Jill has some of the worst traits for overall team synergy in the game lol. I can’t think of any good characters that don’t mesh extremely well with neither of Doom/Ammy or Doom/Strider lol.
What about rocks instead of plasma beam?
Jill has some of the worst traits for overall team synergy in the game lol. I can’t think of any good characters that don’t mesh extremely well with neither of Doom/Ammy or Doom/Strider lol.
What about rocks instead of plasma beam?
Yeah Jill doesn’t get along with hardly any of the top tier characters lol
Rocks causes knockdown as well. Same issue as Plasma beam. I mean those assists are fantastic for clearing the screen, and rocks can be great for stopping rushdown…and if you realllllllly want to learn confirms off of plasma / rocks, go for it…I just dont personally advise it.
Jill Doom Strider can be good its just like the biggest fear you have is people who know how to snipe/counter the assist but once you get use to placing it better it works better for jill. Btw if you ever wanna convert off plasma beam just go into flip kick loops makes it alot easier
I’ve been messing around with Modok/Jill/Strider in the lab. I really like the lockdown that strider provides for both characters, especially modok. I may just switch out doom for strider. I like what doom can do for me but not so much him as a character, but I guess that goes for strider too lol.
With strider on my team I may be able to run the bomb assist for dok. Psionic blaster assist is okay for Jill but its a bit slow and travels too high too use in resets especially against wolverine. If modok dies I also feel that a Jill/strider shell would be better to have than a Jill/doom with missiles. Its easier to protect strider IMO than doom standing there at the the bus stop launching missiles.
I’m not a big fan of Doom missiles with Jill. Yeah it gives you a pretty decent lock down assist and it works well with combo extending, but Jill doesn’t really have the tools (besides MGS) to protect doom from characters that can snipe assist. She also has a hard time converting off of people who’ve been hit super jump height by missiles. But maybe it works better with modok then it does with jill and it is definitely a better shell then Jill/Strider.
^ kinda agree, I used to use missiles but realized they don’t help as much as they do others. The only situation I’d use them is if they help the other character_that_much. I’m using doom rocks now.
Yeah, I’ve been using the moons shell more recently trying to just say “the hell with it” and use the mutt (ammy). I ended up not really liking the ninja on point, he got a little boring for me. I guess I could switch between missiles and coldstar. That assist is so dirty for both Jill and dok.
I would use cold star if I could use or liked the mutt… That assist is so freakin godly…
PS: Wish me luck guys, I’m heading out to Civil War 6 tomorrow. Hopefully I can show the world that Jill isn’t complete ass…
What Jill team are you gonna rock?
I was going to go Jill/Dante/Hawkeye but i don’t think my hawkeye is ready yet for a tourney… I’ll try it out and see how well it works, but from the looks of things, I might have to use another team with Jill…
I lost guise @-@ Jill doesn’t prevail this year…
Double post
Dammit initial… (Throws drink)
Well at least Jill/Modok/Ammy seems to be working out better for me than Doom as anchor. The lockdown is too real for her with cold star, resets all day.
Jill / Ammy is absolutely untapped. I think I mentioned it as one of her most underutlized assists a few pages back. When people talk about Jill, people typically dont mention ammy as her best assist. Most mention Iron Man, Strider, Bolts and Drones.
Cold Star is hella real. An option that is also viable is Jill (whatever) / Dante (Weasel) / Strider (Vajra).
Weasel isnt as long duration wise as cold star, but it slightly farther range…and it leaves you with Dante / Strider, which is straight retarded in its own right. The only problem is a lack of conventionally “easy” TAC infinite. Dante can do it…its just much easier to drop than say, Iron Man.
I’ve been using Jill/Dante for the longest… I switch between Jam session and weasel shot from time to time, but it works wonders for mix ups.
Most people know my opinions on Jill / Jam Session…Jill / Weasel is fantastic though. The only real downside is that it doesnt have much durability / "clear the screen"ability. It also doesnt reach full screen, but oh well. Its still really good.
Yeah I use the beam assist with dok cause even after a throw I don’t need the bomb when i have coldstar assist. on wake up they can eat a distanced coldstar assist call. And then they have to pray. All my characters have a TAC infinite as well so its so good. Ammys is easy too. Its almost like moons team cause nova gets you pinned and then your dead lol. With Jill its just as deadly.
If I could use the dog I would. Jill / RR / Ammy is the best shell for what I want to do.