Now you can become one of us. The Jill Valentine Team Building Thread

You also forgot something. Wolvie has Drill Claw. Wolvie having Drill Claw is the sole reason why I would consider him better then Jill besides the damage and his derp

Why does Drill Claw change the comparison that match?

Personally The main reason I think Jill isn’t as good as wolvie is mostly that wolvie has a better air game. Wolverine can actually convert air to airs at any height due to drill claw and dive kick. The option select dive kick is really a powerful tool in addition to his derpy normals and better ability to convert off of grabs.

But other than that I agree with the notion Jill should be played in a patient style, at least for some match-ups. Some characters you can go ham on, and other character/assist combos make you play in a respectful way. Against a good opponent you need to read your opponents habits. Some players like to mash buttons on wake up, some call assists all the time on wake up and some players just guard etc.

Man i’ve been trying all morning, and i’m at a complete lost. I don’t think Jill can reach 750k without assist… =/ Now unless we find some game breaking property on one of her moves, I don’t think Jill will ever have a 750k combo by herself simply because her attacks lacks the hitstun to get that far along without the opponent popping out. Not to mention she gets hit hard with damage scaling…

I believe in 750K !

So I played a few matches yesterday, mostly because I arrived late. I’ve been studying how Jwong and Y2Jay use Wolverine, and it’s quite apparent that having a lockdown assist helps greatly. Having one like tatsu that works as a GTFO assist is better, but working with what I have, being more deliberate in going in has saved me a ton of deaths. That being said, I feel Wolverine’s pressure once he has you in block stun is something that’s pretty hard to break out of. I never have enough time to get into feral / somersault. Playing other players, though, I didn’t have much of a hard time, but Wolverine is nasty.

One thing about the points that you’ve made, sure you can compare Berserker Charge to Mad Beast, but he doesn’t get locked out of his most essential move like Jill does. Imagine if Berserker Charge locked Drill Claw, or Berserker Slash. Regardless, we’re making progress :slight_smile: I believe in a broken Mad Beast setup.

I don’t think Vajra and Unibeam are the only choices for Jill. I think that Unibeam isn’t the best horizontal assist for her or Vajra is the best vertical either. In my opinion, Triple Arrow and Cold Star are much better than Unibeam, and Hidden Missiles are better than Vajra.

You guys may not know, but I often go to the lab and have some match tests with a lot of teams for Jill. I was using Jill (Arrow Kick)/ Akuma (Tatsu)/ Hawkeye (Triple Arrow). This sinergy is pretty good, but Akuma as a 2nd char isn’t easy to deal with.

Now I’m tryin Jill (Somersault)/ Strange (Daggers)/ Hawkeye (Tripple Arrow) and I pretty much rely on this team potential.

Daggers is kind of weird assist but his delayed offense is pretty great for Jill. It tracks the opponent, so it provides some anti air options. Not mentionting you can combo out of Jill’s throws with it; DHC to flame loops and so on.

Well, there is the fact I yet suck with Strange. hehe

I really like my Jill/ Spencer/ Hawkeye team, but I recognize only one assist for neutral game is bad for Jill. When I get one hit, combo reseting is pretty easy with Slant Shot, though, and DHC to Maneuvers is excellent.

I don’t know how to keep on with Jill now. I’m investing most of my time on Nova because he is such an easy char and great against Mags and Zeros… I really wanted to keep using Jill/ Hawkeye, but I don’t get great results with this duo anymore. I feel pretty bad because I love them, but the overall level has increased and I’m kind of stucked, you know? Dunno if this is lack of dedication, but it frustrates me a lot.

It seems like I have to choose between Jill/ Hawkeye (having fun) or Nova/ Spencer (going for results).

I really wanted you guys to say something on this… Sould I keep Jill/ Hawkeye? What chars may I use? Which tips d you have for me?

Thanks a lot and sorry for my poor english hehe

Ah, just one more thing I wanted to say:

Don’t use Vajra for Jill. It sucks. hehe

I still personally think that Unibeam is better than any other assist for horizontal coverage. While triple arrow is faster, unibeam has more active frames, more durability, and allows not only for a “Get in” assist, but is also extremely easy to use for resets. It also covers a bigger space than triple arrow. It also gives access to a really realllllly good THC.

Certain assists may be better in one or two aspects (ie Cold Star for lockdown), but Unibeam is the best all around by far (in my opinion)

Also, doom missiles for JIll isn’t as good as Vajra simply because Jill doesn’t have the tools to protect doom from full screen projectiles, while strider is normally out of the way unless you have a bad assist call. Also, Jill has a hard time converting combos off of doom missiles from certain heights just like Vajra… So honestly speaking, they are pretty much the same.

What about Jill/Task (parabolic o vertical)/hawkeye? ?? Paulo

Dante, Raccoon can help too!

I also personally think that Strider is the best assist in the game for Jills reset options. It covers all tech options, all the time, and its safe. It also doesnt scale since its one hit.

I think what Paulow is getting at is, she probably doesn’t need any vertical assist, since most of the time, you should be controlling the ground. Think about it this way, I feel Jill is a Wolverine 2.0, and he doesn’t / can’t use vajra very well. Probably better off using another character that will help horizontally.

I like Vajra because of the tracking, but I’m running into the same problem that Paulow is running into and that is, only having 1 assist for neutral. I’m thinking of running Hawkeye/Unibeam or Akuma, I’ll have to test it out. I love raccoon so I can’t get rid of him.

I rather like Paulow’s approach of simply tagging out to someone who can handle an aerial character as they try to do their thing, and giving Jill stronger ground control assists.

It is what the other guy was saying earlier, and it makes since honestly speaking. I might look more into it myself.

I was preaching that Jill didnt need Vajra 100% and could tag out like 6 months ago lol. Back then everyone except paulo disagreed with me -_-

Although I DO think that Jill is only truly optimized with Unibeam, but thats just me.

It may have been you at that time who got me to think the same, actually.

I have Strider and I don’t even use him for anti air. He’s too fragile and I can’t protect him. He’s freaking awesome for resets and that’s what I use him for. It would change all of my mixups if I didn’t have him.

I think Vajra in general is going to become weaker the more people actually work to punish it. FChamp is actually the only person I see who consistently punishes Vajra for good damage.

I still think Vajra is her best reset assist and makes the team in general less front heavy…but I dont use him on my current team. Makes my ground game less threatening, and I play against missiles a lot. Missiles assist practically hard counters Vajra =/


Lamu, think you could PM me and share some raccoon tech? Ive recently made a team where hes on anchor instead of in the second slot and I could use some anchor raccoon tech if you know of any! Raccoon is SO good at preserving a lead its not even funny and in my experience he does pretty well vs solo vergil if raccoon has meter.

It is a very good idea! Dante and Raccoon are the best 2nd chars to put on my Jill/ Hawkeye Duo, acctually.

But I don’t like Jam Session as well. And it doen’t make any sense to choose Weasel Shot as a I got triple arrow already.
Maybe Raccoon with Spitfire is better.