Official Doctor Doom Infinite Thread #INFINITEDOOM

i cant believe how incredibly easy this combo is lol all our hard work trynna do a midscreen infinite and marlin does a simple and more practical version. Good shit though. I cant wait til people start doing this and commentators say “the marlin special”

the side exchange to medium seems to be a pretty tricky but maybe i’m messing up…
thanks for the combos!

also, marlin pie tac (current one I think)

Wanted to contribute, even though it probably isn’t needed.


do you land then tk the beam or do it before you land?
for the down tac

No, it’s just done from that same height. Otherwise, the opponent could tech out.

Also, noticed the Side and Up Midscreen setups don’t have video examples. Dunno if it’s just from a lack of updating the OP, but making some now (replaced my dumb Up TAC setup with the one in the OP now). If anyone’s interested, I could also post the Double Up, Double Side, 1 Up/1 Side, and 1 Side/Up examples, but they’re all the same as the regular Up TAC setup.

Wow didn’t even realize newtype posted all the variations midscreen. Goodshit
I just made this for no reason then haha.
It has inputs included though.
Sorry about the op. I’ve been kind of lazy lately >.< will try to update it very soon

It’s cool, I made this for no real reason.

ive applied the up hailmary exchange to a side exchange and found it to be much more easier, since when you side exchange the height you fall varies everytime depending on when you side exchange in the air.

Smart minds think alike :slight_smile:

last plasma beam before reps is not coming out. m xx m xx qcf + l. what gives? i have input display on and its showing the correct motion, and im definitely still in the air

u are out of air options good sir

all i did was one plasma beam from doom from up or side tac, then M’s to get to the ground. do air options carry over from before the TAC?(waits for mind to explode)

List the inputs for what you are doing

vjoe : h, d+h xx mp dp , h xx dj, h xx qcb+m, dash, h xx qcb+m, qcb+h, land s, m xx h xx dj, m xx h xx qcb+m, dash xx lp air joe, side tac…
doom: l xx l xx m xx m xx qcf+L, f+h xx addf, m(1) xx fly, m, m xx adf, m xx m xx add, m(1) xx m (1) xx qcf + L (begin infinite).

i always have input display on, and i do the qcf correctly, but the last plasma beam doesnt come out at all sometimes, and im definitely still in the air.

Okay so what’s happening is that flight has a fixed duration, but you can extend its duration with the last set of normals. Until you finish the set or normals, or until your drop the combo, the flight will not end. It’s why people use the jab jab m m enders in the corner. You are doing it too slow such that your 2 m’s are the last set of normals the game will let you do before the flight ends. You have to do it faster, so the 2 m’s aren’t counted as your last set of actions, allowing you to do the plasma beam. The best way to do this is to pause after the first plasma beam before you do h footdive. This lets you start your flight closer to the ground, so you have more time to put in the last set of m’s, allowing you to squeeze in the plasma beam.

i respect your signature. but i dont get the logic because i can jump into the air, fly, wait for it to run out, then l plasma beam as i fall down.

It’s difficult to explain. The game lets you input a final chain so to speak of normals before the flight expires. It’s why jab jab m m laser all works if you have even 0.1 second of flight left. They are all normals. In your created scenario, you are not extending the duration of flight with a chain of normals all comboing together, and your flight is actually ending first. The 2 m’s are keeping your flight alive, but you can’t input the plasma beam since you are within your last chain of normals, which doesn’t allow for specials. If you do it faster or allow yourself less distance to the ground by delaying stuff, then you will not encounter this problem because you will have time before you enter that special final chain of normals zone.

since the reps of the midscreen infinite dont require flight, i was assuming that i would want to time it so that i was doing the last plasma beam of the setup RIGHT after flight ended, to make linking the j.l easier as i landed. but it makes sense that since flight is included in the setup, i actually have to time the last plasma beam as flight is about to end, but not after. thanks.

for the midscreen up and corner side tacs, i have found that the starter (delay m add m) doesn’t work on smaller characters.
Does anybody know an alternative starter?

for side- lightx2, medium x2 both 1 hit
idk what combo you are doing for up but the now preferred method is delay 1 hit from medium> ADD> medium >L.plasma beam. This or the hailmary method. See above videos for more guidance.