Now you can become one of us. The Jill Valentine Team Building Thread

Played @NonSexualRice today. Got bodied. Apparently I haven’t improved at all. Still suck. Ggs, playing you humbles me every time. Back to guilty gear and AE. Trying to learn Millia, Zappa, and Baiken x_x

Played @NonSexualRice good set man close matches. That Jill on Jill action is too insane like watching DBZ :stuck_out_tongue:

So I finally made the choice and switched my team to Jill/Dante/Strider and I must say… This team is pretty freakin godly. Jill with Weasel shot is not bad at all, not only does it function as a lock down assist, it’s huge horizontal hit box acts somewhat like a “beam” and with Dante jumping back out of harms way, jill doesn’t really have to worry to much about protecting Dante or HAPPY BIRTHDAYS! Varja assist is good as always helping her with her horrible air control. The team does some pretty decent damage, with 800k being the lowest and maybe most consistent amount of damage with two bars (the team gains and uses bar like mad though), and dante LOVES strider as a assist just in case jill gets bopped. Also the DHCs between the team members are pretty good too. All-in-all, the team is very solid, I just need to get better with Dante/Strider and i’ll be okay!

Im playing Jill Doom Sent Forever that team is soo strong. Good Ground Game,MGS+Drones is good to keep aerial people grounded for a while, TAC Infinite,Vortexes, good Meter build, and very good damage.Just gotta work on my Doom and Sent and i should be good

Overall, what is the better shell for Jill:

Jill / Strider


Jill / Ammy

Im having a very tough time deciding between the two. Once im able to decide on whether I want Strider anchor or Ammy anchor, I can more easily decide who I want the middle character to be. Thanks for any input.

@SCO_Zero Who is the middle character?

Ignoring the middle character though, strider will probably end up being the better assist, since it helps deals with Jill’s massive issue with airborne opponents… Unless you’re running something like Jam Session for your mid, then you wouldn’t need strider… Also strider is a stronger anchor then Ammy.

Yeah I have to agree with initial. Strider is not only a stronger anchor but he also covers jill’s problem areas better.

I feel like they’re both good, as they both have the same problems as anchor. It just depends on what you want to use it for.

Personally, I would love to run Ammy, but I can’t play her worth a crap. If people are in the air and being an annoyance, yeah sure, Vajra will help bring them down, but they have to come down eventually anyway and you get zero confirms off of a clean vajra hit, unless you were already somersaulting or flip kicking. Ammy just makes it so that being on the ground is dangerous in itself. The only problem with Ammy is that if you do get a hit off of coldstar assist, you’ll be hard pressed to find a good combo that breaks 600k, and depending if they were in the air or not, you have to massively cut your combo short.


This just gave me an idea that I should be working on. And that is, practice confirming off SJ height with vajra. I gotta find my options.

Decided on using Jill / Dante (Weasel Shot).

Weasel shot is out for less time which means Dante is less vulnerable. It also reaches farther than Cold Star, so certain resets I have work with it that dont work with Cold Star.

I also feel that Dante is a very strong and underrated anchor and is on par with Ammy (in general).

My only issue now is finding a third character to pair with them. If im looking at an optimal pair for Dante, Strider is the obvious choice as he benefits Jill as well…that being said, it doesnt give me a good “get in” option. Im toying with the team of Jill / Iron Man / Dante. This gives Jill access to unibeam, and a TAC infinite. Iron Mans unibeam DOES scale to hell and back, but im still able to get a reset that nets me about 1mil total, assuming I dont TAC or DHC.

Ive got other characters im in the lab with as well. Will post updates.

I’m not sure about Unibeam and weasel shot, as you’re throwing both horizontal assists. Unibeam is good enough for lockdown, so I think if you were going to run Ironmang, you might want to run Jam instead.

I know that Uni can lock down as well as help Jill get in, but I would rather have 2 assists I can use for lockdown / resets. Jam Session is pretty bad for resets in my experience, whereas Weasel Shot is amazing for them.

