Official Doctor Doom Infinite Thread #INFINITEDOOM

the side combo you posted is for the corner side.
The combo I was refering to is the “preferred method” but it doesn’t work on small characters… (I think) Any alternatives?

Side characters are a bitch to do the midscreen infinite on anyway, so I wouldn’t bother too much. For side corner, you can just ADDF instead and go straight into flight.

Honestly i dont think you can infinite characters like rr and joe with doom midscreen, i might be wrong but ive been trying to do so for about 30 minutes now. Which specific characters are you referring to though? Wolvy works and so does ammy

Hey guys, I’ve been trying to this infinite but I’m having some trouble.

Right after the :l: plasma beam, I can’t seem to get the timing right for the j.:l:. Do you guys have any tips for how to time it correctly? Am I supposed to wait until I see that the beam is done, or do I do it a little earlier?

The point of that setup is to remove the link.
You can just mash it afaik

Oh, ok thanks. So I can literally just hold up forward after I input the beam and hit :l: like 3 times?
EDIT: thanks again Rokmode, I can get the infinite going now.

Rokmode dabes


here is my infinites vid. i think these are the easiest ones.

try to learn doom tac stuff. would u ppl recommend i learn the regular tac combos or is it ok to just learn the infinite?

if u are gonna learn TAC stuff, and execution isn’t an issue, then why not learn the infinite since it always kills/builds a shit ton of meter? i mean u can just modify the enders into hypers if u really want to spend meter anyway. i’d wager that its fairly important to learn the TACs in all directions though.

i imagine execution will definitely be an issue. so i’d ideally want to start off with something easier (if thats even possible) or practical
edit: also i remember quotes and marlinpie having a discussion on the break stream and not sure if i remember correctly but it seems kyohei suggested to learn the regular TAC combos first instead of infinite. so i though i’d get a second opinion

neither option is simple imo, there are even easy infinites and hard infinites as well as easy TACs and hard TACs. my advice is learn the infinites. start with the easy variations first then learn the harder ones. u might as well if you are going to tAC. i really see no reason to use a TAC unless

  1. your point character can’t kill without it
  2. your team can really benefit from the meter (eg morrigan, dormammu, phoenix)

what is the “Hailmary” method?

also, which of the notations is this one?


are all the M’s hitting once?

Seriously tho is anyone going to finish filling in all of the points on the outline in the beginning. How do i end this thing if i don’t want to ITD(infinite till death)? and resets… etc?

hailmary method is the yolo addf or adf method after a tac, where you time how far the opponent is from the ground before you do an infinite.

you seriously need an notations? and no all the m’s are 1 hit, you can go for a 2 hit m and a 1 hit m at once but its not worth the risk

ADDF> L.Plasma Beam> J.L, J.L, J.M, J.M> F.Footdive ADF> J.L, J.M L.Plasma Beam




what enders can i do from the infinite? i never learned the tac combos. i just started and learned the basic tac infinite. whats a good way to end it besides the air photon array?

land :dp::h::dp::atk::atk: or j:s: into assist extensions.

out of curiosity, why don’t people use midscreen TAC side or up into 214L ADDF JM(FLY) into stuff?
The infinite is really easy to do if you use that instead?

My guess is because they saw MarlinPie do it in X way, so they never tried any other way.

it’s usually like that. Rokmode has had this thread with crazy-ass shit since the infinite was found out, but only now do you see people Beaming during their infinites.

I’m trying to do the infinite:

Laser, j.l (start infinite) nj.l nj.l, j.m, j.m

But the first medium wont connect after the l.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks!