Now you can become one of us. The Jill Valentine Team Building Thread

So Im a newb when it comes to Jill. Ive been labbing Jill/Sent/Arthur. What do yall think of the team? You got Sent with drones for the lock down, strong DHC, and infinite. Arthur is there for the slow traveling daggers for left right teleport mix ups and CRAY CRAY anchor. Any players I can watch that plays this team or a combination of them? I saw a bit of CorkyJays footage and the drones confirms with Jill are awesome! I definitely have a ways to go to get to that level. But anyways, what do yall think if the team on paper?

^ well sentinel and arthur both serve the same purpose (horizontal mix-up pressure) for jill and outside of zoning there isnt much syngery between sent and arthur for when jill goes down. i’d switch out one of the 2 for either a more reliable/effective shell to fall back on, preferably a 3rd with a different pressure option, or anti-air to cover her air weaknesses

Well I keep the order because I get a easy infinite off all direction with IronMan Infinite and its almost always a guarantee 4/5 bars which mean 4/5 mgs+drones for mix-ups :open_mouth: Also I still get raw tag repulsorSpread Repulsor Spread.So like I said I didn’t really lose much tbh

That team isn’t very good.
Jill gets absolutely nothing from Viewtiful Joe in the neutral and she does more damage combo wise without utilizing his bomb assist as an OTG anyway.
Jill’s better with Spitfire assist over log-trap since it supplements her neutral game, extends combos, creates safe resets, and doesn’t use her walllbounce i.e log trap
VJ gets absolutely nothing of worth from Jill.
Kusoru shell is outdated and obselete. No one really falls for it.

Arthur/Sent is redudant as they both cover the same niche for Jill. Drop one of the two. Arthur anchor is really not that great. His only upside in Xfactor 3 and Golden Armor makes him a time bomb, and even then competant opponents can easily just evade him. Pick up an anti-air assist instead.

Read this thread or the 5 other ones. Seriously.

Sucks to hear, perhaps it was tournament nerves? I’ve been playing a large amount of Jill/Strider/RR and Jill/RR/Strider and I’m really digging the shell. Jill gets MASSIVE mixups and combos off of Spitfire and spitifre makes hitconfirms that shouldn’t normally grant combos have combos (full screen arrow kick confirms). Plus, it really helps her unblockable game.

Instead of playing a close game at the Start of round gambit, you have to play a bit of a mid range.

Arthur/Sent is redudant as they both cover the same niche for Jill. Drop one of the two. Arthur anchor is really not that great. His only upside in Xfactor 3 and Golden Armor makes him a time bomb, and even then competant opponents can easily just evade him. Pick up an anti-air assist instead.

Although I disagree with the statement that Arthur Sent is Redundant just for the sheer fact that it just means you are going to make sure she has a strong ground game rather then having a anti-air, I do have to say that you could probably try replacing arthur with Dante for the Jam Session Anti air and you get a much better anchor,Solid Raw Tag combo, Safe DHC,easy infinite. But this come with a huge loss which is that your jill will struggle immensely in the mid/long range game due to the fact that you dont have a beam/horizontal assist. That being said you either Try and build up on your ground game with Sent Arthur assist and just tuff it out vs the hard air base character match-ups similar to me, or you can have a lockdown assist with a anti air but struggle vs mid/long range zoning fights.

While i appreciate and admire my fellow Jill players, I seriously scratch my head at the one that refuse to set Jill up with an anti-air. Jill has an amazing ground game but if she can reach her opponent it’s pointless to play her imo. Paulo as great as his Jill is can be lamed out because he wont pick an anti - air for her. I get not everyone wants Strider/Doom/Dante on their team but you players that wont adapt will continue to get so frustrated playing her. Trust me i know, i needed to split my team from JillStormStrange to JillIronmanStrider and MorriganStormDoom.

Well honestly it just depends. I personally never found jam session or missiles that useful for Jill as an anti air. Vajra can be really good but it only really shines in certain match-ups (doom, firebrand, trish etc). It all depends on what you want out of your Jill team. Do you want to emphasize her strong ground game or do you want to try to chose assists that cover her weaknesses?