For example, if I use Unibeam to get in and I land a hit off of it, my combo is going to be scaled a good bit, so im going to be forced to reset (or DHC). If I am using Weasel Shot with Dante, Im able to get that reset and net 1mil+ total. With Jam Session, im not able to do that (unless I reset them in the air which isnt ideal).

I completely understand the conventional reasons for using Uni for ground control, then Jam for Vertical control / lockdown…but as most of us know, Jills confirms from the air can be awkward, especially off of Jam Session.

My idea is this:

Either I have complete ground control (Unibeam + Weasel Shot), which is where Jill shines most


I have some ground control + vertical control (notable using Vajra). This absolutely helps Jill in some key matchups, but its at the cost of losing SOME ground control.

If I have to choose, I personally prefer having my Jill retain complete ground domination instead of her having mediocre air control and above average ground control.

Jam session is a great reset tool depending on when it is used dude. Having two lock down Assist while ignoring Jill’s issue with Airborne opponents makes certain match-ups harder then they should be, when you can make them less annoying and difficult with the right assist. Especially when all they have to do to avoid said lock down outside a block string is super jump. Having Jam session or Varja isn’t specifically used to combo afterwards, but mainly to make opponents weary of staying in the air and taking unnecessary damage.

As I said, I can mitigate airborne issues by simply switching to X character, which, as of right now, is Iron Man.

Either way, the opponent has to come down eventually. When they do, I make sure they come down into X assist, then go for mixups combined with alternating assist calls. No one blocks more than 2 mixups from Jill.

I understand that one is not intended to combo from Vajra with Jill, namely because its difficult to do in most practical situations. That being said, one of the big reasons that Jam Session is such an incredible assist for MOST characters is because they can convert off of it pretty easily. Zero…Mags…Vergil…Doom…etc.

Im not trying to ignore what has been mentioned about Jills issue with aerial opponents. Im fully awake of this, but I really dont like Jam Session with Jill. Yes…it helps her vs certain characters…but it also weakens her ground game to an extent, especially if shes not right in your face…and I still dont really think Jam is good for ground reset options unless they neutral tech. Air resets, yes, Jam is pretty good…but Jill prefers ground resets / tech chase situations.

If you could link me to a video showing good ground resets with Jam, id be more than happy to check it out. Regarding Vajra, I already mentioned that I know its a fantastic tool for Jill, but I feel like no matter what team composition, Jill is going to suffer in one area be it lockdown assist, aerial control, or horizontal control. I would prefer to just start a character instead of Jill to deal with X bad matchup.

I also mentioned before that Im working with other characters in the training room and that my team isnt 100% set in stone yet. Iron Man may be switched out…hell, Dante may even be switched out. Im not positive yet, but I have a good idea of what I want, and im liking Jill / Weasel Shot a lot so far.

My old Jill team was Jill / Raccoon / Strider…so I have experience with the Jill / Strider shell. I would use this again, or some form of Jill / Raccoon, but raccoon has his own damage output issues unless I put him on anchor, which would be Jill / __________ / Raccoon.

With that in mind, I dont know who I would like in the second slot. Ive got some tinkering to do.

Edit 2:
Just to make it clear, I really dont intend to come across as being cocky or difficult. Im sorry If I have come across like this…I dont mean to be. Im just trying to articulate my thoughts and determining if someone is being sincere or not can be misconstrued through an internet forum…so im sorry if ive come across as being pretentious, or douchy. Just thought I would put it out there before/if anyone takes offense.

I don’t think anyone on this forum will take offense, mostly because most of us are trying to make her shine as much as the next guy. We’re not like, say, the Strider forum where people talk shit for no reason. It’s also good to have some discussion again, since this forum kind of went to sleep for a while.

As far as complete ground control, try it out. I’ve said it before, and I think that Jill / IM / Sent would be the best team as far as control. It’s all ground control, but it has everything she needs for when the opponent comes down.

My team has always been Jill / RR / Strider, and yes RR has some damage issues, but he hits 700k on his own. Something that Jill can’t do without a specific setup. He also makes up for it being mobile and small.

