pretty much all of the basic midscreen starters are good.

As for the height thing I’ve already kind of explained it in past posts and a little bit in the first part of this one, it boils down to getting as close to the ground as possible to land an L after plasma beam.

And I suggest practicing against characters like nova, dante, sentinel, zero, dormammu, doom, and rocket raccoon. Those chars cover most of the different timings due to sizes, weights and fall speed. Nova has a weird fall speed, and dormammu is just a b**** to do tac combos on.

Thanks to TheNooby I’ve learned it too!

the trouble im having with the infinite is get the m m to work followed by plasma beam while you’re falling down, for some reason sometimes mm just comes out and not plasma beam, so i just land,
im doing the basic down, where you flight, mm add, mm add, pb gun, then mm plasma beam l,

its always random for me to the the plasma beam to connect,