I just try to pick my Jill team based on what I will need in the match-up. Sadly there is no such thing as a optimal Jill team. Jill always wants an anti-air, a lock-down, a projectile assist and a reset assist. Some assists cover multiple needs, but you can’t really have everything.

For me I look at a Jill team as a team that gives her as much as she can get while still being able to stand once shes gone. I agree with @AdmiralParmesan there no such thing as the best team for Jill because she has soo many flaws so I just try to enhance what I already know is her best attribute which is her ground game.Like all the match-ups you named that Jill gets a easier time with vajra are all characters that have such a wide variety and arsenal that can blow up strider its not funny. Doom (Melecular Shield Sphere Flame,Air M,Launcher) Trish (Air H, maximum Voltage,ground trap,launcher) Firebrand (Launcher,Up fireball,Air S).

Not really, I don’t really get tournament nerves. I was just up for 4 hours without picking up a controller, and I needed to get my 22+s practices in before that.

I love the shell as well and that full screen confirm is the shit, I just feel that I don’t have much of a neutral assist with this shell as rocks, doom beam, disruptor, etc blows me up instantly. I have an anti air assist, and a mixup assist, where the anti air assist can act as a mixup assist as well. I generally play mid screen game anyway, as I am too reliant on somersaults and from up close I get blown up more often than not on feral’s startup.

What have you found out with this shell? I’m reaching the point where I don’t have many things new anymore, definitely nothing game breaking or broken that can level out the playing field a bit against all the other broken shit out there.

When I was practicing Jill my team was Jill/Task(up arrows)/Strange(bolts). Up arrows was a great anti air as well as a bad otg but I was able to like one otg combo of it, plus strange/task thc would allow me to go into loops if they were in the corner.

Gonna try out some Jill/Ironman/Strange, wish me luck guys.

Good luck :slight_smile:

I bet I could learn a lot about jill/ironman from you corky lol.

I’ve recently made a switch to rocket with my jill team (jill/rr/hawkeye). I know there’s been some chatter about if they’d work well or how to. I just uploaded some footage in the jill vids section if anyone is curious to see some jill coon action

Sorry for the late reply, but I’ve been grinding out skullgirls. Lamuness, mind posting some of your recent gameplay so I can see what you’re having trouble with? That’s far more time effective than me posting paragraphs on things you may already be utilizing

I haven’t found a good way to record stuff since I’ve gotten a new capture card. I will look into it more. Since UNIEL came out the Marvel scene at UCI has been dying a bit, but I’ll try to get some footage. If I play a long set against my friends, I’ll upload it.

But if you’ve found some cool stuff, it’d be a nice reminder of some of the stuff I have forgot about. Maybe I’ll post a video on the tech that I’ve found.

Mr.Whelan, I’m looking to trying that team. There’s no vertical assist, but getting in might be more worthwhile. My Hawkeye sucks though.

Log trap actually works as an anti-air assist with its arch. plus with it being wall bounce, converting of it can be confusing but its also reminiscent of jill’s own wall-bounce based combos

Well I tried out Jill/IM/Strange and I didn’t like IM and Jill together much cause its just too honest, lol. I felt I needed something more cheap. I didn’t quit IM though especially not after I lab’d his air to ground conversion combos. I actually practiced those before any thing.

These are the Jill teams I’m currently messing with…

Jill/Modok/Sent (original team)

That’s pretty much it, I messed with Jill Dante Strange as well and although I like Dante I don’t feel like learning him lol. Jill/Strange is fun though.

Dante is hella fun though Dunamis! Learning him and what he can do makes it even better for the team.

Yeah he is fun its just that I only want to have 2 teams, and I don’t feel like he fits with the characters I like. I probably won’t main strange anyway since I love Shuma more than him.

I did forget the other team I was in the lab with (I’ll edit the post above), I may make a short video soon with some Jill tech I’m working on, showcasing what she can do with various characters.

Now that I figured some things out with Jill/Shuma I’m testing my findings with other characters. I’ll get back to you guys with a video.