I have to have Raccoon on any team that I play, and so if I were to use Jill on point, I’d run Jill / Unibeam / Log Trap. Spitfire works too, but I haven’t had time to test it out with IM / spitfire. I’ve tried out a bunch of combinations, and with the characters I play, I feel like this is the best match. I’ve tinkered with Jill / Shield Slash / Log, which works out to some extent, but I hardly feel it’s optimal. If you do figure out something with Jill / x / RR, let me know. I’m still trying to find one too. Unfortunately all of my resets require Vajra because of forward rolling bullshit.

When they are at super jump hight I usually call strider as I’m feral dashing around. If you are already in feral stance somersault is really easy to confirm into combo with. If you aren’t in feral stance I would suggest cartwheel personally. It won’t give you an optimal combo since you use your groundbounce but cartwheel has a lot of active frames and you won’t have to worry about adjusting for height like if you used flip kick to confirm.

I would totally use Sent because I actually like Sent…mostly due to MvC2 nostalgia, but I digress. The problem is he stays out FOREVER and Jill cant cover him in any way shape or form =/. I use spitfire with Raccoon because its very similar to drones but comes out faster and raccoon is much less vulnerable due to his size. Its also got very respectable durability. It cancels out Dooms plasma beam assist surprisingly.

Going to work with Jill / _____ / Raccoon today actually. Ill let you know if I figure out anything. Got a lot of interesting character choices in mind.

@ zero

Maybe try one of these teams. jill/dante (weasel shot)/strider, Jill/ironman/RR (log), Jill/dante/hawkeye or maybe Jill/ironman/dante (jam session). I personally have been using Jill/hawkeye/strider which I enjoy but it is very lacking in DHC synergy and both hawkeye and strider are meter hogs.

Sadly there is not a real perfect or optimal Jill team. She really needs a projectile assist to get in, a lockdown assist for mixups and something to deal with aerial opponents. Having a good THC is also a great feature for her too yet you can’t really have all these options in one team :frowning:

I really want to try Jill / RR / Hawkeye or some combination of that. It might work. So far this is what I’ve gathered:

Jill / Cap / RR - two point characters that benefit from Log. Shield slash goes both ways and turns around depending on when he’s called. Low hitstun. Unsafe DHC but does about 260k with max scaling. RR / Cap is good, but not that great, nor is Cap / Jill
Jill / IM / RR - Great support for Jill. Unibeam gets you in. Log helps with parts of the screen, and comes out at the same time to make mixups ambiguous. One of the highest damage DHCs you can get with max scaling, but unsafe. Unsure about IM / RR shell, however RR / IM is really good.
Jill / IF / RR - Funny if you run dragon touch. Reset from any touch will kill. Tons of damage thru DHC, but unsafe. Spitfire is great for IF.
Jill / Spencer / RR - Jill / Spencer has great synergy, watch anything by paulow3b. I just don’t know what I can do with Spencer / RR. DHC is relatively safe, damaging but you don’t get any maneuvers extensions, but maybe I need to use spitfire.
Jill / Sent / RR - DHCs strong, generally safe. I never spent much time with this team, so I can’t tell you about it. Jill / Sent has really strong mixups.
Jill / RR / Ammy - One of the best ground control. I suck with Ammy so I haven’t used it. RR / Ammy is a great shell. I think this is one of Jill’s best teams.
Jill / Chun / RR - Kikosho is great. Not sure about all her assists though. Chun / RR is pretty good too.

One team I really want to try as well is Jill / Dorm / RR. But Jill gets almost nothing from Dark Hole because it drops them out in a strange way. I don’t know how to use it yet. But Dorm / RR is a great shell.

uhh…I guiz…I was messing around with resets and Idk exactly how / why it works, but I was able to combo into a throw…its not a hit confirm into a throw, but…umm…well, Ill post a video I guess.

Has this been known already though? That its possible to “combo” into a ground throw? Im not talking about her command throw either. Just a regular ground throw. Not really beneficially for Jill, but maybe its something that someone could explore further and open up a new technique with other characters? Ill upload the video now.

Yeah, it’s weird. I’ve seen it with Wesker. My friend hits disruptor at the same time Wesker hits his command throw, and they’re all purple. It’s weird. It’s just a bug.